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Old 27th April 2008, 23:41   #691
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private bus in flames

private bus(for the public transport) in flames....

photo source :-malayala manorama

it happened in shornour(kerala)....some problems with the gear box lead to the fire...six casualities
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Old 28th April 2008, 17:55   #692
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Attached is the picture of an accident which my friend had clicked on a trip from Pune to Murud.

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Last edited by GTO : 29th April 2008 at 10:39. Reason: Pleas upload pics on TBhp
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Old 29th April 2008, 18:08   #693
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Well, this may not be the right place for a query, but I can't find any other thread related to airbags deployment issues, what is the opinion of the experts, of late I have seen some cars where the airbags are deployed even when the interiors and most of the engine bay is perfectly ok, there was some bumper and condenser/radiator damage only but the airbags were deployed. In one case, the care was scrapped from the side with almost Zero frontal damage but still the airbags were deployed.

Is it the way the airbags are supposed to function or some malfunction causing it? I heard that sometimes even jerks at high speed due to pot holes/speed breakers cause the airbags to deploy ? is it true?

Lets hear from our expert community, their experiences and opinions.

Thanks in advance
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Old 30th April 2008, 00:27   #694
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I know more about this.

Originally Posted by SirAlec View Post
A state transport bus in sorry state(6+lac km done) plunged in a river killing 44 children and 3 adults. only four children survived. and more are missing.

They say they could have been saved, has the rescue effort started earlier. Old tire that bursted is said to be the cause of accident.

Image: HT and TOI

Actually this has happened near my city and I even went to the site with my friends.

Now people claim about the condition of the bus. Well the bus front axle ( it was thought that front axle broke down and it was the main reason for accident ) got damaged after accident and was not broken. The driver lost control and it was entirely the drivers fault here. And after the initail fury of Times Of India ( TOI ), they just stopped blaming bus after they were presented with all the details about the bus's parts being changed as and when required. Most apparently the propeller shaft gave way as the driver had tried to accelerate.

Now the reality what people i.e. eyewitness have said is this. There was a slow moving truck on the bridge. The driver accelerated to OVERTAKE THE TRUCK, ON THE BRIDGE. Eventually he lost control. Now every one is trying to prove that the truck wasnt there. And then they claim that the truck driver and cleaner had thrown ropes and got 4 students out.
Well if there was no truck then how come suddenly two men came and threw ropes?

In the really raging water no man could have swimmed, so how come the two men came out of nowhere and did their job, because there was no one on the bridge when accidnet occured. eVen if the truck came from behind, they could not have been saved.

Now what government did: They immdiately strated closing doors of the dams. When the water receded, then rescue divers could go in.

Now just think that how come the truck came from front or behind the bus and have saved four kids? The wates force was so much that even professional divers had problem. So how come the kids stay there till truck came from somewhere, then realize what happened and then help.

Immediately after everyone including TOI started applying logic, they suddenly went mum.

There was a truck and when the driver tried to overtake, he lost control.
Now it is illegal to overtake on the approach to the bridge and to overtake on the bridge. The driver broke the law.

Nothign else, nothing more.
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Old 30th April 2008, 01:33   #695
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Originally Posted by aaggoswami View Post
Actually this has happened near my city and I even went to the site with my friends.

Now people claim about the condition of the bus. Well the bus front axle ( it was thought that front axle broke down and it was the main reason for accident ) got damaged after accident and was not broken. The driver lost control and it was entirely the drivers fault here. And after the initail fury of Times Of India ( TOI ), they just stopped blaming bus after they were presented with all the details about the bus's parts being changed as and when required. Most apparently the propeller shaft gave way as the driver had tried to accelerate.

Now the reality what people i.e. eyewitness have said is this. There was a slow moving truck on the bridge. The driver accelerated to OVERTAKE THE TRUCK, ON THE BRIDGE. Eventually he lost control. Now every one is trying to prove that the truck wasnt there. And then they claim that the truck driver and cleaner had thrown ropes and got 4 students out.
Well if there was no truck then how come suddenly two men came and threw ropes?

