Team-BHP - Suggestions for Team-BHP from Team-BHPians

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Can the signature page have the rules repeated about No advt and No external links.
I have had two of my signatures edited because of a rental advt and a link to a blog.

Would not have put that in if the Edit Signature page had that message.

Also, can we have a letter counter.
Sometimes we write a nice signature and only when we save it, do we get a letters exceeded message.

Can we have a dealer review tab similar to the test drive section on top of website. I know we have a "indian car dealerships" subsection in forums but this is very less posted section. Instead, members generally tend to post dealership experience in Initial Ownership Reports.

Probably we can have a database for major manufacturers' dealers in 6/7 major cities. A dropdown menu selection for manufacturer, then city, then if possible dealer also.

I think choosing the right dealer is next big issue after choosing the right car.


Are the rules regarding automobile related banner advertisements relaxed?

Nowadays I see a lot of them popping up!

This idea tries to solve the same problem as 'I booked my car.' But I feel this idea has usefulness beyond just 'I booked my car.' Look at the example at the bottom.

If you retain the Edit option for original post permanently, whenever the thread-creator adds more meaningful posts to his thread, say after the delivery or adds pictures, he can edit the original post with the index # of the post and a link to that as well in the original post.

This way, original post becomes a sort of 'table of contents' of all that the thread-creator wants to share with the community.

Secondly, let the thread-creator have the option to modify his thread-title for the same reason that he can edit it to communicate more information added (like 'PICs added').

Thirdly, the first/original post can be highlighted in a different color and can always be there at the top of every page.

For example, if anyone wants to read a yetiblog thread and skip all the congratulatory messages or mundoblogs they can go to sam's first post and use the links to sam's posts within that thread to go directly to his subsequent updates.


Originally Posted by RP_812 (Post 1398311) more line indicating that it would take 10+ days would help , IMHO....

Thanks for the suggestion RP_812.
However, we have recently made some changes to our membership approval process - so as a result members will clearly be notified if they are approved as well as if they are not approved.
I will let GTO answer if any timeframe has been mentioned in the email, and perhaps add it.


Originally Posted by RP_812 (Post 1398311)
...My first application got rejected , for either incorrect grammar or the justification for joining being too small. Could that be narrowed down. Again this is just a suggestion , I do understand that it would be difficult to narrow it down further....

We can't afford to be more specific as :
1) Its a standard template that is sent out with the guidelines
2) Any more specific and it could be considered spoon-feeding! :)


Originally Posted by mclaren1885 (Post 1440994)
...1. Why not categorize the TBHP reviews section by manufacturer name.

Interesting idea mclaren. We have reached a fairly high volume of ownership reviews now! Will discuss it within the Support Team.


Originally Posted by mclaren1885 (Post 1440994)
...2. Can we have an advanced settings for new posts please? For eg, can we select what sections ought to be searched for new posts?

As Tsk1979 mentioned, this feature has been added recently.
Here is the FAQ entry : Team-BHP - Team-BHP FAQ: Advanced Forum Usage


Originally Posted by mclaren1885 (Post 1440994)
...3. Can we have a system where we can assign certain keywords and threads starting with those keywords can be omitted from the new posts search?

Mclaren, at the moment there is no way to do this -- but you could try using googles search (on the top right of the BHP silver & black skins)

For eg. if you want all fiat threads WITHOUT the word linea, search for :

fiat -linea


Originally Posted by mclaren1885 (Post 1440994)
...4. Another important feature not many people use is the Ignore list. If you don't like posts from a certain user, just add them to the ignore list and you wont see posts from that person appearing anywhere. I think something similar could be applied to omitting certain threads?

Another interesting suggestion. Similar to gmail's "mute" button.


Originally Posted by mclaren1885 (Post 1440994)
...5. We could do with a "like" tab we have on FB.

Discussed barely a few pages back here.


Originally Posted by bblost (Post 1441811)
...Can the signature page have the rules repeated about No advt and No external links...

Great idea.
Prevention is better than cure as they say.
Will see if its possible to include some text on that page.


Originally Posted by Comrade (Post 1441933)
Can we have a dealer review tab similar to the test drive section on top of website....

Comrade - a dealer database is definitely something we would like to have on the portal in the future. We shall be working towards it in order of priority.


Originally Posted by trrk (Post 1441954)
Are the rules regarding automobile related banner advertisements relaxed?
Nowadays I see a lot of them popping up!

Not at all. Our stance is and always will be the same.
Our ad-provider was tweaking some settings, things should return to normal in a few hours.


Originally Posted by pachchu (Post 1443034)
....If you retain the Edit option for original post permanently, whenever the thread-creator adds more meaningful posts to his thread, say after the delivery or adds pictures, he can edit the original post with the index # of the post and a link to that as well in the original post....

Indeed something that would be very useful pachchu. We have thought about it many times in the past - but at the moment we are limited by the software. Lets see what we can do.
(Also, it would be great to have a "wiki" first post, so ANY member can add or change content in the first post - which could serve as a large index for certain widespread threads)


^^^^^ excellent idea.


