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Old 8th June 2012, 10:30   #11311
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by james View Post
OT: I believe its a combination of both bad roads and reckless/overconfident drivers with poorly maintained vehicles!

Not just bad roads, even good roads are a recipe for disaster as drivers go above the safe speed limit on smooth roads, how much reaction time window will you get in such cases in case of an emergency?
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Old 8th June 2012, 15:04   #11312
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by n_naik View Post
According to the reports,
"The accident occurred when the Bolero car in which they were travelling rammed into a Trax car which was trying to overtake a lorry from opposite direction at a great speed. The Trax hit the Bolero car as a result of which the Bolero car over turned and collided with the lorry."

Here are the pics of that. Source: SahilOnline.
I posted the above almost 3 months back. Here are some more pics of that bolero and Trax.
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Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-image0639.jpg  

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Old 8th June 2012, 15:06   #11313
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Tejas Ingle View Post
High speeds + Wet roads - Judgement - ABS + not knowing not to brake hard on a curve = Crash.
My addition to the quote in bold.

All of us are going, some time, to find ourselves half way around a curve that turns out to be far sharper than we expected. If at all possible, leave the brakes alone: they are likely to turn a worry into the very thing one is worried about. At most, dab them gently.

I had a colleague, back in London, who learnt this lesson the hard way, and wrote off one of the company's most expensive cars. the idiots bought him a new one!

Glad your Swift guys were OK. I don't think I'd have been talking about anything except that 100-ft drop
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Old 8th June 2012, 16:05   #11314
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

I am reposting a picture below to explain folks in general about groups travelling in speeding SUV's on highways and not belting up.

Here a truck was carrying PVC pipes, was suddenly made to stop, there was sufficient inertia for the pipes to shoot through the cabin. This situation which was created by a sudden stoppage means that the pipes were not secured properly. It is good to tie them up so that they stay on the truck and not roll down sideways, but what about the cab itself? Insufficient protection!

Now, many people are severly injured in SUV accidents. Just imagine the truck to be a SUV, those PVC pipes to be the rear passengers (2/3/4 and how many more rows behind the driver). In cases of sudden stopage due to braking or an accident, these people are hurled to the front, injuring themselves and the front passangers.

At all times goods and passengers, even those sitting behind in a car/SUV should be adequately secured.
Hope people will not laugh when I suggest that bus passengers also could consider using seatbelts. Injuries will surely be reduced.

Cheers harit
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Old 8th June 2012, 16:35   #11315
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by harit View Post
In cases of sudden stopage due to braking or an accident, these people are hurled to the front, injuring themselves and the front passangers.
This is exactly what happens in this seat-belt ad:
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Old 8th June 2012, 16:46   #11316
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Horrible..! to say the least. How ever i think those were not PVC pipes, looks more like GI pipes.
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Old 8th June 2012, 22:30   #11317
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Julie was a public information film in UK, a long time back. I only needed to see it once before I wore back-seat belts and insisted that my passengers did ever after. It was the era of the creepy, scary Public Information Broadcast, but hey, they were good at what they did. Effective.

Even a box of books on the parcel shelf could kill you. Even a parcels van needs to have something very solid to protect the driver. That lorry was not only badly loaded, but obviously lacked any sort of protection.

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Old 9th June 2012, 18:57   #11318
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

There are reports of a multiple-vehicle accident near the Kamshet tunnel on the Mumbai - Pune e-way.

Maharashtra Times

As per the link the wet roads led to vehicles skidding and colliding into each other. As per the TV flash news, the count of the vehicles involved in this accident has gone up to 40. Hope there are no serious injuries or fatalities. From this description it looks like the accident has occurred on the Pune - Mumbai lane. Traffic has been diverted through the old route.

The rains are here. Please drive safe!

Last edited by GTO : 11th June 2012 at 11:26. Reason: URL
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Old 10th June 2012, 00:20   #11319
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

the link the wet roads led to vehicles skidding and colliding into each other.
I think every young Brit gets this one from their driving instructor:

What causes a skid?

After the student eventually runs out of ideas and dries up, we get told the answer:

The driver.

Nothing else "leads to skidding."
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Old 10th June 2012, 06:55   #11320
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by n_naik View Post
I posted the above almost 3 months back. Here are some more pics of that bolero and Trax.
The vehicle in the last picture - is that is the one that collided with the Bolero? If yes, (at least from this angle), the Trax seems to have taken very little damage. On the other hand, never seen a Bolero in such a bad shape. The toppling must have cause the the twisting. Genuinely doubt, if the front seat people in the Bolero survived. May the departed RIP.
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Old 10th June 2012, 09:56   #11321
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by SDP View Post
The vehicle in the last picture - is that is the one that collided with the Bolero? If yes, (at least from this angle), the Trax seems to have taken very little damage. On the other hand, never seen a Bolero in such a bad shape. The toppling must have cause the the twisting. Genuinely doubt, if the front seat people in the Bolero survived. May the departed RIP.
Check page 731. It is an accident in which 4 (or 5) persons were killed.
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Old 10th June 2012, 16:54   #11322
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Guys I had a minor accident today @ Dhaula Kuan while going to Gurgaon from Delhi.

