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Old 23rd September 2009, 14:53   #3571
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Originally Posted by SPEEDY_RACER View Post
Hi Team,

just read in the news paper that there was an accident near Kurnool(AP) ,
That Van is one mangled mess. Speeding Scorpio with relatives of a Minister, I guess this case will be closed quickly.

Poor Youths, such a young age. RIP.

That Maruti Omni should be banned from Roads, the Most Unsafe vehicle on Indian Roads IMO.
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Old 23rd September 2009, 15:24   #3572
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The pics are gruesome!! Just a look at the facial expressions tells the horror that these poor souls faced. I think Omni's should no longer be allowed on our highways

Time and again we have noticed that Scorpio/SUV owners behave as if they own the roads. When will road sense and common sense prevail? :(
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Old 24th September 2009, 14:41   #3573
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Originally Posted by Spitfire View Post
Helmet rule, seatbelt rule, speed regulation all this is treating the symptoms.

Its another farce that the moron riding a bike doesn't fasten the helmet, or the seatbelts are worn where there are cops or the speedo meter in the cars/trucks don't work.
Enforcement is the Key.

But, who's there to enforce?

This afternoon, in EPIP Whitefield, I saw a long TN Registered truck carrying TWO containers in tandem - and 40% of the rear container was outside the truck's platform

This truck is moving in front of the "Police" station in Whitefield !
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Old 24th September 2009, 14:45   #3574
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Originally Posted by Tempelhof View Post
This truck is moving in front of the "Police" station in Whitefield !
If we go by the "Ban the Omni" rule the truck is liable to be banned because of this. How the hell can the truck agree to carrying 2 containers that are longer then itself. How very wrong of the said truck to do that. I am sure the driver/owner/police are not to be blamed here but the truck and its manufacturer.

Having said that the Omni is a unsafe vehicle on our roads. Period. Not because of its design but because of our shortsightedness towards safety on Indian roads.

For crying out loud we don't even yet have safety standards.

Last edited by Spitfire : 24th September 2009 at 14:48.
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Old 24th September 2009, 16:24   #3575
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Law enforcement is a JOKE! cops have no idea most of the safety standards...if the law is properly enforced half of the vehicle population will be off the road...

anyhow but i guess there is something called common sense which i dont see given much prominence by people... overloading thier vehicles no matter what type the vehicle is, over-speeding these days most of the vehicles an do decent speeds....etc
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Old 25th September 2009, 02:01   #3576
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Originally Posted by Spitfire View Post
If we go by the "Ban the Omni" rule the truck is liable to be banned because of this. How the hell can the truck agree to carrying 2 containers that are longer then itself. How very wrong of the said truck to do that. I am sure the driver/owner/police are not to be blamed here but the truck and its manufacturer.

Having said that the Omni is a unsafe vehicle on our roads. Period. Not because of its design but because of our shortsightedness towards safety on Indian roads.

For crying out loud we don't even yet have safety standards.
Originally Posted by lohithrao View Post
Law enforcement is a JOKE! cops have no idea most of the safety standards...if the law is properly enforced half of the vehicle population will be off the road...

anyhow but i guess there is something called common sense which i dont see given much prominence by people... overloading thier vehicles no matter what type the vehicle is, over-speeding these days most of the vehicles an do decent speeds....etc
I second both of the above, the OMNI is a very badly designed car, As far as the trucks are concerned I blame the manufacturers for making open trucks that can be overload as desired, I saw this accident once where a standing truck tilted over a tractor just dude to its overloaded weight.
The manufactures also do have a responsibility towards the public.

All trucks and vans should be boxed and have gates...this way the goods are safer and the truck cannot be overloaded by stupid, greedy owners and transporters. Rather this should be a law, instead of posting ads and posters and advising these greedy people and try to reason with them, don't give them a choice.(this is where the manufactures come in)

