Team-BHP - Team-BHPians and their Pets

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My two boys Coco and Cookie will always protect their sis Bella. Pic from Rakhi earlier this week.
Team-BHPians and their Pets-img_20200809_105613.jpg

Good morning folks! I could use some advice from our cat lovers.

There are these two stray male cats roaming around our house / society.
They both do jot get along very well. During the day it's managable; however, during the night when these two fight it's very disturbing. One of the two cats keeps crying or whatever that sound is called. It's scary and annoying at the same time.

Not that I am against cats or animals in general, however, what can I do to have these cats not fight / cry at night. Is it possible to have them relocated because my wife and son, both are scared of cats.


Originally Posted by ObsessedByFIAT (Post 4861132)
Good morning folks! I could use some advice from our cat lovers.

There are these two stray male cats roaming around our house / society.
They both do jot get along very well. During the day it's managable; however, during the night when these two fight it's very disturbing. One of the two cats keeps crying or whatever that sound is called. It's scary and annoying at the same time.

Not that I am against cats or animals in general, however, what can I do to have these cats not fight / cry at night. Is it possible to have them relocated because my wife and son, both are scared of cats.

Relocation is the most evil thing you can ever do. Please do not for the sake of those living souls.

The only thing you can do is, trap them in a cage and have them both neutered. They will completely stop fighting over territory and females. This is the only reason feral males fight (pretty much us humans really). Use food as bait and borrow a cage from someone who has small dogs or cats. Watch youtube videos on how to do it safely.

Feed them well for a few weeks when they return from the vet. They will need some support. The neutering is not expensive so do both of them at the same time. Add vaccinations and deworming too while you are at it. They keep rats and rodents away from your car, so its a favor returned.


Originally Posted by Red Liner (Post 4861138)
Relocation is the most evil thing you can ever do. Please do not for the sake of those living souls.

Thank you sir for your sound advice! Appreciate it!
I am sorry to have offended you / anyone.
I did not realize the depth of my sentence when I mentioned about relocation. I am sorry to have said that!

Will check about the neutering.


Originally Posted by ObsessedByFIAT (Post 4861161)
Thank you sir for your sound advice! Appreciate it!
I am sorry to have offended you / anyone.
I did not realize the depth of my sentence when I mentioned about relocation. I am sorry to have said that!

Will check about the neutering.

Also just to add, cats are known to come back to their original areas. My parents learnt this decades ago - even kittens would somehow make it back at times, so much that they stopped doing that. Back then neutering wasn't such a easy option.

Cats are highly territorial animals so being left in far away regions puts them in danger (other cats' territories) and no knowledge of known food sources so there are chances are of them even dying, however, they will try to come back to their known territory.

TNR (Trap, neuter, release) is the best option, although it will take a bit of effort. Check with local vets - they might be aware of someone who might do this for a fee.


Originally Posted by ObsessedByFIAT (Post 4861132)
Good morning folks! I could use some advice from our cat lovers.

There are these two stray male cats roaming around our house / society.
They both do jot get along very well. During the day it's managable; however, during the night when these two fight it's very disturbing. One of the two cats keeps crying or whatever that sound is called. It's scary and annoying at the same time.

Not that I am against cats or animals in general, however, what can I do to have these cats not fight / cry at night. Is it possible to have them relocated because my wife and son, both are scared of cats.

It's mating season, and they are wailing to find a mate, and fighting among themselves to get the right to mate.

Leave it to themselves, and it should stop after a few weeks.

Or if you want to get involved, somehow catch them and get them sterilized - it would stop this behavior.

Working from home isn't always as easy as people think.

I mean, you step away from your desk for 2 seconds and your supervisor is giving you the stink eye. You can see the supervisor's blue cubicle at the back.

(The supervisor's name is Daisy and she's turning 4 in a few days :))

Team-BHPians and their Pets-img_20191114_151824.jpg

Meet Bronco, my 4.5 year old Rottweiler, yes named after Ford Bronco:D

Guys, need some help here with your valuable suggestions.

Our three years old golden retriever (female) losing hair like crazy.
Everywhere we see hair balls flying all over the house. This is despite brushing her regularly.
She’s a very healthy dog otherwise.

What do we need to do? Any medicine suggestion? Anything else?


Originally Posted by Rudra Sen (Post 4864707)
What do we need to do? Any medicine suggestion? Anything else?

It is normal for some breeds to shed hair seasonally. If you think hair loss is excessive, apply coconut oil or olive oil topically and add a pinch of Gandhak daily in her food. I've treated a lot of strays with mange and other skin conditions and it works wonders. If Gandhak is not available locally, there is a skin tonic from Himalaya which you can try. Note that skin tonic is effective but takes longer time to show results.


Originally Posted by self_driven (Post 4864752)
If Gandhak is not available locally, there is a skin tonic from Himalaya which you can try. Note that skin tonic is effective but takes longer time to show results.

Are you suggesting one of these two?

Candy - Mix of Cocker Spaniel and Poodle. Now 4 years old.


Originally Posted by Rudra Sen (Post 4864776)
Are you suggesting one of these two?

Yes. Same thing. In local shops, it is available in solid or powdered form.

Himalaya tonic + coconut/olive oil will be a safer choice in your case as pet dogs, unlike street dogs, do not have wounds, bruises or other skin problems which can only be remedied with gandhak.


Originally Posted by Rudra Sen (Post 4864707)
Guys, need some help here with your valuable suggestions.

Our three years old golden retriever (female) losing hair like crazy.
Everywhere we see hair balls flying all over the house. This is despite brushing her regularly.
She’s a very healthy dog otherwise.

What do we need to do? Any medicine suggestion? Anything else?

For healthy glowing fur, especially for Golden retrievers and Labradors, cod liver oil is extremely helpful, it keeps their skin and hair very healthy. If there is no underlying infection which is causing hair loss, there is no reason for worry. You can just giver her Cod oil supplement along with her meals and she should be fine in 2-3 weeks (continue regularly even after that). We used to give our Lab a brand called Vitabest which is very easily available.
Also, dogs with heavy fur coats change their fur twice a year - once before summer and once before winter so it could be part of her regular cycle. You may be noticing it more this year as she is now fully grown and regular in her shedding now.


Originally Posted by self_driven (Post 4864934)
Yes. Same thing. In local shops, it is available in solid or powdered form.


Originally Posted by Behemoth (Post 4864941)
For healthy glowing fur, especially for Golden retrievers and Labradors, cod liver oil is extremely helpful, it keeps their skin and hair very healthy.

Thanks a ton guys. We'll start all you've suggested from today. I'll pick up Vitabest tomorrow.

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