Team-BHP - Suggestions for Team-BHP from Team-BHPians

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Is it possible to implement the 'Table' BBcode here ?

currently posting things like bills and specs etc - stuff which need to be in a tabular format all look messed up, and one has to use images otherwise Forum - View Single Post - BB Code [table]


Originally Posted by anekho (Post 1314760)
Some suggestions for the next large update of t-bhp:

Great suggestions anekho.

I like the customized stickers, as well as the member-pages with direct/simple URLs. Definitely something we'd like to consider.


Originally Posted by vivekiny2k (Post 1320323)
Can the team-bhp watermark be made transparent?

many times there is a text at bottom which is masked by the watermark. e.g. the hyderabad police campaign thread.

Good idea vivek. I noticed that in the Hyd police thread too.

At the moment the watermarks are just an overlay that do not alter the original image at all, so we could try to change it to a clear watermark and see :
1. Will the watermark be visible enough
2. Will whats below it actually be more readable


Originally Posted by Dose (Post 1323152)
...The announcement was not clear enough. I do not understand what the numbers mean. For example, what does 0/1 (4) mean under a members post count?

Searching for "infraction numbers" in this thread returns this post :


Originally Posted by bblost (Post 1323168)
Searching within the titles.
The results for xyz will not include those titles with xyzABC


If you want to expand your search for "wagon" to include "wagonR, wagonA, wagonAnything" etc

You need to use a wildcard *

ie. Search for wagon* - that should get you all the results.


Originally Posted by sushrutha (Post 1323280)
Whenever i click in classifieds section & view any particular ad, my browser gets logged out. Why am I facing this issue ?


Originally Posted by sushrutha (Post 1323338)
But one more thing, has the posting(comment) for an ad removed ?


Both these topics have been discussed quite a few times in the last 3months in this thread.

Yes, the comments feature was turned off for a variety of reasons - please search this thread for more detailed information.


Originally Posted by hemanthisgreat (Post 1326881)
I use the standard blue skin and I do not see this search option. Please clarify.


The default skin for Team-BHP has been BHP Silver for more than a year now. Unfortunately standard blue etc (skins other than "BHP Silver" or "BHP Black") do not have the header bar viewable.

We will be concentrating only on BHP Silver and BHP Black as supported skins for future developments, and we would suggest you give one of them a try.

BHP Silver was designed as an alternative to Standard Blue, it has the same font size etc and similar brightness level etc. Give it a shot for 3-4 days and i can assure you you'll begin to enjoy it.


Originally Posted by greenhorn (Post 1327141)
Is it possible to implement the 'Table' BBcode here ? Forum - View Single Post - BB Code [table]


This is something that was brought to our notice earlier as well, GTO can consider it during the next vBulletin upgrade.



Originally Posted by Rehaan (Post 1328380)

Searching for "infraction numbers" in this thread returns this post :

Thanks, Rehaan. I did not know about the search thread feature.


Originally Posted by Rehaan (Post 1328380)
Great suggestions anekho.

I like the customized stickers, as well as the member-pages with direct/simple URLs. Definitely something we'd like to consider.

I'd also suggest the following to be added to that page:

Originally Posted by Rehaan (Post 1328380)
Good idea vivek. I noticed that in the Hyd police thread too.

At the moment the watermarks are just an overlay that do not alter the original image at all, so we could try to change it to a clear watermark and see :
1. Will the watermark be visible enough
2. Will whats below it actually be more readable

How about giving the uploader the option of choosing the watermark? Let the current one remain like it is. Give an second watermarking script like the one I suggested here. The user should decide which watermarking to use.


Originally Posted by BaCkSeAtDrIVeR (Post 1312523)
@Rehaan - my suggestion is not about my / our email ids. It is about email ids of others - like a manufacturer's customer support. I do take your point about bots being able to undo the changes.

The only way around is to have email addresses show up as images. That isn't fool proof either. Bots are getting smarter by the day and successfully bypass our registration page too, despite image verification!


Originally Posted by bblost (Post 1323168)
Searching within the titles.
The results for xyz will not include those titles with xyzABC

We'll have the wildcard trick, as outlined by Rehaan, added to the guidelines for search.


Originally Posted by srijit (Post 1328849)
I'd also suggest the following to be added to that page:
  • Thread started by member in "Introduce Yourself" forum
  • All threads started by member in "Long Time Ownership" forum

How about all threads started by the member? Or the member himself can choose what threads to show?


How about giving the uploader the option of choosing the watermark? Let the current one remain like it is. Give an second watermarking script like the one I suggested here. The user should decide which watermarking to use.
Will unnecessarily complicate matters. We prefer to keep things as simple as possible. While a small percentage of us may use such a feature, the majority won't see value in it. And such a feature does require significant modification of the code.

What about searching a member using email ids in advanced search in member list. Many of our friends may be members in the forum, but we may not know it. Using this search criteria, we may be able to connect on the forum.

Currently the advanced search does allow you to search using chat IDs from ICQ, AIM, Yahoo, Skype & MSN messengers.
Ofcourse the member should have entered these in his profile to be able to be searched.

Have noticed multiple adverts in the classified section popping up time & again for the same product - "ORCHIS" interiors. Its a nuisance & the member name is also "ORCHIS" with 0 posts. Mods, kindly do the needful.


Similar to a subscribe to this thread option in a thread, can there be a 'unsubscribe'? Or better still, for a subscribed thread, it should be 'unsubscribe' instead of 'subscribe'!


Originally Posted by hemanthisgreat (Post 1329553)
What about searching a member using email ids in advanced search in member list. Many of our friends may be members in the forum, but we may not know it. Using this search criteria, we may be able to connect on the forum.

We don't allow public display of member email addresses to protect their privacy.


Originally Posted by Xehaust (Post 1330173)
Have noticed multiple adverts in the classified section popping up time & again for the same product - "ORCHIS" interiors. Its a nuisance & the member name is also "ORCHIS" with 0 posts. Mods, kindly do the needful.

On our way to investigate. Thanks, though it's best to report the ad to the moderators.


Originally Posted by trrk (Post 1330278)

Similar to a subscribe to this thread option in a thread, can there be a 'unsubscribe'? Or better still, for a subscribed thread, it should be 'unsubscribe' instead of 'subscribe'!

Link to related FAQ Entry

Has the infraction points for banning a member being increased. I see a member with a following infraction points 0/1 (20), but has not being banned. My understanding was 10 points leads to a ban.


Originally Posted by hemanthisgreat (Post 1340564)
Has the infraction points for banning a member being increased. I see a member with a following infraction points 0/1 (20), but has not being banned. My understanding was 10 points leads to a ban.

Hi Hemanthisgreat,

No, the point system hasn't changed.

However, you may see more than 10 active infraction points on an active member's profile if the temporary ban period is shorter than the life of the infraction (and the member has just returned from a temp ban).




Originally Posted by GTO (Post 1330327)

I knew about this. I was trying to suggest an easier way of unsubscribing.

The way it is I will have to wade through my subscriptions to find the one that I want to unsuscrobe.


1. Take out the smiley rule :)
2. Team BHP needs a "bully pulpit" or politics/current events discussion section


Originally Posted by CaliAtenza (Post 1341255)
2. Team BHP needs a "bully pulpit" or politics/current events discussion section

er. You mean something like shifting gears or what am I missing here.

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