
Tesla Autopilot claims to make driving safer: Report

The average vehicle crash data of the USA was one crash for approximately every 670,000 miles.

According to media reports, American EV maker Tesla has released its 'Autopilot Safety Data Report'.

The latest report comes after a break of more than a year. Earlier, Tesla only used to release a 'Vehicle safety Report', which tracked miles between accidents in its vehicles, based on whether Autopilot was used or not, while comparing them to the industry average. However, the data was limited and often criticized for not taking into account the more common city roads.

Now, Tesla has released the Autopilot data for Q1 2024. As per the report, the first quarter witnessed one crash every 7.63 million miles driven by a vehicle using Autopilot technology. For vehicles not using Autopilot technology, the ratio came down to one crash per every 955,000 miles driven.

Compared to this, the average vehicle crash data of the USA was one crash for approximately every 670,000 miles.

Source: Electrek

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