
Amaron vs SF Sonic vs Exide: Here are the voting results

My vehicle battery is acting up lately so thought of getting it changed. Workshop/dealer is recommending SF Sonic.

BHPian SideView recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

What is the consensus on the battery brand that needs to be selected?

Background behind this topic:

My vehicle battery is acting up lately so thought of getting it changed. (current one is Exide) It is 3 years old with limited vehicle usage due to current covid situation.

Workshop/dealer is recommending SF Sonic (which, I am not too sure about). When I mentioned Amaron, he says its performance is not what it used to be with “current” models.

Here are the results from the poll created, based on the votes by BHPians:

Here's what BHPian Raghu M had to say on the matter:

I'd recommend Amaron. Go for the one that has maximum warranty (beyond 36 months). I have been using it for all my needs (bikes, cars & inverter). It is just very good. Better than the others. In case it doesn't work well within the warranty period (which is very rare), you will get a brand new battery replaced without any questions.

Here's what BHPian SS-Traveller had to say on the matter:

I've used all 3 brands listed, and I cannot say I have found any one brand performing inferiorly with relation to the others. Though the vote here is overwhelmingly in favour of Amaron, I have had an Amazon Black fail on me 2 days after the warranty ran out, and an Amaron Go needing to be replaced in warranty. So no battery is failsafe, it's just the warranty that matters.

Here's what GTO had to say on the matter:

Am a total Amaron guy and all my cars are running Amarons, except for the AGM in the German.

Exide left a bitter taste in my mouth as I owned a few that failed exactly when the warranty expired. It's as if the battery was engineered to fail at that point.

Also a trickle charger in these pandemic times, if you are lucky enough to have a power socket close to your parking spot. My 5-Series & Jeep are now on trickle as the two lockdowns & limited outings due to Covid hit their batteries hard.

Here's what BHPian VRJ had to say on the matter:

I’m associated with one of the above brands, so I’m going to refrain myself from voting. My sincere advice is to stick with either Amaron or Exide. They’re both good brands. Apart from the quality of the battery, it’s the service that matters the most. It’s rare for a new battery to be defective, but it does happen. Sometime it can also be a fault with your bike/car. Happens a lot with bikes. Get the contact details of the distributor from the company’s website and find out where their service centre is and how long they take to replace a battery. Generally, a 2W and 4W battery should be replaced between 2-3 days (Max 4). A tubular battery might take a day or two longer. Sf Sonic is owned by Exide. It’s their budget brand. Amaron owns PowerZone and ACDelco, which are their budget brands.

Speaking from experience, don’t believe what your mechanic tells you. The battery field has cut throat competition. All it takes is 50Rs for the mechanic to change sides. The same mechanic who told you Amaron isn’t good lately will tell you Amaron is the best if he’s given the right incentive. It’s the distributor on the top who supplies to multiple dealers and these dealers sell to customers and mechanics. In most cases, a Distributor also has a retail shop with a service centre attached to it. The distributor gives stock on credit to a dealer and the dealer either sells to a mechanic on credit or cash depending on their relation. If the mechanic has a friend who owns an Exide shop and he gets credit and freebies from him, then he will tell you for sure that Exide is the best out there. If his friend owns an Amaron shop, then you know what the mechanics recommendation is. The mechanic only installs the battery on your vehicle, he’s not responsible for the service. That’s where the distributor/dealer comes in to the equation.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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