Team-BHP - Help smoking Team-BHP members quit smoking

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Cigarette in my hand...I feel like a man...
It gives me the confidence...that "I can"...

You don't agree...?? wait till I show you...
Its importance - then you won't argue...

I need it with my breakfast toast...
To supply me the vitamins I need the most...

I need it when I enter my work-place...
To give me the energy to match the pace...

I need it after my lunch...
To increase the digestion after the munch...

I need it in my coffee break...
And that's just for keeping me awake...

I need it with my evening snacks...
To lift my verve when it sags...

I need it when I leave for the day...
to relax after the tortuous play...

I need it when I move around with friends...
to get the "kick" and feel the trends...

I need it after my dinner...
To adieu my day as a winner.

On my way to glory...

I overlook the statutory warning written on the pack...
For my valour - I should be given a pat on my back.

I feed gallons of smoke to my neighbour...
Can anyone else boast of such a favour ??

An apple a day keeps the doctors away...
The doctors then,won't have any say.
I keep the doctors busy n working...
The apple would have left them sulking.

I contribute heavily in the government's revenues...
which help them venture the different avenues...

And you want me to quit smoking ??
I am sure you must be joking.

I am happy the way I am.
I'm no saint up above the hills.
And if at all I decide to quit...
What'll happen to the company called WILLS ??

We care less about "death" & this is not the age to worry about that. But you know we are diging our own grave all these young years.

We do get emotional grips in our life, when we get into the circle of wife, kids, aged parents etc. We understand that role of our life is a pillar to a building.

But long term addiction is not going to let us easily. When we fear death during our responsible phase, that is the time we feel the pain in our heart.

Certain thing in life cannot be taught, but needs to be felt

I too smoke wills :)

Hey guys i know its a bit off topic but why do youll actually smoke when youll know it does nothing but damage to well???


Originally Posted by hot_rod
Hey guys i know its a bit off topic but why do youll actually smoke when youll know it does nothing but damage to well???

Its the same like,why do you redline your car on every gear or even plonk a turbo in it,when you know the engine's life reduces.......
Just for thrills pal,just for thrills!! ;)



Originally Posted by X-Machine
Just for thrills pal,just for thrills!! ;)


Thrills during the intial stage and addiction at later stage

today is "world no tobacco day"

so request to all who smoke atleast for a day try not to.


oops sorry just saw the post :)

happy no tobacco day.. let me try something different :)


For people who did'nt smoke they will heed less to this day. For who smoke they do not put this onto their ears. So it is only the Govt & other services put their efforts and try to extract some positive results

only thing i smoke is hookah/sheesha :D

Our Team-Bhp strength is in excess of 4000 members. There are a lot of smokers among these numbers & many out of them would be thinking to quit smoking/consider the same moving upon this thread. Our members doing a great job in sharing their opinion/experiences on lot of things in various topics

If you successfully quit smoking, please share your experience and sucess story in this thread which will help other members who are already thinking in those lines. I felt that personal experience and tips would help one a lot rather than the info available on websites.

well get a nagging wife/girlfriend.... rl:

seems to have worked well with some of my pals...

i nagged my gf into smoking... she smokes more than i do nowrl:

Originally Posted by n_aditya
well get a nagging wife/girlfriend.... rl:

seems to have worked well with some of my pals...

i really wanted to quit smoking... but you know what... i am not able to... now please dont start off with "IT takes will power and all that stuff" because i have tried... for 2 months i did not smoke but eventually when you are really tensed then you automatically get drawn towards it... and here i am... smoking my lungs off again...
anybody can quit smoking.... but it takes a real man to face cancer...hehehehe lol
just kidding guys..

I never started smoking, never will and never will advise someone to start.
Drinking, if limited to a glass a day is OK. Not that I drink...
Smoking is something that has no intrinsic value except a fashion statement, as some may call it. And the smokers would say it is something that has to be experienced...

I get a high driving cars and by being a Hardcore Audiophile not by smoking....
I think smoking is totally uncool and expecially women who don't know what they would have to face..later...

psssttt...........never tell anyone......I too smoked, infact was a chain smoker during my college days, but now, no smoking no drinking...
My opinion is that, its okay if you drink once or twice in a week....but smoking is really bad... even if you are a passive smoker, you are gonna better QUIT SMOKING... for the good of your friends and family


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