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Old 27th November 2008, 10:58   #361
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Originally Posted by BenjiRoss View Post
I just drove in the rain and after coming back I wiped my car like I do after I wash it. Now that got me thinking - does rain = free car wash?
Are there any cons in doing this?
Is it safe to do this or better to wash a car with clean water after it gets wet in the rain? Any precautions to be taken after your car gets wet in the rain?
You can put few mugs of water on Bonnet/Screen/Window/Hood and wipe out. Though the rain is a free package you also get some hard material free.
Again you should avoid cleaning the lower part of the vehicle as this will have more muddy particle which may develope scratch.
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Old 6th December 2008, 06:50   #362
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Friends. My NHC- has developed some stamp pad marks on the rear bumper while I was away. I tried wiping it with soap and water. It does not go. Any ideas on how to do it? The car is in light golden color so the stamp pad marks are clearly visible. Also there are some paint spots on the bonnet (This is distemper/wall paint, since my neighbors were getting their house painted). It goes when I scratch it out with my nail. But is there a better way?
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Old 6th December 2008, 07:59   #363
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How can stamp pad marks just "develop"? Find the offender and give him a good thrashing!

For the marks, did you try washing with a car shampoo? If that doesn't work, a polish job maybe in order.

About the paint, try not to get it on the car. I've found that some paint will remove the wax coat on the car when they dry. Bird droppings also do the same - you can see a proper outline of the outer surface that's been stripped away once you wash it off.

Last edited by ImmortalZ : 6th December 2008 at 08:01.
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Old 6th December 2008, 08:14   #364
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Originally Posted by ImmortalZ View Post
How can stamp pad marks just "develop"? Find the offender and give him a good thrashing!

For the marks, did you try washing with a car shampoo? If that doesn't work, a polish job maybe in order.

About the paint, try not to get it on the car. I've found that some paint will remove the wax coat on the car when they dry. Bird droppings also do the same - you can see a proper outline of the outer surface that's been stripped away once you wash it off.
I realized it was the newspaper guy, who drops the paper to my home. His cycle and the bag would have been close to the car, and some rubber stamp ink from the bag or newspapers would have stuck to the car. It looks like an unintentional thing. Can diesel help remove it?
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Old 6th December 2008, 20:11   #365
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How does one get rid of the accumulated grime/muck/gritty dirt that develops over time at the car logos at the rear hatch door/dicky of the car.

The chrome finish of the logo/name remains shiny but all around (and within the letters) the logo/name one can see that dirt accumulated and hardens over time.

Even after all the professional wash/power wash/daily wash etc, I have noticed that this refuses to go away.

How does one get rid of that???

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Old 6th December 2008, 20:46   #366
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Originally Posted by khan_sultan View Post
How does one get rid of the accumulated grime/muck/gritty dirt that develops over time at the car logos at the rear hatch door/dicky of the car.
Never tried myself, but I remember the yonder old times when typewriters were in vogue. The guys would use petrol to clean the type faces. I think using a thick cloth to make a "cone" (as in a fools cap) and dipping the sharp end in petrol to clean the area may help.
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Old 6th December 2008, 20:51   #367
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Originally Posted by khan_sultan View Post
How does one get rid of the accumulated grime/muck/gritty dirt that develops over time at the car logos at the rear hatch door/dicky of the car.

The chrome finish of the logo/name remains shiny but all around (and within the letters) the logo/name one can see that dirt accumulated and hardens over time.

Even after all the professional wash/power wash/daily wash etc, I have noticed that this refuses to go away.

How does one get rid of that???

