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Old 10th June 2012, 19:02   #11326
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by bluevolt View Post
I have now reached home but dad has suggested that I should not give car for insurance etc and keep it as it is for one week. If there is any police call then we can also show our car's damage as getting the car repaired immediately will be like cover up .
IMHO I think there is no point in waiting to get the insurance process underway. In any case the insurance people are going to photograph your car and ask for a incident history. Even if the Alto guy reports this:

1. It is his fault that he rear-ended you n that is what the law states.
2. Your car is damaged at both ends, it is you who should claim damages from the Alto not the other way round.

Your only fault (taking the above law in account) is that you ended up rear-ending the city. The city guy in any case is not going to report this. So, claim that you hit the city after the Alto rear-ended you....I don't think this is a big deal. Go ahead and get your car repaired.
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Old 10th June 2012, 21:02   #11327
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by VeluM View Post

When braking in a straight line (within the same lane), if someone rear-ends you, it is their fault and not yours.
Originally Posted by vibbs View Post
The Honda City however cant claim the same as he abruptly changed the lane, that too not to escape, but to overtake from left.
Originally Posted by Parthasarathig View Post
Hope you have taken down the numbers of the alto and wagon r and possibly the honda city's. .
Hope you are feeling better now. And possibly try not to take the i10 out for a few days and make do with other cars till the heat dies down.
Originally Posted by damanshaheed View Post
I don't think this is a big deal. Go ahead and get your car repaired.
The Honda City Driver was quick enough to realize his fault and he ran away. The Alto guy along with the WagonR driver were framing me as culprit. WagonR driver was taking Alto driver's side so that his fault of rear ending Alto is ignored and both were blaming me for the accident while the real culprit ran away. I didn't took any number as I was having cash with me (as I was going for a property deal), after a quick verbal argument I realized that it will be better to move off as I have money with me.

Guys is there any possibility if they send police to my home? This is the reason why i am not getting my car repaired so that if any body comes I could show them that my car was rear ended and the front bumper doesn't have much damage as compared to rear bumper.

Looks like I should have forgot decency and ran away like Honda City driver. But I stopped to see if anybody got injured and I see myself framed as a culprit.

Really guys such incidents takes away mental peace!

Last edited by bluevolt : 10th June 2012 at 21:05.
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Old 10th June 2012, 21:46   #11328
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Originally Posted by bluevolt

The Honda City Driver was quick enough to realize his fault and he ran away. The Alto guy along with the WagonR driver were framing me as culprit. WagonR driver was taking Alto driver's side so that his fault of rear ending Alto is ignored and both were blaming me for the accident while the real culprit ran away. I didn't took any number as I was having cash with me (as I was going for a property deal), after a quick verbal argument I realized that it will be better to move off as I have money with me.

Guys is there any possibility if they send police to my home? This is the reason why i am not getting my car repaired so that if any body comes I could show them that my car was rear ended and the front bumper doesn't have much damage as compared to rear bumper.

Looks like I should have forgot decency and ran away like Honda City driver. But I stopped to see if anybody got injured and I see myself framed as a culprit.

Really guys such incidents takes away mental peace!

Relax .
Its the adro rush in the moment that would have caused the guys to blame you.
Once they get home, they would probably ask people the same question.
I've been in such situations.
A very forensically inclined cop would even try to apportion blame on the guy in front, if he came to the scene 2 seconds after the impact.
Post such an impact, after everyone is home and away, the cops will straight out tell the guy it would be his fault to pay for.

I know, its not always the fault of the guy behind, but what to do?
Don't fret.
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Old 10th June 2012, 21:46   #11329
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don't worry about police coming to your door, it is a bygone now. Everybody involved must be over it by now, raat gayi baat gayi. get your car repaired....
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Old 10th June 2012, 21:53   #11330
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Originally Posted by bluevolt

Really guys such incidents takes away mental peace!
You did to get out of there fast. I doubt if anybody is going to come to your house. And if the police does come theres nothing to worry. Just show them the damages then they will either leave or ask if you want to lodge a case against them.
In case you dont see any action within 24 hours you are not in trouble then. Anyways today is sunday and if any problem were to arise it wouldve happened by now. So nothing to worry. Everyone was trying to save his skin by blaming you. So that you dont lodge a complaint against them. You know trying to get you to panic and maybe even make their day by donating them some cash.
So you neednt worry now as legally you are correct.


P.s the honda city driver was very clever to have scooted from the scene lol. Chalu fellow.

Last edited by Parthasarathig : 10th June 2012 at 21:56.
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Old 10th June 2012, 22:00   #11331
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Pileup on Mumbai Pune Expressway - 9.June.2012

Read this on news today :
Nine injured as 17 vehicles collide on Pune-Mumbai Expressway
Eleven vehicles collided after a tempo in a tunnel skidded on a wet stretch; in a similar incident, six more vehicles followed

Minutes after the crash, distraught victims and families were seen trying to regroup. Several cars were severely damaged in the horrific incident that took place on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway.
Pic/ Navnath Kaple
Source : Mid-day
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Old 10th June 2012, 22:30   #11332
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by bluevolt View Post

Guys is there any possibility if they send police to my home? This is the reason why i am not getting my car repaired so that if any body comes I could show them that my car was rear ended and the front bumper doesn't have much damage as compared to rear bumper.

