Team-BHP - Team-BHPians and their Pets

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Originally Posted by RBalaM (Post 4841621)

I completely agree with your point.The crate is there only for some emergency purpose, other than that the dog stays completely outside.we live in a independent house and it stays roaming within the compound whole day and evening in terrace.Just that when it rains, we have to bring him inside house and it's during that time we use this crate.:)

Thanks and Regards,

Sure but avoid the crate if possible and let him roam free in the house. Labs love human company and will be satisfied to be just close to their owners throughout the day - they absolutely hate being alone and get anxious so leaving them alone on the terrace is not such a good idea. We rarely chained our lab (only when we had visitors who were afraid of dogs) otherwise all the time he would roam free and was quite well behaved. Labs also need a lot of exercise so you need to take him for runs for 30 min twice a day to burn off his energy. Also be cautious to control his diet and don't overfeed him as they are always hungry and will perpetually eat if given the chance. Keep his weight below 37 kgs as that is the max weight. If they become overweight it really causes huge problems with their legs and hips as they age beyond 6 years.


Originally Posted by ninjatalli (Post 4841041)

Attachment 2028086

I miss the grey one even more - have had him since he was 7 weeks old. A proper lap cat, if there ever was one. Now my parents are completely under his powers

Very beautiful cats. The grey one looks particularly handsome. Looks pretty big as well.

The posts above again painfully reminds me of the beautiful male lab who is chained 24x7 to a pillar in the parking area in a building in Jodhpur Park Kolkata. I had tried speaking to the caretaker but the owners have no attachment to the pup and yet do not let him be rescued. It has been a couple of years since then. I am not even aware if he is still alive or not. What a tortured life for a good soul.

If anyone has infuence and can rescue and foster the dog PM me for details.

Guys, I need some ideas and if anyone has had any experience in this situation.

My 10-11 year old Pug (he is a rescue/adopted so exact age is unknown) was recently diagnosed with a collapsed trachea. The basic problem here is that he is unable to get enough oxygen into his lungs. The lungs have shrung because their area has been poached into by the stomach by the excessive mouth breathing. Consequently, there is stomach bloating and lowered oxygen in his bloodstream (although his HB report was fine). I also found his tongue going blue couple of times but basically his whole body is starved of oxygen. It is similar to a a human asthamatic patient getting a full-blown attack.

Apart from the ton of medicines he has been prescribed, including steriods, brochodialators and others, one of the emergency measures suggested is providing oxygen directly when I see signs of hypoxia. While a mask or something held to the face is not going to work practically, I am building a Oxygen tent with an large pet carrier bag and cling wrap. I found some of the portable oxygen canisters locally and on Amazon as well as Oxygen cylinders. I am also considering getting a Oxygen generator.

My request is for anyone who may have been in a similar situation to provide help/ideas of their experience. I've had dogs all my life but this one had me stumped. I suspected something was not right in his throat area 4-5 days in, but deferred to the vet knowing more than me. Not blaming him but I had preferred to get x-rays and sonographies done much earlier. Unfortunately I was deferred with folks suggesting I 'let the medicine course run out'. Which was not the right thing to do. But gotta move on.

Given this was a weird one, I'd be happy to provide a timeline and specifics of my experience if anyone's interested. I would really appreciate information from anyone who may have had similar experiences. Danke!

We have two cats! The elder one a rescued Indy with one eye missing, the poor things might have gone through hell of pain. The foster home not had a clue as to what happened. The smaller one is a persian double coat whom we got to give company to the bigger. Looking at how the persian eats, we are sure he will surpass in size very soon.

Our tuxedo cat, rescued in the US from outside our apartment. Has since lived in Germany for a few years before coming here for good. Then there’s my almost 8 month old Caravan pup. Unbelievable how many layers his personality has! Will share more pics if anyone is interested 🙂

Advice needed. My colonie’s stray dog has delivered a litter of 4 pups and I am very much interested in adopting a pup. However, I am little skeptical on the temperament these pups might have considering the mother dog is a very shy personality. I have been feeding her and her siblings for years and all of them wag their tail and come to me to pet except this dog.