This is how whole incident took place.

I was driving my brother's i10 at speed of around 50-60 KMPH in middle lane at the dhaula kuan stretch (just after the metro station red light) . Suddenly a silver Honda City driver came into my lane from left side for overtaking and breaked hard as there was a cargo auto in front of him. I too breaked hard in two parts to avoid rear ending but still my car hit the Honda City's bumper and then suddenly a red Alto banged in my i10's rear. His Alto was also rear ended by a WagonR.

Now as the main fault of this incident was the Honda City driver he ran away realizing it was his fault, his bumper was also badly damaged. I parked my car on side and checked out the other two cars. Happily no one was hurt including us.

But the Alto guy says that I should not have breaked as because of this his car rammed into my i10's rear and a WagonR rear ended his Alto. He said I should have changed my lane immediately instead of breaking hard. Guys please tell me what should I have done in this case, If I had changed my lane then the truck driver on the other lane would have crushed us.

The Alto driver along with WagonR driver stated that it was us at fault and started arguing with us. After giving them good verbal dose we drove off. Both were asking us to stop and give money but why should I give the money when I was not at fault and my car also got damaged badly, both front and rear bumpers are gone.

I have now reached home but dad has suggested that I should not give car for insurance etc and keep it as it is for one week. If there is any police call then we can also show our car's damage as getting the car repaired immediately will be like cover up .

I am very sad as this happened when we were going for finalizing a property deal, the deal was also cancelled due to this accident.

Please guide me. I have not taken any photos and now I have covered my car.

PS - Please note that no one was injured even one percent and only bumpers are damaged along with little damage to the bonnet of all three cars.

@Mods please move it to a independent thread if this post is irrelevant to this thread.

Last edited by bluevolt : 10th June 2012 at 16:55.
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Old 10th June 2012, 17:03   #11323
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Originally Posted by bluevolt
Guys I had a minor accident today @ Dhaula Kuan while going to Gurgaon from Delhi.

This is how whole incident took place.

I was driving my brother's i10 at speed of around 50-60 KMPH in middle lane at the dhaula kuan stretch (just after the metro station red light) . Suddenly a silver Honda City driver came into my lane from left side for overtaking and breaked hard as there was a cargo auto in front of him. I too breaked hard in two parts to avoid rear ending but still my car hit the Honda City's bumper and then suddenly a red Alto banged in my i10's rear. His Alto was also rear ended by a WagonR.
The Honda City caused this accident by illegally changing lanes when the lane he was changing to was not free. If you had swerved to avoid the City, you would have effectively been doing the same, and been liable for damage caused if anyone had hit your vehicle.

Since you braked hard in an attempt to avoid hitting the vehicle in front, it is definitely not your fault. In fact, you can claim damage from the vehicle behind you (Alto) as he is guilty of not maintaining sufficient distance between his and your vehicle. Basically he was following too close.

When braking in a straight line (within the same lane), if someone rear-ends you, it is their fault and not yours.
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Old 10th June 2012, 17:19   #11324
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by bluevolt View Post

But the Alto guy says that I should not have breaked as because of this his car rammed into my i10's rear and a WagonR rear ended his Alto. He said I should have changed my lane immediately instead of breaking hard.

Hahaha I cannot help but laugh. No offense Blue volt I am not laughing at you but at the silly logic of the Alto guy. He says you should have changed lane, then why on earth did nt he do the same. Weird people are I tell you.

It was not at all your fault as VeluM has said, you braked in straight line, the vehicle behind you should have maintained safe distance. The Honda City however cant claim the same as he abruptly changed the lane, that too not to escape, but to overtake from left.
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Old 10th June 2012, 17:23   #11325
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Originally Posted by bluevolt
Guys I had a minor accident today @ Dhaula Kuan while going to Gurgaon from Delhi.
First of all the good thing is you and your brother escaped unhurt.
Also in this case the alto driver is at fault for rear ending you. And in any case if you had changed lanes, the alto driver would have probably hit the honda city. As VeluM stated, its the altos fault for rear ending you, as he shouldve seen where he was headed.
Hope you have taken down the numbers of the alto and wagon r and possibly the honda city's. There was another member from bangalore whose new rapid got rear ended in a similar situation like yours.
Hope you are feeling better now. And possibly try not to take the i10 out for a few days and make do with other cars till the heat dies down.

Last edited by Parthasarathig : 10th June 2012 at 17:24.
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