
Buying pre-owned cycles: A quick guide using my own personal experience

A few years ago, bicycle priced Rs 1 lakh were not that common, but now it seems to be 'acceptable'.

BHPian ninjatalli recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Cycle prices are going through the roof - there have been multiple cases of BHPians jumping from <20k priced MTBs/hybrids to even 1L - 2.5L priced bikes (examples here, here and many more on and off the forum). And they are not alone; the cycle industry prices are seeing astronomical rises across the globe and not only just in India. A few years ago, bikes priced 1L were not that common (at least in India), but now it seems to be 'acceptable' to be quoted such prices when one heads to a reputed cycle store.

In such a market, the pre-owned route becomes all the more relevant. Especially for someone who doesn't want to plonk a huge sum of money on a hobby that might not be their cup of tea in the longer run. And trust me, there's a healthy pre-owned cycle market in India as much as there is overseas (US/UK/etc.). The core principles across all countries remain more or less the same

  1. Search, search, search. Keep a constant lookout, across multiple channels (FB marketplace, Olx, cycle-specific sites/forums like Cyclops, cycling WhatsApp groups, etc.; the list is as much as you can figure out). Good bikes do keep popping up and get lapped up quite fast.
  2. Be clear on what you are looking for but be flexible on some of the parameters (price, brand, components, year of manufacturer, condition and so on). Confusing? Let me explain. Say you start out with a budget of 20k and 2 to 3-year-old options from generic brands, but you might find a > 5-year-old well-kept hybrid of a reputed brand for similar prices. Or you find a cheaper well kept bike with Sora components while you were hunting for one with 105 components. Still, give it a trial and go for it if you find it fulfilling your requirement.
  3. Get your support network ready. Go with a cyclist friend to have a second opinion on the cycle. Better if you can get an expert. Two opinions are much better than one. Especially if there's some part that seems doubtful/problematic, which is quite common when looking at used options.
  4. Bargain depending on the situation. There isn't clear pricing data for used cycles so every case is unique. Don't be too stuck up on the price you were looking for.
  5. Be ready to walk away from the deal. The second person at hand would be useful in this - one of two should play the devil's advocate.

There are other factors which have been detailed sufficiently in informative threads like these and these, so I won't go into details about those.

My intent of this thread with my past experiences is to showcase that it's not rocket science. I purchased my first pre-owned cycle with barely any knowledge other than the bare/basic information I had gained from friends and fellow cyclists. My first cycle was a leap of faith and luckily it turned out good. Post that I made sure to have my knowledge stocked up or go with a friend to help me with the purchase. And I have similarly been able to do that to several of my friends in the past for their first pre-owned cycle purchase. So far I have been able to buy around ~10 pre-owned cycles for myself, family and friends and none of them have been a negative experience for any of us. Those 10 cycles have come after walking away/avoiding more than double or triple the number of options in the market.

So for all those staying on the fence because of stock unavailability and/or extremely high prices of new cycles, head over to the pre-owned route and give it a shot. The best part of it? You can walk away from this if it doesn't work out for you. I have been able to sell most of my pre-owned cycles easily with negligible depreciation. As long as you have kept the cycle in a decent condition, it will sell. Especially in this market with a huge influx of cycling enthusiasts.

Cannondale Quick 5 (2012)

  • Purchase Date: Mar'14
  • Sell Date: Stolen in Oct'14

Synopsis: My first pre-owned cycle; one that pushed me from local sub-10k brands to an international well-renowned brand and one with quality components. Got to know via some FB group of a 1.5-year-old Cannondale for sale at a dirt cheap price of 12k in Mumbai (/Thane). Had minimal information except for a few images and some skimpy information. I was in Pune but went with my gut feeling and left the office early and drove down to Thane on a weekday, reaching around 10 pm.

Turned out the guy had barely used it over the last year and left it mostly in storage. Briefly went over the cycle and baring a few scratches and minor dust/rust on the components, the cycle looked and rode fine. Didn't negotiate and paid the amount he asked and loaded the cycle in my car and drove back to Pune (had office the next day!). The next day took it to my shop and got a full service done. The bike served me well over the next 8 months over multiple brevets and long rides across different terrains, till it got stolen in an unfortunate incident. So satisfied I was with this bike, I ended up buying the model twice in the future.

Evaluation: Looked in decent condition; minor dirt/rust on components and a few scratches, more from storage than usage. No test ride done (cycle was boxed up in storage).

Additional Expenses (post-purchase):

  • Full strip down service
  • Upgraded the tires

Specialized Crosstrail (2013)

  • Purchase Date: Mar'15
  • Sell Date: June'15

Synopsis: I had moved to Chicago where my previous hybrid got stolen (in spite of it being locked) so I wanted a 'cheap' cycle that I could take to the city without the fear of it getting stolen again. So there started my search for an option that would not burn a deep hole into my pocket.

