
My experience cleaning the K&N filter on my 2007 Grand Vitara

Based on driving conditions, the filter would need cleaning anywhere between 12,000 and 20,000 km.

BHPian vigsom recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

As a sequel to this post, I ended up cleaning my K&N filter again, this time after 12,000km; procedure and stuff used to clean and oil the filter were the same as in my earlier post.


1. The filter was more fouled up at the top half of the filter towards the tapered edge

2. A lot of dirt was trapped - showed up in the number of washes/rinses during cleaning


MAF Sensor after 12,000km

The "clean" (outlet) side of the dirty filter

The dirty inlet side of the dirty filter - note more clogging towards the taper end

Dirty filter inlet side against light

Rinse water after rounds 4, 5, 6, 7 in that order (forgot to click pics of Rounds 1 to 3)

Clean water at end of round7

Oiling the filter after leaving it to naturally dry for over 24 hours - extra time since sun was playing hide and seek

Clean filter against light

Before vs After - at the same place against same light

Summing it up

  • Based on driving conditions, the filter would need cleaning anywhere between 12,000 and 20,000kms.The first tell tale sign is a drop in pick up and an increase in fuel consumption
  • Personally, I think I did a more thorough job this time than last time. The filter wicks showed so.
  • The process of cleaning and oiling is quite a pain - takes close to 1.5 hours to clean, overnight to 24 hours to dry, and another about an hour to oil. But this task forces one to squat, and helps in getting one's joints oiled.

Read BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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