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Old 29th July 2022, 11:08   #35731
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by SoupRaw View Post
This happens quite often with me as well. Many two wheelers take turns on the wrong lane from the front and even have the audacity to stare

Recently a middle aged guy with a kid on his bike's fuel tank and another on the pillion seat overtook my car from the left when I was making a left turn. I had to jam the brakes to avoid impact. The worst thing is the lack of remorse or acknowledgement of mistake from these people.
Agreed. Remorse and acknowledgement will come only when they are face to face with the truth - hopefully it's not too late by then.
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Old 29th July 2022, 11:22   #35732
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

The Fortuner guy is as childish as one can get. I was all smiles when in the video he was removing the Fast tag from car after a major accident, so that he won't be charged for tolls when being towed to Gurgaon. His bigger worries would have been how insurance company will respond when he is recording himself driving carelessly with camera in hand or a 7 digit repair bill due to extensive damages to an expensive car.

It is highly unlikely that he hit a cow. If it was a cow, it would have surely died and first the villagers would have got hold of him for compensation. None of that is visible in the video and it looks like the accident happened minutes back when he started recording. No blood or sign of cow either.
Most probably he hit rear of a truck.
If this is the case, it is gonna affect his insurance claim for wrongful description of accident and utterly stupid driving. He is in for some hard times with this car and the foolish videos he has made of the incident.

Earlier videos also he had invited ridicule for doing utterly stupid things like swapping Bridgestone for Apollo tyres. Most of his cronies appearing in videos, were seen milking his stupidity.

Last edited by poloman : 29th July 2022 at 11:39.
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Old 29th July 2022, 11:26   #35733
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Originally Posted by WhiteSierra View Post
Another case of car wreck while performing stunts for Youtube/Instagram/Facebook/Snapchat likes

[ANI] HP: A video went viral showing a car jumping over a divider & colliding with railing on NH-5 in Solan; a resident from Amritsar tried performing stunts while rash driving. Vehicle damaged but driver safe. Case filed u/s 279 of IPC in Dharampur PS: Solan Police (25.07)
The roads are literally just right turns and left turns from PB border onwards. These boys deserve this but my sympathies to anyone hurt by these idiots.
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Old 29th July 2022, 12:03   #35734
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by vvivek85 View Post
So I got a helmet for my kid today and I will ensure even if it's my regular 1 or 2 km trip with my daughter, she wears it.
Wonderful! I look at Bangalore folks who travel around wearing those thin construction work helmets just to bypass traffic laws, waiting for a disaster to happen.

Originally Posted by V.Narayan View Post
He was literally going to a grocery store 300 metres away, took his bike, did not wear a helmet thinking "I'm just going around the corner"
Originally Posted by vigsom View Post
Narrating an incident here from 2003 in Surat -
For me the learning came from my room-mate nearly 20 years ago. Both of us had just purchased new Pulsar 150cc bikes with our first job salaries and it was fun to "roar" around empty Pune roads on these fast bikes (atleast back then). Back then Pune didn't enforce helmets on 2-wheelers so my room-mate, who was kind of a flashy extrovert "DUDE", never used his helmet. Didn't go with his riding image - think of a leather jacket, black googles, gelled hair and racing around on a shiny red/maroon Pulsar. I had purchased a helmet and used to wear / use it diligently but then there were days when it would not be used, for situations like above.

On a Friday evening, he decided to go out for a party with friends. I (again) suggested him to take the helmet and for once (very rare for him) he agreed to use it. About an hour later, got a call from him from an hospital - apparently he hit a car at a high speed and literally it was the helmet that saved his life. It took him another few weeks to get back to status quo - thankfully the damage wasn't that much.

Since then I have never seen him without a helmet; neither do I ever step out without one (or two if with a pillion).
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Old 29th July 2022, 12:13   #35735
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by for_cars1 View Post
The front member of the Fortuner has a 90 degree bend. Only an impact to a solid/rigid object such as a rear corner of a truck can create such a bend and not by colliding with a flesh and bone cow with no right angles.

Moreover no cow could have walked away from this collision, there are no bloodstains on any of the car parts in the front or on the road. Its a clean metal to metal collision with spilt coolant.

Most likely he rear ended a truck.
Excellent observation!. But knowing this vlogger, he will very soon come up with a 'detailed' video on what 'exactly' happened.

Sounds nice doing all this vlogging and all that, but the line of stupidity is very thin. This is no different to falling off a cliff or straight into a waterfall while trying to take a selfie.
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Old 29th July 2022, 14:49   #35736
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I regularly face two-wheelers who would rather risk a head-on collision with a car than ride through a small hole or over a bump. Sometimes they even swerve to avoid a different colour of tarmac! Seriously!

Speaking as a non-biker, I wonder how easy it is to be literally thrown by potholes etc? Are there not techniques for riding through holes? I guess that might include slowing down, which is obviously unacceptable to them

My wife shouts at me for jolting her. But no, I cannot spot every hole, and absolutely no, I will not swerve towards other traffic to avoid a momentary discomfort.
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Old 29th July 2022, 15:42   #35737
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Originally Posted by Asish_VK View Post
The scooter rider got great control and he seems so lucky to save his skin.
I absolutely agree that the road needed to be repaired. That said, I think the rider was a bit too fast. I'd assume he would be doing at least 60 kmph. Even if there was no pothole, the connector joints on bridges have the nasty habit of tossing the tyres up if you go too fast over them.

It used to happen almost all the time while going over the flyovers in ORR in Bangalore. Anything over 45-50 kpmh on those flyovers meant there was a possibility of your scooter going airborne.