So my first question is will the pups turn out like her mother ? What do I do if the pup I chose doesn’t connect with us at all.
Second question, the pups are barely a month old and at what age should I pick them up 1 month or two months ? the sooner the better is what I think given the conditions they stay right now (in a park next to my home)
My family has been a dog loving one and we had a lab for good 6 years before he was stolen. I always wanted to adopt a stray dog coz they deserve a home like any pedigree. In fact I have been feeding the stray dogs in my colony every single day ever since I lost my dog. Maybe he wanted us to show the same care and love towards the strays that he got from us

The temperament largely depends on how they are raised. Good owners who care, good consistent training & behaviour reinforcements, and good socialization with other dogs at an early age all help. The mom might have unpleasant experiences which makes her shy or afraid. This won't go to her pups by default.

Please try to relocate them at around 45 days to two months (though I've heard that abroad they only separate mom and pups when they have been weaned off). But here taking them off the streets earlier is better. And if possible try to adopt one but additionally foster the entire litter till they all get good homes. Pups barely survive on our streets. And once the mother is better, kindly get her spayed.

Thanks very much for all the good work that you do. Really sorry to hear about your loss and I hope he has got a good home against the odds. He is beautiful going by your profile picture and it shows how much he means to you for you to honor him like this. Dogs never forget their owners and I'm sure he loves you wherever he is.

Much respect and all the best wishes for you.


Originally Posted by Abhi_abarth (Post 4860482)
Advice needed.

Let me start by saying this - shy moms can give birth to wonderful confident pups. The confidence comes from how the pups are treated from birth by humans. The mom has learnt from her experience that her shyness is keeping her alive. I have a mother dog in my neighborhood whom I have been feeding daily for 3 years, still she doesn't come within 2 ft of me. It was literally a hide n seek game and a small war to capture her and get her sterilized. Her pups however, were hand raised by me from day 1, and have zero inhibitions for human company and have very balanced attitude.

Start by giving the pups de-worming medicine from now.
Liquid de-worming medicine like drontal puppy / ventobol puppy, 1 ml per 1 kg of weight, every 15 days.
That will ensure they don't die off early due to worm toxemia.
Continue this till 6 months, and then switch to regular deworming tablets (drontal/ventobol/wormstop/wormtrap), 1 mg per 1 kg every 6 month onwards.

Feed the pups a few biscuits every now and then.
Once you see that the mom is refusing to let them suckle, and is feeding them regurgitated food, you can bring one home.

As you had a dog earlier, I an sure you would know the rest on how to raise a pup at home. I would also kindly request you to continue feeding his less fortunate brothers and sisters who don't have a home, and please get the mother dog sterilized.


Originally Posted by blackasta (Post 4860690)
Start by giving the pups de-worming medicine from now.

My question isn't about dogs but about cats. Every year when I take my cat to the vet for the vaccinations, my vet wants me to first do a deworming course (2 tabs over 2 weeks) and only then does the vaccinations.

What does deworming have to do with vaccinations? Why can't I do the deworming after the vaccinations or when required? Why does it have to be before the vaccinations?


Originally Posted by carboy (Post 4860695)
Every year when I take my cat to the vet for the vaccinations ...

I'm missing something. What vaccinations need to be done annually? My cats have been vaccinated (I recall rabies, can't remember what else offhand) just once.


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 4860848)
I'm missing something. What vaccinations need to be done annually? My cats have been vaccinated (I recall rabies, can't remember what else offhand) just once.

Yup, as long as cats are fully indoor, once is good. Repeated vaccinations are needed only if your cat is outdoor and may come in contact with a potentially infected animal.


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 4860848)
I'm missing something. What vaccinations need to be done annually? My cats have been vaccinated (I recall rabies, can't remember what else offhand) just once.


Originally Posted by Red Liner (Post 4860850)
Yup, as long as cats are fully indoor, once is good. Repeated vaccinations are needed only if your cat is outdoor and may come in contact with a potentially infected animal.

