Team-BHP - Suggestions for Team-BHP from Team-BHPians

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Originally Posted by Vid6639 (Post 3154025)
. . .


Originally Posted by Eddy (Post 3154026)
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Can we have options to share (on social website) as an option available on every thread/post as a part of the forum? A lot of our threads/posts can be made available to a large(r) audience just by having this facility. Currently the option is to copy the link and go to the social forum and do the needful.

Something like this, that is becoming a common feature across all mediums (blogs/websites/forums/etc)
Suggestions for Team-BHP from Team-BHPians-share.jpg

P.s. That youtube video snapshot is one that has been uploaded by a bhpian on the Jokes thread. Currently going to the original video to share the same on my FB page. A lot better (for me and the forum) if I could just share the post link itself from this forum.


Originally Posted by ninjatalli (Post 3157622)
Can we have options to share (on social website) as an option available on every thread/post as a part of the forum? A lot of our threads/posts can be made available to a large(r) audience just by having this facility. Currently the option is to copy the link and go to the social forum and do the needful.[/i]

I'm not sure if what your looking for is a facebook like or +1 on every thread page? If that's the case then it is already there. Just take a look at the top of every thread next to linkback and thread tools.


Originally Posted by Vid6639 (Post 3157625)
I'm not sure if what your looking for is a facebook like or +1 on every thread page? If that's the case then it is already there. Just take a look at the top of every thread next to linkback and thread tools.

My bad. Didn't notice this was already available at the thread level.


IIRC, earlier, when we clicked a "Thumbnail" in Team-BHP Garage, we could navigate to the next / previous snap by pressing the right / left key. Though a similar feature is available for the links under "Full Size Image Pages", but not the convinience of navigating using the left / right keys. Has this feature been disabled or is my memory failing me?

I have noticed that too. It was more user friendly before.

It will be nice if the home page free download link for iPhone and Android apps can actually show iPhone/iPad and Android.
Suggestions for Team-BHP from Team-BHPians-teambhp-home.jpg

And a couple of suggestions on the placement of some of the threads:
  1. I feel the thread How do you stick a bell on a wall? (Pics of Quirky Signs) is more suited for the Shifting Gears section. This is treated more like a jokes thread.
  2. 3 threads related to Team-bhp mobile skin, iPhone/iPad app, and Android app goes under this section Team-BHP Apps & Mobile Access. Basically this covers the aspects related to the forum interfaces on different media. With that logic, I feel this thread on Suggestions for Team-BHP is probably more suited under this section, rather than Shifting Gears. Because the suggestions mainly are on Team-bhp’s PC/Laptop interface.

I'm unable to upload any image from my phone to site. Is there any problem at the other end?

Why don't we guys get a section that is specially dedicated to the videos uploaded to TB? That might enhance the ergonomics of the forum.



Suggestion: Can we have a quick log-in functionality on the main page. Currently, I type in, then click on "Forum" to be able to enter my credentials. It may be nice to have the spaces for username / password right on the front page.


Originally Posted by mohansrides (Post 3163386)
Currently, I type in, then click on "Forum" to be able to enter my credentials.

Why don't you access directly (or add it in your bookmarks menu bar and click it straightaway) and then enter the credentials OR stay logged in?

This surely does reduce the steps and saves time. :)

I use the bookmark for the login prompt and to directly check out my subscribed threads.

Even without the bookmark, when I just type 't' in the browser location bar, the above link is shown as the first prompt. Just press the down arrow and press enter. Place the cursor on username field. Type in the user name (or in my case, double click on the field and it prompts my username from the cache(?)), press tab to move to the password field. Type in the password and press enter to see my 'New Subscribed Threads'.

On my unshared PC, I make use of the 'Remember me' option while logging in so that I can avoid entering the username password every time.


Originally Posted by Klub Class (Post 3163426)

Why don't you access directly (or add it in your bookmarks menu bar and click it straightaway) and then enter the credentials OR stay logged in?

This surely does reduce the steps and saves time. :)

You are right. I could do that. But, my suggestion was based on just general convenience for everyone. Having login points on the homepage will only add greater value.

Can we have a option to make the text Bold Italicised and Underline in the app version? It's really difficult if one tries to do it manually :D


Originally Posted by carzone (Post 3145335)
Here, in the Travelogues section, the second(from the two marked) has been merged with the first. Then too, the second thread is displayed.

Sorry about that. Redirect removed.


Originally Posted by hellmet (Post 3151004)
Can we have India style comma separation instead of a US style comma separation for prices in "Classifieds"?

We did try for this when launching the Classifieds, however there were some underlying issues that made it a difficult switch at the time. We'll revisit this once we give the Classifieds a facelift. Ideally, I'd like to see "4.36 Lakhs" as an even easier-to-read price.


Originally Posted by laxmanrk (Post 3156808)
Under our classifieds section could there be a 'Wanted' section?

People looking for a specific car/ vehicle can post their choice including colour, location and model/ variant.

Log into the Classifieds. Run a custom search for all the parameters you want. Click "Save this search" and activate "Auto-Notify".

You'll get an email if someone lists an ad which matches your search criteria. This is the closest we can get to a "wanted" section.


Originally Posted by vindrider2626 (Post 3157111)
I would suggest to the moderators to delist these inactive members and give admission to new people who have been waiting for years to come into the forum.

Its not that we only have a specific amount of slots available. I think this has been discussed earlier in the thread too. Maybe search for "newbies" etc to find the relevant posts.


Originally Posted by thoma (Post 3159985)
IIRC, earlier, when we clicked a "Thumbnail" in Team-BHP Garage, we could navigate to the next / previous snap by pressing the right / left key.

Sorry about this. It broke when we changed something on the site, and fixing it is on the to-do list, but not very high up on the list.


Originally Posted by vb-san (Post 3161698)
It will be nice if the home page free download link for iPhone and Android apps can actually show iPhone/iPad and Android.

Well should it actually be iOS and Android then? :p

Regarding the thread locations, there's always multiple ways to look at it. For the threads you've mentioned that have been around for a while - its probably better to let sleeping dogs lie and focus on more important things.


Originally Posted by BoneCollector (Post 3162280)
I'm unable to upload any image from my phone to site. Is there any problem at the other end?

More details please. What phone is this? Was it through the browser or the app? Do you still face the problem?


Originally Posted by Achyuth Vaibhav (Post 3162397)
Why don't we guys get a section that is specially dedicated to the videos uploaded to TB? That might enhance the ergonomics of the forum.

Check this out! Youtube automatically puts together a list of all videos that are shared on Team-BHP :)


Originally Posted by mohansrides (Post 3163386)
Suggestion: Can we have a quick log-in functionality on the main page.

Unfortunately the credentials are not site-wide (/universal), so it wouldn't be correct to have the login box shown on every page.


Originally Posted by IronH4WK (Post 3163779)
Can we have a option to make the text Bold Italicised and Underline in the app version?

Noted! Though currently there isn't any development happening on the app.



Originally Posted by Rehaan (Post 3167078)
Well should it actually be iOS and Android then? :p

Thanks Rehaan. I thought the app is slightly modified for iPad compatibility and hence the comment :)

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