
Need solution: Found rust under the tank of my Honda CB350 motorcycle

The best method always is to get the vehicle to the service centre, get them remove all the rust (ensure this) and get the parts painted.

BHPian Captain Cactus recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Hey guys,

Few days back I found rust under the tank of my CB350 the bike few months old can you guys tell me any solution and is it a common issue with other CB350 as well? Also I have shared the pics below:

Here's what BHPian ICE_Swift had to say on the matter:

I'd suggest taking it to the service centre.

Get it checked thoroughly Under Your Supervision and check the depth of Rust.Please check the entire area at the service centre ,ask to remove the Tank if it helps.If it's a small part that's replaceable under warranty push for replacement.

Also I'd suggest getting it done at the Service Centre Over DIY because of the warranty mainly.Once the warranty is over you can do this kind of Minor Stuff at Home.I don't know if it voids the warranty, better not to risk in case there's any more rust damage.

On a side note yours is not the first CB350 I've seen Rusting.A Friends CB350 bought immediately after launch has developed Rust along the Entire Exhaust Pipe Stretch.

Here's what BHPian adrian had to say on the matter:

Get hold of a paint brush (the thin one that the kids use for painting). Dip it is a rust converter solution and treat the part. If you are more confident with your mechanic skills, remove the tank, remove the rust using a sand paper and paint the part.

Rust converter is available in spray can and basically what it does is to convert iron oxide (Rust) to a more stable ferric tannate which forms a protective barrier as well preventing further rusting.

The best method always is to get the vehicle to the service centre, get them remove all the rust (ensure this) and get the parts painted.

If you don't want to take the things to the service centre, get a can of rust converter and spray on the rusted part. No need to scrape off the existing rust.

Here's what BH{ian Sebring had to say on the matter:

I'm using Loctite Marine paste on any rust I find. Once treated, the same section never catches rust.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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