I use a soft toothbrush with diluted pril / vim liquid to remove the dirts.
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Old 7th December 2008, 21:31   #368
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This is possibly the most useful thread on the forums! I just bought a Metallic Blue Santro, and whatever polishing the showroom did before handing over the car looked cool for about 3 days. Then the rains came. I have no sheltered place to park my car, so it was at the rain's mercy for 2 nights. So I bought a cover which is pretty ok, keeps rain, dust and bird bombs off the paintjob. I started noticing faint white patches on the roof, which I would wash off, but they always reappeared in 2 - 3 days. So I decided to re-wax the car. I followed all the advice laid down by Rudra, except I use a sponge for washing, find it more convenient.
We don't have much choice for car care products in B'lore, was looking for 3M and Turtlewax, really hunted a few places, but had to settle on the next best, which is Formula 1. I have picked up:
Sonax Gloss Shampoo - 350/-
Mr. Muscle Glass Cleaner - 25/-
Formula 1 Scratch Out paste - 240/-
Formula 1 Carnauba Car Wax - 350/-
Formula 1 Black Gold (for tyres) - 300/-
The results were very good, though I did not use the Scratch Out paste. I washed the car thoroughly with Sonax in warm water, dried it fully. Sonax is great for washing. Cleaned all glasses (interior as well as exterior) with glass cleaner and newspaper. The glasses are spotless. Waxed half the car by applying the car wax with a damp chamois cloth, and then buffing with a soft dry cloth. The parts which have been waxed have this wet gloss on them, which is what I wanted. How well it repels water, I'll have to check. Then used the tyre spray and left it on for a gloss finish. Left a very nice gloss on the tyre.
Keeping your vehicles clean is a great form of exercise!
The Formula 1 stuff was all good, and the results are as good as can be.
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Old 8th December 2008, 09:05   #369
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the LHS headlight clear lens of my OHC has become dull from outside. I had given the car for service and I think those guys wiped the LHS headlight cluster with diesel. Now when I look at it, I can clearly notice the difference, it has a slight smoky effect to it. Like the kind one gets when one wipes his reading glasses with a dirty cloth.

My headlights were as clean and spanking as a brand new one. Is there a way I can restore the original shine back on this!

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Old 8th December 2008, 10:44   #370
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Originally Posted by ssjr0498 View Post

the LHS headlight clear lens of my OHC has become dull from outside. I had given the car for service and I think those guys wiped the LHS headlight cluster with diesel. Now when I look at it, I can clearly notice the difference, it has a slight smoky effect to it. Like the kind one gets when one wipes his reading glasses with a dirty cloth.

My headlights were as clean and spanking as a brand new one. Is there a way I can restore the original shine back on this!

Usually, they would wash the car with soap after the diesel wash. That would remove the residue. Try using a mild car shampoo.

If there is vapor inside your glass, it should evaporate in a day or two.
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Old 8th December 2008, 18:47   #371
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This might have been a widely asked question but my search yielded too many results to answer, so apologies for repeat.

What is the difference between wax and polish.
Any brand names? I sometimes feel that waxing is not bringing the shine back but cleaning pretty well though.

thanks in advance.
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Old 8th December 2008, 19:11   #372
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Originally Posted by khan_sultan View Post
How does one get rid of the accumulated grime/muck/gritty dirt that develops over time at the car logos at the rear hatch door/dicky of the car.
Soak those area with Prill or Vim grease cutter diluted with water. Leave it for some time. Use soft toothbrush and scrub out all those from grooves. Wash with water.

Do not apply force. They are chrome plated plastic and stuck with adhesive. Wrong pressure will detach them from the body.
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Old 8th December 2008, 21:10   #373
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Originally Posted by Rudra Sen View Post
Soak those area with Prill or Vim grease cutter diluted with water. Leave it for some time. Use soft toothbrush and scrub out all those from grooves. Wash with water.

Do not apply force. They are chrome plated plastic and stuck with adhesive. Wrong pressure will detach them from the body.
To add, use rubbing compound mixed with water applied with tooth brush.
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Old 9th December 2008, 00:16   #374
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Sonax Gloss Shampoo - 350/-
Mr. Muscle Glass Cleaner - 25/-
Formula 1 Scratch Out paste - 240/-
Formula 1 Carnauba Car Wax - 350/-
Formula 1 Black Gold (for tyres) - 300/-
You just wasted your money, Check this post for the updated list: The very Best of Car Care Products | TATA Safari
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Old 12th December 2008, 16:57   #375
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Originally Posted by ibm_jennifer View Post
You just wasted your money, Check this post for the updated list: The very Best of Car Care Products | TATA Safari
So this one article is enough for you to decide that I wasted my money? I had to make do with what is available. I searched a lot for 3M and TurtleWax, I just could not locate anyone dealing in them. So the next best option is Formula 1. And there's nothing ineffective or sub-standard about the products I use on my car. In fact, I use the same on my bikes too, with equally great results. Case in point, your article says not to buy Sonax Gloss Shampoo...I use ONLY Sonax Gloss Shampoo with awesome results. This article does not explain WHY not to use Sonax Gloss. And an article that is unable to quantify the effectiveness of a product is not objective, IMO. Simply mentioning "WASTE" next to the product name is NOT how a good reviewer would test products. So, this article is not objective enough for me to take it seriously.
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