Craiglist (a-la-Olx) turned out the saviour for me throwing numerous options. I had initially started looking for well-kept older hybrids that would be priced cheap but none of the options really met my requirements. Then I found a Specialized 'hybrid' cycle which by the images/specs seemed to be an MTB, with thick chunky 26inch tires and manual shocks and the whole works. Nevertheless, the cycle seemed to be in excellent condition and it was within my budget.

Turned out the guy had multiple options in his garage and wanted to offload the least used cycle and was happy to reduce his price (by some ~$30) to my quoted price. Went around the area on a test ride and the bike was in excellent condition and well maintained. Closed the deal immediately and biked back home. I didn't even have to get it serviced - the bike was in great condition, thanks to the previous owner maintaining it well.

Along the same time, I bought a carrier for my car so with an MTB in hand, I decided to make the best of it and took the cycle to several national parks around/across the state. Spring was still arriving across the country so the bright orange colour really shone out in the dreary backgrounds. As I already had a road bike which was my go-to choice for long rides/brevets, this became my backup option for short in-city rides (including trips to the office) as well as taking it to parks and trails. Finally sold it a few months later as I had to move to a different state and didn't feel the need to carry two cycles. Bonus point? I almost sold it at the same price I paid 6+ months ago

Evaluation: Looked in great condition; components were oiled and well maintained; the cycle was used quite a bit over the last 2+ years and had the usual nicks/scratches. A decent test ride did (for about 10 mins).

Additional Expenses (post-purchase):

  • Absolutely nothing!

Cannondale Quick 6 (2015)

  • Purchase Date: June'15
  • Sell Date: Dec'15

Synopsis: I had started to opt for the hobby of running/jogging over cycling so the cycle tended to be used for rare long rides once a week at most. However, my father was visiting me and so a new requirement came up to (again) look for a second 'cheap' option that he could use in his spare time. By now I was well versed in using Craigslist to figure out good options so I widened my range of search to neighbouring cities and towns. I finally found a decent option - another Cannondale Quick hybrid, but that was in a different city some 150 miles from where I was. However, the price and condition seemed too good to avoid so I connected with him and travelled over the next day for a test ride.

Through the ~2 hour drive to the other city, I kept wondering if I was purchasing a stolen bike (given the bike was a fresh 2015 model and a similar brand new option from the store would have cost me more than double the price) but the location turned out to be a proper residential area. The bike had been unused and even started showing signs of rust but the deal was too good to pass so I paid the amount and brought it back home. Got a full strip down service for the bike and parallelly checked online to see if the serial number registered against any stolen bikes. With no results, I registered the serial on Cannondale's website just to be sure (and get a warranty too!) and we were good to go.

My father arrived a few weeks later and loved the bike so much that I had to get him one 6 years later, paying more than three times of what I paid in 2015. Prior to this, he hardly used a cycle back at home in India; but he cycled so much on that Cannondale, that he even lost several kilos and looked & felt a lot fitter! I kept the bike for a few more months after he went back to India and finally sold the bike when I realized the bike was just gaining dust (also it was a size smaller so I ended up hardly using it). Knowing the value of the bike, I priced it higher than what I paid 6 months ago (but didn't go overboard) and got a host of responses from interested parties. The guy I finally sold to was so happy - he was still getting a great deal and thanked me a lot!

Evaluation: Almost a brand new cycle; however it seemed as if it was never used or kept in storage for the entire year. Components had visible rust and weren't maintained at all but nothing seemed broken; the cycle wasn't in running condition (no grease/oil on the chain, etc.) for a test ride.

Additional Expenses (post-purchase):

  • Full strip service

Retrospec Mantra (2015)

  • Purchase Date: May'16
  • Sell Date: Nov'16

Synopsis: By mid-2016, I had absolutely no need for a second bike, or for that matter, even the first bike as all I was doing was running half marathons and sorts. But the habit had set in and I used to regularly scan Craigslist for cycles as frequently as I do Team-BHP these days. To stop me from reckless spending I put boundary conditions for searching; one of them was to look for fixies. Why? Just that I had never ridden one and the segment fascinated me.

Luckily I saw an ad in a neighbouring city for a year-old fixie and it seemed in absolutely great condition and not that expensive. Pinged him and set up a time to have a look at the cycle. A short test ride around the corner and I was sold (no idea for what as I hardly had a need for the cycle). The owner even offered to hand over some extra accessories he had with him as he was shifting to other sports and had no use for them. Loaded the cycle back into my car and brought it home. Although I had the cycle for the next 6+ months, I hardly ever used it and it barely did 100 km over that period. I brought it along when I moved location (to a much larger metro - NY) and then I decided to sell it. And it seemed NY city was crazy over fixie bikes; as soon as I put up the ad, I was literally hounded with replies and within a few hours, someone came over and picked up the bike paying a premium over what I had quoted for the bike.