Originally Posted by Rehaan (Post 1443180)
Interesting idea mclaren. We have reached a fairly high volume of ownership reviews now! Will discuss it within the Support Team.

If this is implemented, finding reviews for a particular car will be so much more easier. Its a pain right now to keep looking, even advanced search mostly throws up unwanted threads too.


As Tsk1979 mentioned, this feature has been added recently.
Here is the FAQ entry : Team-BHP - Team-BHP FAQ: Advanced Forum Usage
Weird that. I checked the "edit options" thoroughly before I posted this. I can't find "“Exclude Forums from Get New Posts" at all. The options on my menu are:

1. Allow Vcard download.
2. Receive e-mail.
3. Default thread subscription mode.
4. Private messaging.
5. Under thread display options I have ---> visible post elements, thread display mode, number of posts to show per page, default thread age cut off. Thats it.
6. Date & time options.
7. Under miscellaneous options I have ----> Message editor interface, forum skin.

I don't see the exclude forums tab anywhere *scratching my head*.

Edit: I found the culprit. Its the Red skin, this option is not available ONLY on this skin. Can you guys look into fixing this?


Mclaren, at the moment there is no way to do this -- but you could try using googles search (on the top right of the BHP silver & black skins)

For eg. if you want all fiat threads WITHOUT the word linea, search for :

fiat -linea
Rehaan, my aim was not to search for Fiat threads without Linea/Punto. When I click on the new posts tab, most often than not every second thread is a Linea/Punto thread :D . I found it quite irritating to MY eye for all the threads seem to be the copy paste of the other. And they occupy more than a majority of the threads on my new posts search. I had to work my eyes overtime to find a thread that wasn't a Linea/Punto review. Anyways, Immortalz has found a solution to this for firefox users.

1) Get Firefox.
2) Get Greasemonkey for Firefox.

The link is self explanatory. Add any keywords you want and those threads wont appear on your new posts search as long as greasemonkey is on. Right now any thread which has linea/punto keyword in it doesn't throw up a search for me.


Another interesting suggestion. Similar to gmail's "mute" button.


Discussed barely a few pages back here.
Yup! I saw that. It will avoid one line posts and also most of the clutter IMO.

Also I don't think one must be allowed to edit posts over an infinite period of time. First post of the thread, yes. For the rest, I suggest we stick to the 20min time limit we have now.

Did anybody suggest a chat option?


Originally Posted by motorpsycho (Post 1443631)
Did anybody suggest a chat option?

Anybody, I remember him. Nice fellow, but he did suggest a chat option. You dont really want to know what they did to him. Poor fellow, they gifted him a Skoda. Now he spends his life between court and service stations.

Stupid Friday jokes apart, Please search this thread itself. Been asked and replied too many times.

PS: I am not kidding about anybody.

Can we have a "tagging the members" feature while posting pics? This way members can tag themselves on the meet threads etc. Makes it easier to identify members. Much like Orkut & Facebook.


Originally Posted by mclaren1885 (Post 1454705)
Can we have a "tagging the members" feature while posting pics? This way members can tag themselves on the meet threads etc. Makes it easier to identify members. Much like Orkut & Facebook.

Thats an interesting suggestion mclaren!!

So from a members profile you could select :
- View my garage (currently exists)
- View photos tagged of me or my car

Though unfortunately we are limited by current software, it has definitely has been added to our list of hopeful additions for the future.


The Team-BHP - Search Forums here needs a little more tweaking.

For example, I searched for "visor" by putting it into Key Word(s) textbox and selecting "Search Titles only" and I haven't got this link :

But if I used "visors", I'll get that link.

Why is it so prematurely that now I think t-bhp is becoming too boring and monochrome to look at?
Why can't signatures include small bookmark pics and more colourful fonts and less character restrictions?

Why should a post have minimum 20 characters when some comments can be made exciting using only a word or just a picture?

Edit option for original post permanently should be there. When all the online forums have, why not this?

We need more free, open talk rather than too much restrictions that this forum has.

And finally, many online publications blatantly copy-paste the news and take due credit to themselves without mentioning team-bhp's name.

I still feel that there are way too many small restrictions in this forum (mentioned above) and it should be lifted off.

Can we have something like auto suggestion thread where in based on my interest T-Bhp will suggest few thread automatically. As my subject of interest is Insurance, so where ever there is any problem in insurance then T-Bhp suggest me automatically and I am able to solve it with all the T-Bhp buddy's. (This feature is like Facebook)


Originally Posted by mithun (Post 1459380)
The Team-BHP - Search Forums here needs a little more tweaking.

For example, I searched for "visor" by putting it into Key Word(s) textbox and selecting "Search Titles only" and I haven't got this link :

But if I used "visors", I'll get that link.

I raised this issue some time back.
The answer I got was to use wild cards like *

So search for visor* instead of visor

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