I too think you dont have to worry much. Moreover even if the cops come to your place, you dont have to worry. Nobody can really blame you for somebody rear ending you. Its imperative that the guy behind you maintains minimum gap. So chill, get your car repaired in a couple of days if you are too worried, take photographs of damage suffered on your vehicle. I am not very sure if photographic evidence will help, just that you have something to talk with in the very rare case somebody comes up.
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Old 10th June 2012, 22:50   #11333
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by bluevolt View Post
Guys is there any possibility if they send police to my home? This is the reason why i am not getting my car repaired so that if any body comes I could show them that my car was rear ended and the front bumper doesn't have much damage as compared to rear bumper
Just relax buddy. If they had any intentions of calling the police they would have done that on the spot by calling 100 or warned you that they would file a hit and run case against you. Its their mistake and my blood boils to know that those chaps were so indecent to blame you for the accident, if any one was to claim damages then it would be you as they rammed your car from behind.

The car behind should maintain a sufficient distance and if it bangs into a car ahead, its their mistake irrelevant of how or why the one ahead brakes.

Wait for 2 days and start the repair process of your i10.

Looks like I should have forgot decency and ran away like Honda City driver. But I stopped to see if anybody got injured and I see myself framed as a culprit.
Running away in such cases isnt always right, it should be preferred only in lonely stretches where you think you can become a victim of road rage.

To give you an example, just yesterday at 9:30 AM, i was going from GK2 to Dwarka in my Linea and was joining the vasant vihar flyover when all of a sudden a violet XUV500 at atleast 70-80 km/h swerved right into me, banged my right ORVM, almost sideswiped my car and without a hint of apology casually drove off, honked a few times at him but he ran away, i clicked a photo of his car as well as noted his regn no as i didnt know how much damage had been done to my car, stopped by the side to check and it was only a few scars on the mirror so forgot the whole episode. If it was more, i would have filed a hit n run case.

I dont know why but if i bump into some one's car and its my mistake, i should atleast apologise and offer to repair the other party's car, yes at night time i would also run away (seeing the poor NCR safety standards at night) but at 9:30 in the morning , people have just lost all decency here.
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Old 10th June 2012, 23:31   #11334
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by bluevolt View Post
The deal was also cancelled due to this accident
Do not cancel the deal cause you had to deal with some Baboons.
Move on with the deal.

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Last edited by suhaas307 : 10th June 2012 at 23:56. Reason: See note in post :)
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Old 10th June 2012, 23:51   #11335
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

@ Bluevolt Even if an inconsiderate idiot barges into your lane, law says any guy rear ending the vehicle in front is at fault. The Honda City guy has cut lanes without looking for clear space and without lane changing signalling. It is unfortunate that you had a hit from the rear also. But the Alto driver is at fault to hit your car from behind. He should have left a braking distance safe enough at the speed he traveled. The same applies to the wagon R guy too.
Here as the Honda bloke has scooted off you are free of any offense legally.

Last edited by rajeev k : 10th June 2012 at 23:55.
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Old 10th June 2012, 23:57   #11336
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Originally Posted by rajeev k
@ Bluevolt Even if an inconsiderate idiot barges into your lane, law says any guy rear ending the vehicle in front is at fault. The Honda City guy has cut lanes without looking for clear space and without lane changing signalling. It is unfortunate that you had a hit from the rear also.
No, I'm pretty sure that if an inconsiderate idiot barges into your lane, then whatever happens next is his (the idiot's) fault.

Originally Posted by pinnacle
Read this on news today :
OT: That is one tough Nano!
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Old 11th June 2012, 00:02   #11337
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by bluevolt View Post
Guys I had a minor accident today @ Dhaula Kuan while going to Gurgaon from Delhi.

This is how whole incident took place.

I would strongly advise you to let go of this incident. There is very little you could do now. The damage has been done. Just make sure that the insurance comes through and get your car repaired as fast as possible. Move on.

Breaking one's head over such things will only divert you from the things you need to do in your daily life.

I agree with Download2Live. Let this incident not come in the way of making important decisions. This accident will be forgotten soon. Go ahead with the deal. Let it not be affected by an accident, however trivial or serious it might seem to be. The most important thing to consider is that you are safe and so is everybody else.
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Old 11th June 2012, 00:15   #11338
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by download2live View Post
Do not cancel the deal cause you had to deal with some Baboons.
Move on with the deal.
Originally Posted by suhaas307 View Post

I would strongly advise you to let go of this incident. Go ahead with the deal.
Thanks guys!

We were going to give token money (bayana) to the other party but this is now postponed till Saturday. Since the other party is known to us he is willing to wait till next week after hearing about this issue.
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Old 11th June 2012, 00:21   #11339
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by VeluM View Post
No, I'm pretty sure that if an inconsiderate idiot barges into your lane, then whatever happens next is his (the idiot's) fault.
Yes, the rear-ender-at-fault rule applies to normal following, in which it is the driver's responsibility to maintain safe distance. If someone cuts into that distance, there's nothing much the rear-most car can do.
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Old 11th June 2012, 08:08   #11340
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by bluevolt View Post
Guys I had a minor accident today @ Dhaula Kuan while going to Gurgaon from Delhi.

Now as the main fault of this incident was the Honda City driver he ran away.
But the Alto guy says that I should not have breaked as because of this his car rammed into my i10's rear and a WagonR rear ended his Alto. He said I should have changed my lane immediately instead of breaking hard. Guys please tell me what should I have done in this case, If I had changed my lane then the truck driver on the other lane would have crushed us.

The Alto driver along with WagonR driver stated that it was us at fault and started arguing with us.

Sad to hear about the accident but glad to know that no one was hurt.
Thats what the rats generaly do (Honda City guy), they jump out of the sinking boat first. The Alto & Wagon R guys argument is totally baseless. Even if you had braked hard I am sure they would have sufficient time to brake had they maintained the safe distance rather than following you closely.
I am sure there will be no Police case as neither one would want to fall on the wrong side of law.
Get the car repaired and forget this as one off incident and mve ahead.
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