Evaluation: About a year+ old cycle; owner shared he had been used it regularly for short / in-city rides. The cycle was in well-maintained condition (the owner shared details of a recent service done). Went for a short test ride around the corner just for sanity checks.

Additional Expenses (post-purchase):

  • Absolutely nothing!

Fuji Crosstown (Pre-2010 model)

  • Purchase Date: Mar'16
  • Sell Date: Apr'16

Synopsis: The past year's experience of my father enjoying his time with a cycle had rubbed off my mother and she wanted a cycle for her short trip the next year. So the search started again for a used bike for an extremely short period (2-3 months) during her stay. The fact that it would be a 'small' size made it a surety for me to look for extremely cheap options that could be given off via charity without worry if they didn't get sold.

Looked up & down Craiglist and found an ad that fit my requirement of ~$100 budget for a used ladies cycle. It was nearly a decade-old Fuji Crosstown hybrid bike that had been tuned up and put up for sale. Went around and checked it for basic requirements - the components were oiled / in running condition and the tires had decent life to at least last a few months. All checks went through and I got the cycle back home.

As expected the cycle saw a few runs around the city, otherwise, it mostly stayed in-house. After 2 months, I put it up for sale but the ad hardly saw any takers. Finally, a friend offered a token amount and I handed over the cycle to him; well knowing that he probably was also not going to use it and just did it out of pity for my attempts, and probably the small benefit of having a cycle for the rare moment when the weather/situation demands a cycle for riding around.

Evaluation: Pretty old cycle possibly having seen multiple ownership over time. The cycle was in decent condition - nothing seemed out of shape/broken and the paint colour had come off at several points (scratches/etc.) due to old age. Went for a short test ride around the corner just for sanity checks but didn't fuss too much as the purchase was for a short period (~2 months).

Additional Expenses (post-purchase):

  • Nothing.

Merida Crossway (2018)

  • Purchase Date: July'20
  • Sell Date: Still owning it

Synopsis: And now comes the most recent purchase. Having purchased a brand new Cannondale Quick 5, after several failed attempts at finding a used option online (thanks to Covid probably), my wife showed interest in cycling and we started looking out for pre-owned options. The need was for a basic gearless simple cycle like a Btwin My bike or sorts. Luckily I saw an ad for a 2.5-year-old Merida hybrid right on the day it was put up. Called up the number and got better pictures on Whatsapp. The cycle looked in good condition and we planned for a visit the next day morning to Thane.

Reached the owner's society and the wife took the cycle on a few rides around the society while I chatted with the owner. Got to know the cycle was recently serviced plus they had done a few upgrades (tires, etc.) on the bike but decided to let it go as his wife was shifting to a non-geared option due to health reasons. By then the wife gave the go-ahead and after a routine check of the components, we quickly negotiated the rate and finished the deal. He was quite surprised to see the cycle go within a day of his putting up the ad (lol).

The cycle purchase was one of the best decisions given how the 12 months (Covid timelines) rolled out. About a year later (late 2021), we got a full strip-down service done for the cycle and since then it's been not that frequently used ever since we moved to Bangalore, so probably I'll be putting it up for sale.

Evaluation: a 2.5-year-old cycle that was regularly used almost on a daily basis. The owner shared details of recent service and even was ready to share maintenance/service bills if needed (recently service done). The cycle was in great condition and except for a few nicks, was good to use. Went for a decently long test ride around the society (~10 mins). Also, the tires had been upgraded less than a year ago to puncture-proof Schwalbe options strengthening the deal.

Additional Expenses (post-purchase):

  • Strip down service (about a year later after purchase)

So there's my history of pre-owned cycle ownerships. Apart from these, there were a few more transactions that I was involved in for friends some of which I remember was:

  1. Getting a pair of cycles for a colleague and his wife for local short in-city rides back in Chicago, who were 'inspired' by my Specialized Crosstrail story and wanted to get onto cycling without spending a fortune
  2. Evaluating and almost purchasing a cheap Hercules ACT 110 for the bargain sum of 2000Rs in Chennai. Had to travel out of town and ironically it was purchased/picked by a fellow BHPian who noticed a post by me on the 'Bicycle Thread' with regards to the same Olx ad
  3. Technically my first pre-owned bike was picking up a roommate's un-used Hercules MTB back in 2012. Not sure if I paid him anything, but it was the first cycle that opened me up to the world of cycling

I hope the above experiences give you enough confidence in attempting the search, trial & ownership of a used/pre-owned cycle. If not, do share with anyone who shows/indicates interest in cycling but is put off by the high purchase amounts involved. And remember, getting a pre-owned/used cycle is a much easier deal than buying a pre-owned 2-wheeler or 4-wheeler. There are enough examples of BHPians on the forum buying even 40k - 1L priced road bikes (in India & overseas), getting a great bargain for well-maintained cycles.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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