In the really raging water no man could have swimmed, so how come the two men came out of nowhere and did their job, because there was no one on the bridge when accidnet occured. eVen if the truck came from behind, they could not have been saved.

Now what government did: They immdiately strated closing doors of the dams. When the water receded, then rescue divers could go in.

Now just think that how come the truck came from front or behind the bus and have saved four kids? The wates force was so much that even professional divers had problem. So how come the kids stay there till truck came from somewhere, then realize what happened and then help.

Immediately after everyone including TOI started applying logic, they suddenly went mum.

There was a truck and when the driver tried to overtake, he lost control.
Now it is illegal to overtake on the approach to the bridge and to overtake on the bridge. The driver broke the law.

Nothign else, nothing more.
Dude! thanks for the details. But if you remember, in 2002 GSRTC had a similar accident in the place where I live, Abu. Same thing happened, 1st the driver was high, I mean name one gujju driver that comes to abu who isn't, second, the bus disintegrated killing 5 people. Hence the condition of the bus is also to be blamed. I will post a similar incident on the exact same place. The bus is intact, only the driver was killed that to when he tried to jump, he came under it when it rolled over the hill.
Now the GSRTC send best CNG bus available to abu, but with same kinda driver. My best is 16 minutes for 28 km run that too in a zen, 800 and swift in moderate traffic which zips through small gaps. GSRTC driver, especially the 9pm wala tries to beat that, imagine that.
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Old 30th April 2008, 02:11   #696
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Damn!! Thats quite a crash!
Any idea if the number plate flipped 180deg with the impact? Probably had one end broken off,and the hinge flipped the board over.
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Old 30th April 2008, 14:39   #697
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Yes agree with you.

Most of the long distance drivers in Gujarat, wheather from Private tours and travels or Government, are really rash and those who drive at night are prefectly mad. They take the machine to limit where everything comes on edge.

I knew that they were bad, but never knew that things can go this bad i.e. trying to be first.
If this is what is happening, then well, I willl love to ride a motorcycle rather than going or climbing into these busses.
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Old 30th April 2008, 15:29   #698
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Originally Posted by Nitin View Post
Damn!! Thats quite a crash!
Any idea if the number plate flipped 180deg with the impact? Probably had one end broken off,and the hinge flipped the board over.
The bumper is damaged. but one of the screw came loose easily. Actually this bus rolled several times 50ft below the road. This image is after they bought it on road.
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Old 30th April 2008, 18:18   #699
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Originally Posted by SirAlec View Post
The bumper is damaged. but one of the screw came loose easily. Actually this bus rolled several times 50ft below the road. This image is after they bought it on road.
50ft below the road. Thats . Hopefully the passengers came out safely from this incident. I really hate these bus drivers who drive like total imbeciles. They have passengers onboard, so many lives relying on them, yet they keep on fooling around and drive rashly.
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Old 30th April 2008, 22:45   #700
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Heres what happened to my ride 2 weeks back. Got totaled alright! It was a freakish accident where an oncoming tractor from opposite side lost control on the sharp turn and hit me sideways, then the trailer unloaded onto the car's roof from co-passenger's side.
I had little time to react, thankfully escaped without even a scratch! can you believe that!!
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Old 30th April 2008, 22:59   #701
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OMG.!! thats a scary scene..Thank God u came out without any injury.

Where did this happen?
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Old 30th April 2008, 23:11   #702
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markiv,thats one horrible accident. So glad you made it out with any injuries.
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Old 30th April 2008, 23:38   #703
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You didn't take any pics from a digi cam? And that looks like Tractor-trolley was carrying Sand.

Lucky escape nevertheless, the car's finished even though it was built like a tank.
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Old 30th April 2008, 23:44   #704
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His phone was inside the tank and the tank was filled with sand.
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Old 1st May 2008, 10:31   #705
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mariv, thank God you are safe! Sorry for what happend to your car---its a Palio, right?
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