Agree completely! Vaccinations were a 3-disease combo (FeLV combo) and rabies for my cats, a one-time affair. Back in the US, there are several vets who push for yearly vaccinations but if one questions them the real need for them (which I did with my vet), they quickly agree stating the above statement; basically for an indoor cat, one time vaccination is sufficient.

Haven't heard or experienced any Indian vet pushing for a yearly vaccination. Even for the outdoor cats/kittens I have rescued till date. Also the Indian vets don't really push hard for a rabies vaccination, in the US, it's mandatory.


Originally Posted by carboy (Post 4860695)
What does deworming have to do with vaccinations? Why can't I do the deworming after the vaccinations or when required? Why does it have to be before the vaccinations?

Dunno the exact reasons in your case - but I guess it might be a more of a precaution, but definitely not a pre-requisite. Recently had taken a rescued kitten to the vet - he administered both deworming medicine and the vaccination that day; but in this case, the kitten did have worms, so I had explicitly asked for the deworming course too.

Thanks to you both for your answers.

I even go to a cats-only specialist practice, and they have never mentioned annual vaccination. They know that my cats are in/out cats: they have treated the war wounds.


Originally Posted by carboy (Post 4860695)
What does deworming have to do with vaccinations? Why can't I do the deworming after the vaccinations or when required? Why does it have to be before the vaccinations?

From an online source, and also what my vet tells me "Some people believe that you should deworm your pet ahead of any vaccination appointments that she may have. One of the reasons for this is because vaccinations can have a number of side effects and your dog may feel a little under the weather for a few days after her shots. If she is also currently battling a worm infestation, the combination of the two could make her much more unwell. In these instances, it would be better to deworm and give her supportive treatment for several days before undertaking the vaccination process. This way she will be stronger and less likely to suffer ill effects from her vaccines."


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 4860848)
I'm missing something. What vaccinations need to be done annually? My cats have been vaccinated (I recall rabies, can't remember what else offhand) just once.


Originally Posted by Red Liner (Post 4860850)
Yup, as long as cats are fully indoor, once is good. Repeated vaccinations are needed only if your cat is outdoor and may come in contact with a potentially infected animal.


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 4860988)
Thanks to you both for your answers.

I even go to a cats-only specialist practice, and they have never mentioned annual vaccination. They know that my cats are in/out cats: they have treated the war wounds.

Following is the advisory for rabies (cats and dogs):

Vaccination Programme: Prophylaxis (Pre-exposure)

Species Age at Primary Vaccination Revaccination
Dog & Cat After 3 months of age * 3 years**
Cattle, Horse, Sheep & Goat After 6 months of age * 2 years**
Ferret After 3 months of age * 1 year**
* Primary vaccination can be administered at an earlier age, but then a repeat vaccination must be given at the age of 3 or 6 months depending on the species.
** Annual revaccination is recommended in endemic areas.

India is the rabies capital of the world ( so yearly vaccination is a must for pets - be it a cat or dog.

Following is the advisory for Tricat Trio (cats only):

Active immunisation of cats to reduce clinical signs and virus excretion caused by infection with feline calicivirus and/or feline rhinotracheitis virus and to prevent clinical signs, virus excretion and leucopenia caused by feline panleucopenia virus. The duration of immunity is 1 year for the FCV and FVR components; 3 years for the FPLV component.

So again, outdoor cats must be vaccinated yearly.

Following is the advisory for DHPPI (dogs only):

Nobivac DHPPi is indicated to complete the basic vaccination schedule in puppies, and for annual or biannual revaccination. Vaccination with Nobivac DHPPi however is part of a comprehensive vaccination programme.

so dogs again should be vaccinated yearly for DHPPI.

Looking at it in the larger context, the cost of these vaccines is a small fraction of what can be incurred if the pet is affected, which can lead to the death of the pet, and in case of rabies, death of humans as well.

So I do not take any chances and revaccinate annually.

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