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Old 24th May 2006, 11:34   #1
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The "USED" Car Price Check Thread

This weekend I happened to come visit the AutomartIndia car mela. I checked out two 2003 Accent CRDI's, both done around 63000 km. The quoted price was 4.9 lakhs.
I enjoyed the car a lot and never realised that a diesel could be so much fun to drive.
I haggled a bit and they are ready to offer me the car for 4.8 lakhs and put in new tubeless tyres aswell as comprehensive insurance (insurance value 4.25 lakhs) for the year.
I know that typically AutoMartIndia does charge a premium without adding too much value to the car. But is this price a lot more than the market price or is it reasonable.
Also wanted to know if its worth going for a used CRDI which has done 63000 + kms and does the car have any specific problems (have read of some fuel pump failures after 80KKm, is this true ?).

Please let me know your views so that I can decide to pick this vehicle or look elsewhere.

Last edited by Rehaan : 29th March 2019 at 07:21. Reason: Updating opening post (removing mod note)
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Old 24th May 2006, 12:16   #2
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There is a usedcar price chart available with
as per that price list(it has been last updated on 22may2006)it shows the price for 2003 model CRDi as 5.25 the price which automart has quoted seems to be on the lower side.if the cars are pune registered,get in touch with Sanjay Hyundai\Kothari Hyundai guys to know the history of the car.i myself was on lookout for one a year back and i was searching thru Automartindia.All they showed me were MH09 registered CRDi's and my friend in Sanjay Hyundai advised me not to go for them.however one of my friend who works for TJC pickedup a used CRDI from Automart in Pune and is pretty happy with the car.he hasnt had any issues
I dont know if i have helped you or confused you
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Old 24th May 2006, 12:22   #3
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Thanks, jraj.
One of the models is a Pune registered one, it has alloys with 196/65R14 tyres. The car had great grip but had a lot of tyre/road noise, probably because of the broad tyres. The other car was a MH-10 and had bald tyres and the body looked in better condition.
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Old 18th January 2007, 19:24   #4
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Opinion on Alto from Maruti True value..

Hello Friends,

I am planning to buy Maruti Alto LXI from Maruti True value dealer at Bangalore.

The vehicle has done 25000 Kms and 2.3 years old and the quote is
about 2.5+ .

Anyone has idea if 25K in 2.3 years is a stressed out vehicle?

For buying a second vehicle how much kms done shold be considered okey?

Any ideas?

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Old 18th January 2007, 20:15   #5
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For Alto 25000 kms is fine but 2.5 lacs is bit high, however Alto has good resale value but ask for not more than 2 lacs. Thats should be godo buy for 2004 model Alto. Search in otherused car dealers you can buy alto easily also search in internet that should help you get direct sellers.

You try popular automatch they are one good people! selling used cars.

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Old 18th January 2007, 20:31   #6
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Originally Posted by shirishindurkar View Post
Hello Friends,

The vehicle has done 25000 Kms and 2.3 years old and the quote is
about 2.5+ .

Anyone has idea if 25K in 2.3 years is a stressed out vehicle?
Less than 1000 kms per month running is good. Apart from the mileage part check with your known mechanic about the condition of the car.

Ravibhat: I dont think they will come down to Rs.2 L for 2004 model LXI alto
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Old 18th January 2007, 23:44   #7
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The price in true value will be a bit on the high side...

But, if you ask me, its worth going for a true value car...

I took the car from true value... the rpice was a bit high than market rates... But then, you get 1 year warranty+ three free services...

After taking the car, i got company horns, steering tie rod, some column joint (i dont know excetly what to call it), lights and indicators combinational switch etc replaced under warranty... Which should have been from my wallet in not for the warranty... The car is doing fine now, and am happy with it...

also, one more thing...

There is something else i would like to add...
1. Check the tyres... true value guys dont check it while taking car... The tyre could be old... (happened to me... Had to change tyres soon after purchase... looked ok, but was defective)
2. Make sure they give you the duplicate key...
3. Get all the papers from them...
4. Take a mechanic along with you to inspect car... They do check for accident case cars... But, its good if you make sure...
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Old 19th January 2007, 15:34   #8
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I strongly suggest to go to show room, and look for folks who are buying swift, by a upgrade. They paid some 1.8lac for my uncle's Alto LXI, for 3 yr old car... but they will definitely up the car value heavily when they sell it. So you can as well go and talk to prospective exchange folks offer them 10K more than what they get in maruti exchange and then spend max 10k in sprucing it up. This is way better than buying from True Value.
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Old 19th January 2007, 15:40   #9
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2.5 is too high a price for Alto LXi since its more than two years old. Besides why dont you for a new one, the difference in EMI wont be much especially if you will be buying the used on Finance and the interest rates are higher on used cars. Think abt it.
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Old 19th January 2007, 15:52   #10
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There are some cases reported on this forum (would be available in the archives) in which the True Value guys had reversed the odometer and passed off high mileage cars as low mileage ones. So please make sure your mechanic undertakes a thorough check-up before buying the car.
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Old 19th January 2007, 16:45   #11
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My dear friend, try searching in admag or free-ads, If you know a good mechanic, inspect the car and buy directly from the seller.

Assuming you are willing to spend 2.5 lakhs, why dont add some more money and buy a new alto?? Interest rates would be low if you are planning to buy the car taking a loan.
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Old 19th January 2007, 17:37   #12
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True value cars are always priced more. I have bought 2 cars from them and the experience was not so good. There was always some problem or the other and all the items were not covered.
I would recommend you to buy a new car.
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Old 21st January 2007, 20:47   #13
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Re : Opinion on Alto from Maruti True value..

Dear Friends,

Thanks much for all your comments...I been to True Value mela organised by Maruti where all dealers participated. Well,I am yet to finalize on my are few things to note though meanwhile.

I felt overall rates quoted by TV are considerably high, worth it, I guess due to parts replacement not repairs and their certification system.

Regarding reversing the odo reading, but the TV engineer told that its not possible as they are digital and secondly it can be figured out easily where it is interfaced with wheels.
They informed me that odo tampering is also difficult as they provide all the servicing records and it has all the details of what was the readingon given service date.This can be cross verified.

The interest rates for new and pre owned cars have considerable difference, 11.50% and 14.00% respectively by Maruti TV finance.

MTV site has some good docs to look for in a pre-owned vehicle.
Maruti Suzuki certified true value used car company: buy second hand pre owned cars, warranty, 120 quality checks, refurbished with genuine accessories

Maruti as such does not seem to finance by itself and have a tie up with other banks (CITI) for funding.



Last edited by ampere : 21st May 2019 at 19:35. Reason: Formatted for readability
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Old 21st January 2007, 21:33   #14
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Hey Shirish,
i would suggest you to et a new Maruti Alto LXi.
It would maybe Rs500 mor per month in your EMI.
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Old 21st January 2007, 21:54   #15
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I suggest you go for the new Alto LXi.
New Alto is externally more appealing.
Is BS-III as compared to the BS-II you are being offered.
Most importantly, there wont be much difference in EMI, as Lamborghini pointed out.

BTW, good choice with Alto. Nice, solid and easy to drive.
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