TATA trucks are the worst...they look ugly and inspire negative feelings.
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Old 25th September 2009, 08:38   #3577
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Originally Posted by TORQUED View Post
TATA trucks are the worst...they look ugly and inspire negative feelings.
Boy, where did that come from ? Leyland are no prettier.
And what does the Dzire make you feel sir ? No offenses but couldn't help myself.
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Old 25th September 2009, 08:41   #3578
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Originally Posted by prince_pervez View Post
And what does the Dzire make you feel sir ? No offenses but couldn't help myself.
OT: I saw a box cut in half behind which it was written 'Ritz' - have you seen this contraption?
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Old 25th September 2009, 12:40   #3579
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I saw a toad without an *** yesterday. My friend said it's an A-Star!
Anyways, Torqued, seems like you got a bit carriend away in the FEELINGS.
If it were upto me, leave 12, I won't even put 1 human in an Omni! Very very unsafe vehicle it is!
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Old 25th September 2009, 15:58   #3580
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For past few months at least on Mumbai - Navi Mumbai highways I am finding some disconcerting road habits which are going to take lives soon :

a) More and more heavy vehicles with protruding iron rods and similar items being driven without any danger lights on the back being driven with impunity. Cannot imagine what would happen if someone trailing does not spot these in time if sudden brake is applied.

b) People (especially bikers) driving on the opposite lane just to avoid a roundabout U turn. Personally I had to take emergency action to avoid head on collision atleast twice in the Kalamboli. area in the night time.
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Old 25th September 2009, 21:11   #3581
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What I feel is that there is a general lack of interest / concern to one's own safety leave alone others on the road. People probably are dying to take risks without realising that they'd end up as a lump if caught unawares.

I see people corssing the road as if it were just the passageway in the house.
Add to it, they face the direction opposite of oncoming vehicles, so its like "I care a damn who's coming at me" attitude.

Bike riders, getting callous by the day. Couldnt care lesser for their lives and their own good.

Autos & cabs, the lesser said the better.

Is it just me or does anyone here agree with my thought?
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Old 25th September 2009, 22:00   #3582
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Oops! I don't think the tyre on the first pic looks good to me! (if I am wrong forgive my bad eyesight!) The front left in the picture does not look to be in good condition! It may not have caused the incident, but still, I wouldn't run them till they are that bare! Hmm maybe Im just paranoid lol!

Originally Posted by aaggoswami View Post
1) A few pictures I took during my return journey today. I saw the car here while I was going to destination in the morning too, but mom did not allow me to take images. Note that overall, I had seen a total of four accidnets today. Not seen, but seen the remains of vehicles that were involved in crash.

2) I dont know how this corsa managed to crash. This is high speed impact for sure. The roads here are quite wide, smooth. this crash is due to driver error for sure. All tyres were in good condition visibily i.e. none of the tyres were punctured or bald. The entire firewall came inside the passenger cabin. The driver would be lucky to have escaped. The right rear passenger would also have been lucky to survive. Rest images tell the story.
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Old 25th September 2009, 22:46   #3583
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Originally Posted by YaeJay View Post
The front left in the picture does not look to be in good condition! It may not have caused the incident, but still, I wouldn't run them till they are that bare!
That is because of Camera problem, not the tyre. I actually measured the tyre depth. It was just slightly less than our Baleno tyres, but more than 2mm depth approx. I measured it using a coin. Put the coin in the tyre, next make a slight mark with pencil. Came home measured it and then only posted that the tyres were in not bad. The quality of images have decreased here.
The driver was mostly drunk as there were no skid marks. Locals suggested that the driver died, he was not able to gauge the speed and the turn. There are simply no skid marks.
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Old 26th September 2009, 14:29   #3584
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About 8days((18th September 2009) back there was a deadly accident in front of my office in Navalur, Chennai.

Later I understood this car was returning back to office after dropping a IT employee and the driver seems to be driving the Car for continues 24hours operation. The accident happened around 1am in the morning and I took the picture around 5:30am.

The sleepy driver crashed the car into a lorry parked in the left lane and his head was completely cut on the spot.

The IT and BPO companies should impose strict rules that the contract transport companies to stop the drivers operating more than 12hours.

May his soul RIP

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Old 26th September 2009, 15:05   #3585
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That's Horrible. May the poor man soul RIP.

But in India, this is common. Drivers drive overtime without time stipulations. Under trained, under paid. Once I asked a taxi driver what is your duty timings. He replied 24 HOURS. When do you find time to sleep? When the car is stationary. Not only taxi drivers, think of those thousands truck drivers on the highway. It is a diaster waiting to happen at every corner.

Unless we have stingent LAWS in place, this will continue.

Last edited by Sarvodaya : 26th September 2009 at 15:06.
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