Team-BHP - Suggestions for Team-BHP from Team-BHPians

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Ok well consider this situation :

I have been banned/banished permanently. And I feel that is unfair. And there is no way I can get in touch with the whole community because even if I create a new account it will be heavily moderated. This system is quite big brother like. And although I agree with the set rules/regulations and you mentioning that I resorted to personal attacks have you ever considered that the humble online world can cause loss of money/property? I mean imagine if someone posts that my bikes is crashed/burnt and has nothing to justify it and I lose a buyer? Where am I wrong in letting my anger through there? So there can always be two sides to a story and the current system is airtight and quite big brother like. At the moment I cant suggest any change though.

You should also integrate the wml or wap based forums for mobile devices. I dont know much about the technical details but it can be done I am sure and have seen on many other forums using VBulliten. Please publisize the URL if the system is already in place.


Originally Posted by quickdraw (Post 1300461)
Ok well consider this situation :

I have been banned/banished permanently. And I feel that is unfair. And there is no way I can get in touch with the whole community because even if I create a new account it will be heavily moderated. This system is quite big brother like. And although I agree with the set rules/regulations and you mentioning that I resorted to personal attacks have you ever considered that the humble online world can cause loss of money/property? I mean imagine if someone posts that my bikes is crashed/burnt and has nothing to justify it and I lose a buyer? Where am I wrong in letting my anger through there? So there can always be two sides to a story and the current system is airtight and quite big brother like. At the moment I cant suggest any change though.

You are not allowed to promote your business via Team-BHP. So you will get banned and you will loose your business. Find some other way to stay in contact with your customer. :) Better still, follow the rules. It is not that hard.


Guys The Indian Car Scene has become cluttered by having all of them(Cars/SUV/MUV/Hatches) in one single section it looks very unprofessional.
Gowda, we will consider this. Thanks


Guys, why don't you rename 4x4 Excursions or Split it into 4x4 Recce & 4x4 Events.
We did re-visit the sections and decided to retain the original name itself.


Originally Posted by anekho (Post 1299505)
hmmm... where did the "small car: big doubt" thread disappear off to?
can't find it all.

The question asked / hatchback comparison has been often discussed on the forum. The thread has been deleted, with a request to the creator to search within the forum.


also, the search limit of 3 characters is annoying. I mean, when searching for something, like 'X5' or 'Q7' it's not possible.
Search is the single most server-intensive activity, and creates an especially large load during peak hours. Allowing for a 2 character search string will make the index unduly large.


Also, why the 10 seconds between search?
Prevent spammers from bringing the system down.


Originally Posted by DirtyHarry (Post 1299588)
My recommendation is to retain the content somewhere so that the thread/post contents are NOT lost.

We went one step ahead : Newbie -> BHPian promotion has now been set at 25 posts only! You are also a BHPian now (something you'd have to wait longer for under the older system).


Originally Posted by bblost (Post 1299598)
Can a log be made available.

Timestamp: Thread created.
Timestamp: User soandso created this post
Timestamp: Thread deleted.
Timestamp: Post deleted

This way anyone needs to only look at the log to know, why the thread is out.
The info in the log can be based on what the Mods deem appropriate.
Flush the log every few days for memory.
Simple text formatting should be adequate.

Too manually intensive task for the value it provides. I will have to politely decline this suggestion.


Originally Posted by BaCkSeAtDrIVeR (Post 1300426)
I look up a post, look at the info about the guy making the post on side of the post, and find that he has some infractions. (sometimes, a ban).

How can I find the offending post / thread?

Based on Vid's suggestion, we will consider making the reason behind an infraction public. That link will also take you to the offending post.


Originally Posted by quickdraw (Post 1300461)
you mentioning that I resorted to personal attacks have you ever considered that the humble online world can cause loss of money/property? I mean imagine if someone posts that my bikes is crashed/burnt and has nothing to justify it and I lose a buyer? Where am I wrong in letting my anger through there?

You should get a moderator's attention to the offending comments / post / thread. However, if you reply in a manner that is against our rules, an infraction will be served. For example, if a member uses foul language, and you reply back with foul language as well (instead of letting a moderator address the situation), your account will be infracted / banned.


You should also integrate the wml or wap based forums for mobile devices. I dont know much about the technical details but it can be done I am sure and have seen on many other forums using VBulliten. Please publisize the URL if the system is already in place.
Thanks. I've added your point to the upcoming mobile-integration task.


Originally Posted by srijit (Post 1300566)
You are not allowed to promote your business via Team-BHP. So you will get banned and you will loose your business. Find some other way to stay in contact with your customer. :) Better still, follow the rules. It is not that hard.

Please read my post carefully it has nothing to do with marketing my business.


Originally Posted by GTO (Post 1301226)
We went one step ahead : Newbie -> BHPian promotion has now been set at 25 posts only! You are also a BHPian now (something you'd have to wait longer for under the older system).

Based on Vid's suggestion, we will consider making the reason behind an infraction public. That link will also take you to the offending post.

You should get a moderator's attention to the offending comments / post / thread. However, if you reply in a manner that is against our rules, an infraction will be served. For example, if a member uses foul language, and you reply back with foul language as well (instead of letting a moderator address the situation), your account will be infracted / banned.

Thanks. I've added your point to the upcoming mobile-integration task.

