Team-BHP - Team-BHPians and their Pets

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Hi All,

I currently have two pets,

My dog cooper and my fish.

Video of my fish tank and picture of my Cooper.:)

Beautiful pup you have there! Cooper looks like a very good boy

I'd request you to pet proof the kennel by filing over any sharp edges, splinters and exposed metal.


Originally Posted by digitalnirvana (Post 4833662)
Beautiful pup you have there! Cooper looks like a very good boy

I'd request you to pet proof the kennel by filing over any sharp edges, splinters and exposed metal.


Thank you.

Now I have changed to 42inch metal crate bought from Amazon.

From the picture he looks like a good boy:uncontrol, but he is now close to 5years and still playful and uncontrollable.


These are some pictures of our 10 months old Oreo. This little cotton ball has been taming us for treats with her little puppy eyes ever since we got her home last year. Loves going on drive with her head out of window allowing fresh breeze to ruffle through her furry little head :)

Beautiful girl! Wish you and Oreo lots of happiness together.

Any Good References Required:

Hi Bhpians,

Before some one comments let me give a situation my cousin's daughter who is around 8 years old, had a Lab which was in my cousins place before she was born. The little girl was very attached to the Lab which had died due to health issues the little girl has gone into depression and not even eating and she is in shock, i promised her that i would get her a Pup for which she said she needs same as the earlier one. I have been scouting out for a good lab for the past two days but no luck either price is high or breed is not good. All i wanted a help from Bhpians who can refer any Breeder / Home or any one who deals with Lab, Since i would be travelling to home town to deliver the pup to the new parents as my travel pass would expire tommorow.

Any contact or help please drop me a message. Thanks in advance.clap:

It is far better if you take the girl to eg an animal shelter or kennels first and let the dog choose her so to speak. See which dog she is attracted to and which dog approaches and plays with her.


Originally Posted by SPEEDY_RACER (Post 4840382)
The little girl was very attached to the Lab which had died due to health issues the little girl has gone into depression and not even eating and she is in shock, i promised her that i would get her a Pup for which she said she needs same as the earlier one

We had a pomeranian, Spooky, who lived it's full life of ~13 years. My parents were extremely attached to it, especially my mom, who went very sad post his death.

I was living in a different country, so could only advise remotely to get a new dog. Family friends even offered a cocker spaniel puppy but she refused. So when I landed back after a few months, I took her to the Blue Cross (Chennai) on a trip to get our cat some deworming medication.

She spent some time among the (local breeds) puppies out there, and literally it took just few minutes for her to pick one. And thus we got Spooky (v2.0) back in our lives, equally if not more spoilt as ever :D

I'd suggest going with @hserus recommendation and give it a try. Given your situation, it might work just fine.


Originally Posted by hserus (Post 4840460)
It is far better if you take the girl to eg an animal shelter or kennels first and let the dog choose her so to speak. See which dog she is attracted to and which dog approaches and plays with her.

+1 to this


Originally Posted by hserus (Post 4840460)
It is far better if you take the girl to eg an animal shelter or kennels first and let the dog choose her so to speak. See which dog she is attracted to and which dog approaches and plays with her.


Originally Posted by ninjatalli (Post 4840468)
I'd suggest going with @hserus recommendation and give it a try. Given your situation, it might work just fine.

+1 to this

I am ready for it, since she is 7 years and in current situation she is in home town and i cant risk her to travel I know lot of shelters did that yesterday and with video calls, but she was not convinced hence this request has came. :Frustrati


Originally Posted by SPEEDY_RACER (Post 4840382)
the Lab which had died due to health issues the little girl has gone into depression and not even eating and she is in shock, i promised her that i would get her a Pup for which she said she needs same as the earlier one.

I think with a little guidance you can persuade her to adopt an Indie pup. There are lots of Facebook groups who are engaged in rescue operations or adoptions. Show her the photos and tell her stories. Giving home a homeless Indie Pup gives immense satisfaction and its a great work as an animal lover. She will appreciate what she have done once she'd grown up a bit. They are not anything less than Lab for which you have pay.

Just my two cents...


Originally Posted by SPEEDY_RACER (Post 4840382)
Any Good References Required:

Hi Bhpians,

Before some one comments let me give a situation my cousin's daughter who is around 8 years old, had a Lab which was in my cousins place before she was born. The little girl was very attached to the Lab which had died due to health issues the little girl has gone into depression and not even eating and she is in shock, i promised her that i would get her a Pup for which she said she needs same as the earlier one. I have been scouting out for a good lab for the past two days but no luck either price is high or breed is not good. All i wanted a help from Bhpians who can refer any Breeder / Home or any one who deals with Lab, Since i would be travelling to home town to deliver the pup to the new parents as my travel pass would expire tommorow.

