
Had wonderful fun trying out Maruti Suzuki Jimny's 4WD system

Briefly considered leaving the Jimny at the farm, this is as much fun as a buggy - while sitting out of the dust & heat; but decided against it. I'll use it as my daily for a while, before shifting it to the farm.

BHPian blueberry recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Off-roading (soft-roading) with the Jimny

Finally got around to checking out the off-road abilities of the Jimny. The loose surfaces meant I could safely engage 4H and 4L. It is wonderful piece of fun, and great to be a hooligan with (of course in safe and protected spaces).

I briefly considered leaving the Jimny at the farm, this is as much fun as a buggy - while sitting out of the dust & heat; but decided against it. I'll use it as my daily for a while, before shifting it to the farm.

  • Where - At our farm in my village. It wasn't difficult to convince grand dad to let me do this  (he had his share of fun in his youth).
  • Space used - 400x400 ft (~4 acres)
  • How did I get to do it - This plot of land is cultivated only when there is rain / Canal water. In summers, its a barren plot of land.
  • Did I kill any vegetation - No, the land is tilled every 2-3 months, to keep the weeds out & for the stumps from the previous harvest to decompose.
  • Is it bad for the land - Driving on tilled soil will compact the soil again, which would require the land to be tilled again before sowing season.
  • Next sowing season is in November - the land will have to be tilled again anyway.
  • It certainly is not friendly to the small worms & snakes that inhabit the land.
  • Will I get to do it again - only in summers, after the land has been tilled 2-3 times post harvest
  • Risk - Hard stumps from previous harvests (if any) can damage the tyres.
  • Recovery Vehicle - John Deere Tractor (just in case)

The farm land, before & after

Couple of shots in action

Efficiency figures, when redlining the car in 2nd gear (4H and 4L)

This is just as efficient (/inefficient) as Formula 4 (Formula LGB) car at the track. But significantly more cost effective in terms of wear & tear (clutch, brakes, tyres).

Is it just as fun as a F4 car? - Possibly an unfair comparison. Deep sleep and good food are both wonderful - but can we pick which is better.

Rear side of the Jimny has picked up the most dust (rwd). Needs a deep cleaning post the session.

Coconut trees are the perennial vegetation in this part of the country. Low effort in maintenance. Increasingly more farms are shifting from seasonal cash crops to Coconut palms.

The cacti are dragon fruits, which we planted during 2020 Covid Lockdown.

Jimny in action - video and slow mo.

The engine doesn't sound sweet at full throttle, it isn't unbearable either.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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