Team-BHP - How did you hear about team-bhp ?

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Originally Posted by esteemer (Post 779427)
Was browsing through Mouthshut and someone had mentioned somewhere abt T-BHP being the best indian car forum.I opened it straightaway and after that never opened Mouthshut even once.:D

And you shut the mouth from then on ? LOL. Very true man, You tend to forget everything after you find T-BHP.


Originally Posted by Steeroid (Post 812271)
That would be Thad E Ginathom...and then some thom-thom-thom!

And how did you 'know' that ? That link just led me to a forum with a few threads & not to a single post.


Originally Posted by esteem_lover (Post 812425)
And how did you 'know' that ? That link just led me to a forum with a few threads & not to a single post.

Well John, let's just say some of us know better! :)


Originally Posted by iraghava (Post 812443)
Well John, let's just say some of us know better! :)

Oh! you mean that better. Totally forgot that.;)

i have herd it from my dear friend ED. i am thankful to him for showing me such a great website.

I heard through my company mailer where there was an email floating
on how a Fiesta owner's car was damaged by the Service guy and how
he took them to court and won the case.

I read the news in the forum and really was touched by the experts comments and the help provided.

I came across TBHP while searching internet. Its a very nice forum. I will pass this to my local friends in Mangalore.
Keep up the good work and wishing a long live TBHP..

Although very late to get onto this therad, I came across this forum through internet search engine Google.

Initially I just kept on visiting as a guest, then joined. Initially I was not able to participate, but off late I found out that this is one of the best.

found out when tsk1979 joined at a forum where i usually hang out :)
But REALLY got to know the place from jkdas!

I never knew about Team-Bhp until my friend aswin took me for a meet and when i saw the knowledge these people had about cars and when they told me team-bhp was the reason i wanted to check it out .

But got really active when i was planning to buy my new car and made a new post and loved the responses

Funniest part is i never knew when i got addicted to Team-Bhp

I learned about Team BHP when I was searching for good routes to travel and some travelogues. I got impressed with the knowledge which this forum has on many topics relevant.

Was looking for reviews on GTX/S10, then hit upon Amit's review on S10 in TBHP. It still is one of the best reviews I've ever read and from then on explored a lot with awe and fascination (read quality of content and collective expertise available) on TBHP and finally became a member :)

I came to know about Team-Bhp while browsing google for something related to ICE.
This forum really rocks and all those people who are connected to it ,keep up the good work friends. You all rock so does the Forum. clap:
Good Job and Good Luck!!

when ever I did a search for a travel related query, i noticed this team-bhp link coming up in the result and that is how I got hooked.

Got here through google. I was searching for information on cars related problems. It has been a rich experience since then. I got to learn a lot just by reading several posts. Another thing that really appeals to me is Team-Bhp's insistence on using proper english & decorum. Way to go Team-Bhp:thumbs up.

Through google! and now i've learned a lot with help of this Forum


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