Any contact or help please drop me a message. Thanks in advance.clap:


I strongly suggest all the options mentioned by other members but in case you still want references, I can give you one number. He is one of very responsible breeders in Pune and will provide complete KCI papers (to confirm pedigree) for your new member. As far as I know , he travels himself to deliver outside of Pune.

Holy Moly! I had no clue such a thread existed. Nice to see all your pets but at the same time its a bit frustrating for me. Growing up I have always had a dog at home but now I live in an apartment and I belong to the category that believes dogs should be able to run free and not stay cooped up inside. My parents on the other hand live about 250kms away and they have space to keep a dog. We have had multiple breeds and found mongrels to be the smartest and most resilient. So when our previous mongrel passed away at the ripe old age of 18 years we kept looking for a pup to adopt. Surprisingly its very difficult to find one these days. If you go to a breeder or pet shop they outright say "no cross breed" like its taboo. I heard there were a lot of "Dog lovers" who would help you with adopting a pup but geez, what an obnoxious breed (I mean the people I interacted with, no offense to the pups). I found my self in the awkward position of interacting with a bunch of teenagers who took it upon themselves to make each discussion an interrogation session and question my every motive. Needless to say that was a waste of time and told my Dad to just go to the nearest pet store and pick up a medium sized dog.

He ended up with this quivering bundle. I kid you not he literally fit in the palm of my hand. We dubbed him "Bolt"
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It was love at first sight and I think the feeling was mutual. If I was around he needed no body, everyone else in the family ceased to exist.

How can you not love a face like that!

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He does look intimidating but trust me he wouldnt harm a fly. This breed unfortunately has a bad rep because of some movies and some stupid owners. There are no ill tempered dogs, just bad owners.

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I have ridden/driven from Bangalore to Salem and back again just to catch some moments with this guy (my parents think its to spend time with them).

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So at times like this when interstate travel is not easy I really miss the opportunity to spend some time with him. On his part he has got some anxiety issues and sticks to my Dad like a leech hoping he does not vanish too.

Looking forward to that day when we will be together again. :D
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Originally Posted by deepfreak15 (Post 4840889)
So at times like this when interstate travel is not easy I really miss the opportunity to spend some time with him. On his part he has got some anxiety issues and sticks to my Dad like a leech hoping he does not vanish too.

Oh I feel your pain completely! I miss my guys like anything; left these two buggers with my parents in Chennai for similar reasons - house with garden and more space, also being based out of one location than living with a nomad like me.

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I miss the grey one even more - have had him since he was 7 weeks old. A proper lap cat, if there ever was one. Now my parents are completely under his powers :uncontrol so even if I wanted to get him back, they'd probably take me to court for that!

Can't wait for the situation to change so that I can be able to travel without worrying about the safety of all!


Originally Posted by RBalaM (Post 4833669)

Thank you.

Now I have changed to 42inch metal crate bought from Amazon.

From the picture he looks like a good boy:uncontrol, but he is now close to 5years and still playful and uncontrollable.


It's not a good idea to use a crate for Labradors at this age. Crate training is for dogs only between the age of 3-6 months, to train them not to pee / poo in the house anywhere. All your dog needs now is a soft cushion to sleep on and does not need any crate. Probably you can put the cushion in some peaceful area where he can sleep peacefully.
We had a lab for almost 14 years (who passed away last year, and since then we have not replaced him as he is irreplaceable).

Also, labs are very gentle but playful family dogs and do not like to be chained - so try not to keep him chained more than 1 hour a day. They get very restless if kept chained and also can become aggressive.

What is better is for you to be gentle yet stern with them and they will learn their boundaries very quickly. My dog used to understand more than 500 words and literally could even understand what we were saying to each other! Ironically though we could not understand him beyond his barking for food or walks! Dogs (especially labs) are very intelligent and sensitive and need to be treated as family members.


Originally Posted by Behemoth (Post 4841152)
It's not a good idea to use a crate for Labradors at this age. Crate training is for dogs only between the age of 3-6 months, to train them not to pee / poo in the house anywhere. All your dog needs now is a soft cushion to sleep on and does not need any crate. Probably you can put the cushion in some peaceful area where he can sleep peacefully.
We had a lab for almost 14 years (who passed away last year, and since then we have not replaced him as he is irreplaceable).

Also, labs are very gentle but playful family dogs and do not like to be chained - so try not to keep him chained more than 1 hour a day. They get very restless if kept chained and also can become aggressive.

What is better is for you to be gentle yet stern with them and they will learn their boundaries very quickly. My dog used to understand more than 500 words and literally could even understand what we were saying to each other! Ironically though we could not understand him beyond his barking for food or walks! Dogs (especially labs) are very intelligent and sensitive and need to be treated as family members.


I completely agree with your point.The crate is there only for some emergency purpose, other than that the dog stays completely outside.we live in a independent house and it stays roaming within the compound whole day and evening in terrace.Just that when it rains, we have to bring him inside house and it's during that time we use this crate.:)

Thanks and Regards,

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