Team-BHP - Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

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Originally Posted by BoneCollector (Post 3804047)
There are 4 Moto G first gen in my family. We all got an update for 5.1 today morning and I have updated all to 5.1

As of now, there is some smoothness in operation of the phones. Lag has decreased. There are a few new things that were mentioned. I don't remember them as of now.

What is the size of the update?


Originally Posted by _chikku (Post 3804259)
What is the size of the update?

Its around 205 MB. My friends have not observed major changes yet. But 5.1 was a big change, so hopefully the internals should improve.


Originally Posted by _chikku (Post 3804259)
What is the size of the update?

Its 208.5 MB. After finishing download, it took about half an hour to update. Performance has improved but no change in battery status. And my phone hasn't hung up since the update. Earlier it used to hang quite often.

The update has not yet rolled out for Moto G 2nd gen.

Oh OK .. Thanks guys. I will update once I'm in 3G area.


Originally Posted by dkaile (Post 3784165)
Well the supplied Fast Charger on my 4GB model of the Zenfone 2 is working perfectly and charges the phone in a jiffy. A 10 minute charge boosts battery to almost 70%. Maybe the 2GB models don't come with this tech and hence they don't supply the fast charger with it? With my usage battery is still at 50% each night.

And I found out what the problem was. It isn't the phone. It is the charger. I hadn't done my research properly. Have ordered a fast charger now - this will fix the fast charging issue.

Loving the phone. No issues - they keep providing updates but am looking to see when they will provide 5.2


Originally Posted by naveenroy (Post 3805344)
And I found out what the problem was. It isn't the phone. It is the charger. I hadn't done my research properly. Have ordered a fast charger now - this will fix the fast charging issue.

This is one problem. I dont see any of these rapid chargers being available for sale. Any of those companies. HTC, Moto etc. Any pointers?


Originally Posted by ampere (Post 3805395)
This is one problem. I dont see any of these rapid chargers being available for sale. Any of those companies. HTC, Moto etc. Any pointers?

Buy the Sony CP-AD2 charger. It's a legit 2A charger and probably the best available in India. Make sure to buy the version with 1.5meter USB cable. the build quality is outstanding.


Originally Posted by SunnyBoi (Post 3805400)
Buy the Sony CP-AD2 charger. It's a legit 2A charger and probably the best available in India. Make sure to buy the version with 1.5meter USB cable. the build quality is outstanding.

Thanks for the note. Ordered the same! Will check it out on delivery.

The M4i is supplied with 2-amp charger. I get a full charge in less than a couple of hours. No more leaving the phone plugged in to charge overnight! (the fact that it doesn't stay charged that long is another story!)

But... When I plug the phone into my anonymous car-outlet charger, which says 2-amp on the socket, it seems to take an age to gain just a few percent.

Are there any recommendations for specific car (cigarette-lighter-type) chargers that perform well?


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 3805486)
Are there any recommendations for specific car (cigarette-lighter-type) chargers that perform well?

Bought a Capdase genuine car charger with two points from Amazon at around Rs 750 long back. Thats the only car charger I could find so far which actually charges the phone at par with wall charger otherwise other car chargers which i used have turned out just joke. This charger can keep up the pace even when using the phone as navigator when screen, GPS, 3G etc are on and discharging rate is quite high. Money well spent.

EDIT: This is the one I got:

My phone supports quick charging and I guess this charger also supports quick charging on one of the port, though not sure since i Haven't actually tested but found this charger charging really quicker than all the chargers I have used so far.

I don't see any talk of the Moto X Play or the Moto X Style!
Judging by the pricing of the play, if the style is priced anywhere near what I think it should be, bye bye OnePlus 2. OnePlus 2 has been a sad launch all together if you ask me. Real life usage tests favour the OnePlus 1 over the OnePlus 2, there's a YouTube video showing the OnePlus 1 demolishing the 2 in terms of speed and multitasking. Snapdragon 810 optimization fail! Anyway, hoping to buy a style( 3gb ram, Quad HD screen, 5.7 IPS (thank God no AMOLED), beast of a Snapdragon 808). Please Motorola price it well! Otherwise I might pick up the play, with the only downgrade being the 2gb ram, 5.5 1080p screen and Snapdragon 615. Not a deal breaker if you ask me, but the behemoth 3630 mAh battery! Oooh, that itself makes it an interesting proposition. Let me know what you guys think of these phones which are totally about to change the smartphone market as we know it.


Originally Posted by tbppjpr (Post 3805497)
... ... ... This is the one I got: ... ... ...

Thank you very much for that recommendation. I might go for one of those on my next Amazon shop.


You can also check this one.

This is what i got on a sale and it charges super fast and its a 2Amp and it rapidly charges my phone, my tablet and even my cameras , portable battery and what not.

I also have a 3 point charger as well which is similar to this.


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 3805529)
Thank you very much for that recommendation. I might go for one of those on my next Amazon shop.

Don't jump just yet.

First check MI4i's charging logic. TBPP has a motoX. Here's how Samsung does it - check what MI does.

My experience says its better to go to local accessories shop - try 5 chargers and buy the one which actually works with your phone.


Originally Posted by naveenroy (Post 3805344)
It is the charger. I hadn't done my research properly.

Loving the phone. No issues - they keep providing updates but am looking to see when they will provide 5.2

Yup, the phone's just romping along after 1 month of intensive use. What fantastic value considering I got this for 17k. Here are a few pictures of the Asus original fast charger in case you are interested to get the OE one -

Comes with a India specific 2 pin power plug
Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods-asus-2a-fast-charger_1.jpg

Rated at 2A
Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods-asus-2a-fast-charger_3.jpg

Fantastic build quality and all the ratings
Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods-asus-2a-fast-charger_2.jpg

I heard that the recently launched Moto X Play also supports fast charging but you need to shell out a extra 1K to get their fast charger as a accessory. Nice to see it in the box here with Asus 4GB models.

The latest version, afaik, is currently 5.1.1 and I don't think there is a 5.2 version. But the Android 6 (marshmallow) is already in the works in the developer preview stage. As per my information, Asus is very shortly upgrading the Zenfone 2 to 5.1.1.


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