
How Team-BHP helped me secure a refund for my Ather charger

Ather had been completely non-response and non-committable regarding the timelines for the refund.

BHPian SPB_Drives recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

I have been facing deep trouble in securing my charger refund from Ather. A company, trying to base itself on the values of quality and trust, has seriously failed on delivering this promise. My case number #00497533 has been pending for over 2 months. First they wanted me to upload certain documents (like a cancelled cheque, ID proof, etc.) on the Ather App, but there was no link available for this, then they provided me an email id where I could share the relevant documents for them to start processing my refund. I shared my documents over email on the same day, but then it's been a long wait. I have tried contacting the customer support team multiple times, but to no avail, they have their standard response wherein they ask you to wait and have patience. But now, sadly, I'm out of patience. I had to, for the very first time, name and shame Ather on X platform (formerly Twitter), where I found that there are many more customers who are facing this issue. Ather has been completely non-response and non-committable regarding the timelines for the refund. I did tag Mr. Tarun Mehta as well, but to no avail, I guess the Ather team is busy launching the new Apex model and does not care enough about its existing customers.

I want to inform the new prospective customers that Ather is going to turn its face the other way once the sale of their scooter is completely. So buy at your own risk.

I request the fellow members to guide if there is anything I can do to resolve this issue. I'm considering filing a legal suit in this matter.

Here's what BHPian stantheman had to say on the matter:

I can share with you what happened regarding my ather refund. It was fairly straight forward honestly. They seem to be following FIFO method, do whoever bought scooter first would get it first.

When I got their email, i opened the link there itself. That was before they went app only. But after I uploaded the necessary details including VIN number, IFSC code, pic of cancelled cheque etc, i got response from them that the information in chai is not discernable. So I had to reload the info again. This time I took my sweet time since I was caught up with too many things. Strangely this time they didn't ask for pic of cancelled cheque. Post that the refund got in account in fifteen days.

  • Uploaded first time - 10th sept.
  • Re-upload - 6th nov
  • Refund. - 22nd nov.

You can just walk into their showroom and either speak to someone. I've a number of one of their executives who helped me with getting my ather. I can connect you with him if he is ok with it.

BHPian SPB_Drives had the following update to share:

All thanks to team-bhp, the Ather team sprung into action and have deposited me the charger refund. I’m saddened by the fact that I had to bring out this issue in public and twitter to get resolution. Nonetheless, I guess thats how the cookie crumbles. A platform like this is now all the more important to help consumers achieve redressal of genuine issues. Thanks again.

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