Team-BHP - The Official Joke thread

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Originally Posted by GTO (Post 3579683)
After seeing this ad, you'll either be...

:uncontrol just like a moth is drawn to a flame there is nothing stopping a gujju from garba lol:

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Stops at signals...

The Official Joke thread-imageuploadedbyteambhp1415940579.760017.jpg

Not for any other reason!!

Nissan's response to Kim Kardashian's latest Paper magazine's frontal shot:

The Official Joke thread-nuqs5p8.jpg

Mods: I hope I am not flouting any rules here. Please remove the post if it doesn't fit here.


Originally Posted by RavSam (Post 3579380)
Actually colorblind people cannot see/differentiate between Red or Green and see them as shades of yellow.
If he had called it a Yellow BMW then it would have been something. lol:

Thanks for saving me the blushes RavSam. stupid: Its a stupid typo and before mods point it out, yeah, I will read/preview my posts.

Best anti-theft system ever lol:


Best anti-theft system ever
lol, but probably not. Probably a great way for the attempted theft to cause a lot of damage a the thief wouldn't have even noticed.

320K floppys! Yes, I remember now. And I think the first PC hard discs were a fairly small number of Mb. I ran Unix machines (company of 40-50 people) until our systems, dept and people got the chop in 2003. I don't think we had broken the Tb barrier ... but I have three of them under my desk!

This may be the joke thread, but it is a joke, looking back on that "old" technology. But then... so are the ever-recurring "upgrades" of Microsoft today!

If you are a software engineer

One of the many jokes circulating after whatsapp's 'blue ticks' update. :D

The Official Joke thread-10404305_1021679957888372_830872609658277144_n.jpg


Originally Posted by AltoLXI (Post 3581008)
If you are a software engineer

Can completely identify and empathise with this agree:

think of a number :D

The Official Joke thread-1422545_10152904821536840_3339805294593305452_n.jpg


Originally Posted by IronH4WK (Post 3581896)
think of a number :D

Laughed so hard, i gagged on it.
Nine times, in fact. :)


Originally Posted by IronH4WK (Post 3581896)
think of a number :D

LOL Yeah seriously!! I wonder who gets excited seeing such "magic" (so damn silly) mathematics forwards.


Originally Posted by IronH4WK (Post 3581896)
think of a number :D

... Multiply by 140, now deduct 30% and...

Sell for "30% off!"

Not sure if this has already been featured. I checked out and couldnt see it. I thought this was quite a funny line on the ad

Whatsapp special salon

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