
Advice needed: Registering a pickup truck as a private vehicle

I am looking for an additional single cab 4x4 pickup, mainly to ferry my motorcycles in different states of health.

BHPian Ronnie recently shared this with other enthusiasts.


I joined teamBHP in 2004 or 2005 I guess. Unfortunately I have been traveling out of India from the beginning and in 2008, I left India for a long term basis. Because of that, I have been largely absent from this forum for last 14 or so years.

Anyway to cut the story short, I am planning to be in India for ever increasing duration in the coming years and decided to buy some of those motor vehicles I always wanted.

Especially motorcycles and 4x4s.

When I was in India, I had been living mostly in Bangalore (apart from 1.5 years in Pune). I still have a TL 4x4 I bought brand new back in 2008 when I lived in Pune.

The Question

Right now I am looking for an additional single cab 4x4 pickup (used), mainly to ferry my motorcycles in different states of health .

I can see, I get a lot of options in Mahindra Maxx Pickups. But in Kerala, where I am hoping to be located in the coming years; do they allow single cabs as goods vehicles (yellow plate) only? Or is there anyway to register them as private vehicles?

Besides, all of the 4x4 Maxx Pickups I had seen ads for, were registered as commercial (goods vehicle) to begin with. Is there a way to convert commercial plate (yellow) vehicles to private plate (white)? Not having lived in the country for last 14years, I no-longer know the local MVD regulations either. Any suggestions on this topic will be greatly appreciated.

Here's what BHPian dhanushs had to say on the matter:

It is very difficult to get a white board for a pick up in Kerala. Even Toyota had to have yellow boards for their HiLux.

While I think there is a provision for that, which involves some special order from court, the RTO's and the entire process makes sure its next to impossible practically.

Let alone a white board, you cannot even get a car registered in your name without an aadhar address change. Rental Agreement and Bills are not treated as a address proof in Kerala, whereas in Bangalore and most cities, they are perfectly OK.

Here's what BHPian sandeepmdas had to say on the matter:

You can register a pickup truck as private vehicle only if the manufacturer declares the truck as a passenger vehicle. When a company launches a new model or variant they will file a declaration (or affidavit) with the states' transport commissioner. A copy of this document is then passed to all RTOs. Now its all digital of course.

The first step therefore is, check with the dealer.

There's no point else, as clear court direction is already in effect regarding this matter.

Here's what BHPian jeeva had to say on the matter:

Well, fortunately there isn't any rule (said or unsaid) in existence at least in KL/TN that you shouldn't be using a vehicle thats registered in the neighbouring states, unlike, say the likes of Karnataka, where the cops are on a constant lookout for non KA vehicles. Almost all of the private pickups in KL (white board) are KA registered. I don't think they will let you pay the KL tax though. As long as you have a temp KA address, you are good to go.

Ofcourse, with any vehicle of DL, HR, UP, and the likes of registration, you might look odd driving in KL and might invite unwanted attention. Hope this helps.

The most practical way to deal with this situation is to get a Bolero Camper/Bolero derivative from KA (if you still have a valid KA address) and use it in KL.

Read BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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