Team-BHP - How did you hear about team-bhp ?

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While surfin on the net for good cars in India.

had seen the link in the JBL ad's that used to be printed on the last page on autocar mag, got curious and landed up here. ;)

I had been refferred by one of my friends Hayasaka who inturn got the information about this lovely master site from Orkut. he used to be fond of Orkutting before popping up on this site, now he's made me and himself also a great lover of TBHPing.... LOL

I was referred to this site by one of my Friends who was already a member here for a long time..........

Was searching in google for modified cars, found the link for TBHP

Before i bought my car,i had asked something about ICE on indiacar and someone told me about t-bhp.Till about a month i was a passive member and when i was sure that i will buy a car and subsequently will install ICE,i readily joined the great forum.

16v100bhp introduced me to this site

Chanced upon this site while Googling for reviews on sound systems for swift.

I asked my friend Mr. Google where can I get good reviews on cars and he directed me here.

got aboard thru google!

me saw it written on the rear window of a red swift which read "" i decided to check it out and now im thankfull to that swift owner..


Originally Posted by speedfreak01 (Post 373539)
me saw it written on the rear window of a red swift which read "" i decided to check it out and now im thankfull to that swift owner..

I have done exactly the same on my car. Hope to attract more people to this fabulous forum :)

I got latched on through somebody mentioned on a different forum mouthshut dot com.

I came across this awesome site while casually browzing the web for user reviews of Wagon R. This was quite some time back. Never looked at any other review site since then! .... Ok, maybe!!!:p

i came across this by mistake when i was searching for x bhp but this site is really good and intend to stay for as long as possible.

came to know bout team-bhp after seeing the sticker on a seriously hot ride cant remember which one thou.

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