
Jeep Compass: Price & monthly volume changes since 2017

As per statistics, for every 1% price increase, the volume drops by 3.7%.

BHPian pqr recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Study of Jeep Compass price movement

  • The average monthly volume dropped by 57% since its launch in 2017

  • During the product life cycle, including the early 2021 facelift, the weighted average price of the Jeep Compass has gone up by 16%, including feature changes

  • Theoretically: the price elasticity of Jeep Compass stands at 3.7 i.e., for every 1% price increase, the volume drops by 3.7%.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.



Take new car delivery in Dec 2021 or new year with price hike

I am just giving another thought to my purchase because it's a price hike season for car manufacturers, which they are doing for the last 1-1.5 years.

BHPian td_kia recently shared this with other enthusiasts.


It's another December, another year of the dilemma of the buyers: Buy the dream car in December or in next year make in Feb/ March.

A lot has been said and I think that remains the same for every year. I am just giving another thought to my purchase because it's a price hike season for car manufacturers, which they are doing for the last 1-1.5 years. Most likely there will be a price hike in January of 20-25k and probably another 20k in mid-year because of the semiconductor issues that they say every time I ask for a delivery.

So the question is car delivery: Dec 2021 or Feb 2022 (+ price hike)?

Here's what BHPian CeeBeeR had to say on the matter:

I booked my Kushaq a couple of weeks ago and have opted for a 2022 model even though a 2021 model would have been available in a week. My reasoning behind this:

  • Skoda dealer promised me a 2022 manufactured vehicle by mid or end of Jan. While many dealers only provide 2022 models in Feb or March, this dealer seemed pretty confident that he can get me one in Jan.
  • I'm expecting the Kushaq to come with some minor updates (roofliner, ac vents, door beading etc.) in the next couple of weeks. So it makes sense for me to wait for some more time.

If you absolutely need a vehicle right now and you don't have the above points in your favour, I'd recommend to negotiate hard and get a new car right away. You can get a new car and enjoy your Dec holidays with it.

Here's what BHPian luvDriving had to say on the matter:

Aside from the good pieces of advice on this thread, looking at the current scenario of chip shortage and long wait times, my take on this will be that if I am going to get my car in mid-2022 even if I book it now, then I might as well delay a bit and book it in 2022. By luck if I do get the car earlier, it will get registered as a 2022 model.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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