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
I regularly face two-wheelers who would rather risk a head-on collision with a car than ride through a small hole or over a bump. Sometimes they even swerve to avoid a different colour of tarmac! Seriously!
I've been given advice before by long-time bikers that it is better to go faster over potholes so that your bike does not have time to drop to the bottom of the pothole.

Now the issue is that is that if the pothole is really wide or if the edges of the pothole are sharp (both of which are more frequent than you'd think), you have royally messed up. The scooter is definitely going to disintegrate into several sections and in extreme cases, so will the rider.

Last edited by Small Bot : 29th July 2022 at 15:49. Reason: To multi-quote
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Old 29th July 2022, 16:29   #35738
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Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
My wife shouts at me for jolting her. But no, I cannot spot every hole, and absolutely no, I will not swerve towards other traffic to avoid a momentary discomfort.
As a supposedly all knowing kid learning to drive, i remember swerving to avoid a pothole on the road and in my mind i was thinking my father (sitting next to me) would say good job for avoiding it, but instead i got a whack on the head and told me never to randomly swerve without checking conditions.

If it's a pothole then slow down and ride on. The car can handle it.
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Old 29th July 2022, 16:37   #35739
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Originally Posted by deathwalkr View Post
As a supposedly all knowing kid learning to drive, i remember swerving to avoid a pothole on the road and in my mind i was thinking my father (sitting next to me) would say good job for avoiding it, but instead i got a whack on the head and told me never to randomly swerve without checking conditions.

If it's a pothole then slow down and ride on. The car can handle it.
I wish more people practiced it. It is so irritating to see drivers randomly swerve for minor potholes and even when vehicle in front slows down.
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Old 29th July 2022, 17:02   #35740
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
I regularly face two-wheelers who would rather risk a head-on collision with a car than ride through a small hole or over a bump.

Speaking as a non-biker, I wonder how easy it is to be literally thrown by potholes etc? Are there not techniques for riding through holes? t.
had to swerve today to avoid a Stupid scooterist on the SH today - he was overtaking a larger vehicle on an undivided section, and didnt back out despite a larger vehicle (me) coming in the opp direction.

Very easy, especially on scooters with their small wheels. On a bike, it is relatively easy to escape such mishaps.
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Old 29th July 2022, 18:29   #35741
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
Speaking as a non-biker, I wonder how easy it is to be literally thrown by potholes etc? Are there not techniques for riding through holes? I guess that might include slowing down, which is obviously unacceptable to them
Originally Posted by condor View Post
Very easy, especially on scooters with their small wheels. On a bike, it is relatively easy to escape such mishaps.
Doh! I should have realised that the wheel diameter counts. Obviously, now you mention it, but I hadn't thought about it.

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Old 29th July 2022, 19:00   #35742
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by poloman View Post
The Fortuner guy is as childish as one can get.

His bigger worries would have been how insurance company will respond when he is recording himself driving carelessly with camera in hand or a 7 digit repair bill due to extensive damages to an expensive car.

Most probably he hit rear of a truck.
If this is the case, it is gonna affect his insurance claim for wrongful description of accident and utterly stupid driving. He is in for some hard times with this car and the foolish videos he has made of the incident.
This vlogger posted a video on the 15th of June 2022 about a breakdown on the same Fortuner as he was leaving Mumbai. The vehicle had damage to its right forward quarter & was repaired in Mumbai under “Insurance” as was mentioned by him in a later video.

Now more than a month later he has this incident & the vehicle is now in the service centre in Gurgaon. This morning he mentioned that the surveyor has checked the vehicle & the service centre is waiting for approval from Insurance for the repairs.

How does insurance work in such a case - 2 incidents in a 2 month period & owner hoping both will be covered by the insurance company.

Would appreciate some information regarding the same. Thank you.

* * *
Regarding dangerous YouTubers, I remember some Hyderabad MotoVloggers talking about a fellow rider who wanted to create a record for non-stop riding from Delhi to Hyderabad but he sadly lost his life. I believe this is mentioned somewhere in this thread, a year ago.

Last edited by Ithaca : 29th July 2022 at 19:04.
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Old 29th July 2022, 20:10   #35743
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Another blind spot accident

Two women narrowly escape from being run down by a lorry in Tamil Nadu.

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Old 29th July 2022, 22:53   #35744
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Team Bhp newsletter have featured posts in this thread regarding bike and helmets. I would like to share my own experiences.

During our college days we used to travel 10 km everyday between college and hostel. I used to ride with friends/ classmates in two wheelers. Helmet was compulsory only for driver, not pillion.

One day we were coming back to hostel late afternoon. I was riding pillion. For whatever reason, my friend had to brake suddenly on a curve. The scooter skidded and hit the curb. He flew off to the front, his helmet flew away and his forehead hit tarmac. External injury was just few bruises in the forehead. However CT scan showed brain haemorrhage. With timely surgery he was soon back to normal.

As for me, fortunately, I did not have any injury.

Lessons learnt:
1. Always wear helmet when on a two wheeler
2. Buy a helmet that fits your head properly
3. Fasten the chin strap

Later when I got my own bike, HH CBZ, I got a good quality helmet for my wife and myself, even though it was not compulsory where we lived then. We always wore it when we go out.
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Old 30th July 2022, 03:08   #35745
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This tragic incident occurred in Goa on 29th July at around 1:10 AM. A Duster with four occupants was traveling from Cortalim towards Panjim - what is assumed to be at high speed. When the vehicle was crossing Zuari bridge (the main connection between North and South Goa), the driver attempted to overtake another vehicle but somehow lost control, skidded and hit the barrier of the bridge. The barrier broke and the car fell into the river, killing all four occupants.
It was indeed a very sad day for Goa. One of the occupants was celebrating his birthday that very day, while another was to get married soon.

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