Team-BHP - Suggestions for Team-BHP from Team-BHPians

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You have 23 drafts?! :o

The User CP page doesn't show the new posts for subscribed pages accurately. Sometimes, some threads doesn't turn to "read" state even after clicking the thread. It keeps showing threads as unread.

Another problem is with the "Go to first new post" and "Go to last post". These two links also don't take me to the latest posts. These links generally take me to the post which was posted after my "You last visited" time. But, I am logged into Team-BHP all the time (one window is open 24x7) and hence It keeps taking me to an old post.

The bug here IMO is, "Go to first new post" takes me to the latest post after Last Visit time. Instead, it should consider the reference time as my last visit to that particular thread and take me to the posts which were posted after that time. Similar behavior is observed with "Go to last post" link (have absolutely no clue why).

Don't know if this is a limitation with the forum software or a bug.


Originally Posted by Gandhi (Post 1503424)
The User CP page doesn't show the new posts for subscribed pages accurately. Sometimes, some threads doesn't turn to "read" state even after clicking the thread. It keeps showing threads as unread.

I am now consistently observing this behavior with some of the threads since yesterday.


Originally Posted by Gandhi (Post 1503992)
I am now consistently observing this behavior with some of the threads since yesterday.

i've had this for years now - so much so that i am used to just clicking goto_last_post. I always thought it was to do with my browser when i initially encountered it, but i completely forgot about it issue as I got used to working around it. I experience it on windows and linux and with IE, firefox and chrome.

Dunno if this has been suggested but can we have the quote in quote feature? Where if we quote a post and that post quotes another previous post, then both posts are quoted. Helps with understanding the context of certain discussions instead of scrolling back.

Couple of more suggestions:
  1. Like "New Posts" link, I would like to have a "Newly Created Threads" link. This should show all the newly created threads after my last visit so that I don't have to search for such threads in hundreds of updated threads.
  2. I would like to have a granular control over "New Posts" link where I can select the sub-forums from which I want to see the new posts. I may not be interested in all the forums (say international car scene, technical threads etc etc), this feature would be of great help to people like me.

Team-BHP Mods & Admin teams are doing a wonderful Cover of the Cars to be launched in India. Infact I just love the details & contents of these Testdrive reports.
Being a automotive enthusiasts that we all are, It would be a delight if Mods & Admin team could manage to do these testdrive reports for the Rally/Motorsports cars in India. IT would be very great insight & knowledge enhancing to read such reports. Sadly, The normal automotive magzines cover(very rare) only the cosmetic details of sports/rally cars.
I know it is a difficult task to get the details of Rally/motorsport cars but then Team-BHP has done many firsts for automotive scene.

Guys, firstly, the classified notification emails have been disabled temporarily. There seems to be a bug in the software which is sending out numerous emails. Disabled until a solution is found. This software is anyways at the end of its lifecycle (new section coming up soon), so....


Originally Posted by Gandhi (Post 1503424)
The User CP page doesn't show the new posts for subscribed pages accurately. Sometimes, some threads doesn't turn to "read" state even after clicking the thread. It keeps showing threads as unread.

The UserCP page will only update ever so often to reduce server loads. IIRC, the cycle runs every hour or two.


These links generally take me to the post which was posted after my "You last visited" time. But, I am logged into Team-BHP all the time (one window is open 24x7) and hence It keeps taking me to an old post.
The system will count your last visited time. This functionality is basically in place for the "new posts" feature i.e. to view all updated threads since your last visit.


Originally Posted by McLaren Rulez (Post 1504222)
Dunno if this has been suggested but can we have the quote in quote feature?

Few people will actually use it, and such a feature will only complicate the thread display page.


Originally Posted by Gandhi (Post 1505222)
I would like to have a "Newly Created Threads" link.

FANTASTIC! Thank you. Shortlisted for install.


I would like to have a granular control over "New Posts" link where I can select the sub-forums from which I want to see the new posts. I may not be interested in all the forums (say international car scene, technical threads etc etc), this feature would be of great help to people like me.
Already a part of our software. Related FAQ Entry.


Originally Posted by malgudi (Post 1505237)
could manage to do these testdrive reports for the Rally/Motorsports cars in India. IT would be very great insight & knowledge enhancing to read such reports.

I like. TD'ing Rally / Motorsport cars. Not too many teams would be willing to share advanced details of their cars on an open forum (competitive advantage), yet if an opportunity comes across, we'll put up a detailed report. Standard format with 100 pictures et al :)


Originally Posted by McLaren Rulez (Post 1504222)
Dunno if this has been suggested but can we have the quote in quote feature? Where if we quote a post and that post quotes another previous post, then both posts are quoted. Helps with understanding the context of certain discussions instead of scrolling back.

As mentioned, this would be rarely used by the majority, but theres an easy way to do this manually.

Just MULTIQUOTE the two posts you wish to post.

Then, in the reply box, cut-paste the earlier quote and paste it within the quote tags of the second post! Done!


Originally Posted by newer post

Originally Posted by older post



PS - A "new threads/topics" is indeed a good idea Gandhi!

This is my two cents to the best forum...

The sequence of posts that appear in any thread is reverse i.e. the latest post appears on page 1 at the top and older posts appear below it right upto the bottom - and the first post on the last page of the same thread if it spans multiple pages.

Now as an average human being - i have an habit to read from top to bottom... unfortunately when i try to do that on team-bhp I end up getting royally confused because i end up seeing answers first and after a few pages see the questions for which the answers were there.

If there is a review / feedback about a car then i have to click on the main thread link in the forum first... then click again into the inside last page link.

So to make the forum more user friendly - how about reversing the sequence of posts as a default setting? And I did not see any option available to me to do so. If anyone knows it - please let me know... else would the administrator please consider this request...

Other Team-bhpians can you pitch in with your feedback?


Originally Posted by andygarcia (Post 1510752)
The sequence of posts that appear in any thread is reverse i.e. the latest post appears on page 1 at the top and older posts appear below it right upto the bottom - and the first post on the last page of the same thread if it spans multiple pages.

So to make the forum more user friendly - how about reversing the sequence of posts as a default setting? And I did not see any option available to me to do so. If anyone knows it - please let me know... else would the administrator please consider this request...

Andy, in the User CP on top, you have the option to set this as you like it.
User CP -> Edit Options - >

Suggestions for Team-BHP from Team-BHPians-cp.jpg


Its strange that you report this problem since by default, the forum is set up to show oldest posts first. However, every couple of months someone seems to make a similar mention to yours -- maybe the setting got changed somehow without you noticing?

Anyway, Benbsb29 has mentioned how to solve your problem :thumbs up


Originally Posted by andygarcia (Post 1510752)
....i end up seeing answers first and after a few pages see the questions for which the answers were there...

So its like playing Jeoprady! :D


Thanks Rehaan... It solves the problem perfectly...

Can we have a TBHP "complaints" thread please?


Originally Posted by mclaren1885 (Post 1512292)
Can we have a TBHP "complaints" thread please?

What do you think the "report bad post" link is for?

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