Lovely, because 50 posts do seem like a lot, and I have noticed that many people :D will try and post OT to get over this limit faster.

Excellent news on making the infraction public, there need not be a public discussion for a mod action but atleast all us sheep will be in the know.

I did actually try a lot to get the attention of a moderator. But things got way out of hand. Dont want to dig old graves here so will leave it at that.

I dont know much about the technicalities but I am sure it can be done very easily by enabling somekind of a plugin or something. And I am sure most of the junta in the Blackberry/Mobile threads will be eagerly looking forward to it!


Originally Posted by GTO (Post 1301226)
Based on Vid's suggestion, we will consider making the reason behind an infraction public. That link will also take you to the offending post.

But most of the times the offending posts might be deleted for various reasons. So that should also be kept in mind.

While we are at it, Can something be done to distinguish temporarily banned (Multiple infractions) and permanent banned members ?

Just a question.
If someone uses an offensive word in a post.
And I quote and reply to it.
Is it the basis of an infraction.

Have gone thru this and hence the question.
As far as I remember I did not use the word directly in my reply.
It was only in the quoted part.


Originally Posted by bblost (Post 1301838)
Just a question.
If someone uses an offensive word in a post.
And I quote and reply to it.
Is it the basis of an infraction.

Have gone thru this and hence the question.
As far as I remember I did not use the word directly in my reply.
It was only in the quoted part.

If you continue the fight, you will both get an infraction. However if you are quoting from another website, you will get an infraction.
So when you see an offensive word, use report post, do not fuel the fire. M


tsk1979 : However if you are quoting from another website, you will get an infraction.
@TSK, the question is what if the offensive word is inside the message quoted ?

eg; Two Members - A & B
A posts using an offensive word
B quotes A's post containing the offensive word
Does B get an infraction ?
(A would get the infraction anyway. B has not used the word by himself.

If a certain member wants some of his posts deleted what is the criteria? Do the mods decide if the post stays or not inspite of the member wanting it to be deleted?


Originally Posted by mclaren1885 (Post 1302284)
If a certain member wants some of his posts deleted what is the criteria? Do the mods decide if the post stays or not inspite of the member wanting it to be deleted?

Please read point no. 6

Guys, let's stick to the true purpose of this thread, that is suggestions for a more improved Team-BHP. Should you have some issue regarding a moderator action that is undefined, feel free to use the Contact Us form for clarifications. Thanks.

Since I joined this party late, just wanted to add, I received infraction for a certain reason. I PMed the Mod and GTO. I agreed that I knew the rule and that I always followed it, there was a miss on that post, for which I was sincerely apologetic.

The Mods handled this in a very professional manner. There was transparency and fairness.

My only suggestion is not to ban someone permanently. Maybe give them about a month to cool off, understand the rules > Maybe take a test before they can join back again :) To Err is Human. We all make mistakes!

Mods if you think we have had enough on the Infraction policy - please delete this post.

There is a lot of other 'hotter' discussions going on.. jus wanted to remind the mod team about this... it happened again.


Originally Posted by johnda (Post 1293653)
On the 'Manage attachments' - is there any way there can be a progress bar, like a left to right indicator thingy that shows you how your upload is progressing. cause I jus waited 20 mins for a 165kb pic to load which is very unusual.. and what's even more funny is that I did it 3 times over the last 2 days.. it jus wouldn't load... I know there are other issues but a status bar would have sure helped. you'll have an idea of where you are at!

Rehaan, lately in some of the gallery pics, you notice that the pic resolution gets skewed owing to stretching. This is not on the old pics in the galleries, but certain pics which were recently uploaded.

I would say fix a default resolution to display the pics at 800 X 600, so this doesnt happen. When i uploaded by manually resizing to this resolution, the error was resolved.


Originally Posted by Fountainheader (Post 1301828)
....While we are at it, Can something be done to distinguish temporarily banned (Multiple infractions) and permanent banned members ?

Thanks for that suggestion Fountainheader, it is actually a point that we have raised ourselves in the Support Forum many times -- at the moment, we are limited by the software (temp and permanent ban both show as "BANNED"), however, as GTO mentioned we are looking into making this infraction and ban system clearer.


Originally Posted by bblost (Post 1301838)
Just a question.
If someone uses an offensive word in a post.
And I quote and reply to it.
Is it the basis of an infraction.

Have gone thru this and hence the question.
As far as I remember I did not use the word directly in my reply.
It was only in the quoted part.


This would ofcourse go on a case to case basis, but i can give you an overview:

Say, you post an external quote or article on the forum [in quotes] and it breaks the forum rules - you will be held responsible for the content you are bringing to the forum. (This is similar to posting an inappropriate joke or a joke with foul language).

If you quote a post with foul language (though its better not to!) and reply in a civil manner - in tune with all our rules, you will not be held responsible for the content of the quote.


Originally Posted by IronWolf (Post 1302617)
.....My only suggestion is not to ban someone permanently. Maybe give them about a month to cool off, understand the rules > Maybe take a test before they can join back again :) To Err is Human. We all make mistakes!

Generally, the progression is

warning(s) => infraction(s) => temp ban(s) => permanent ban.

Ofcourse, we can leapfrog a stage(s) in this progression depending on the severity of the incidents, and a few other factors.

For eg. if a member's first post is a link to an adult website - they will probably be banned right away.


Originally Posted by johnda (Post 1302776)
There is a lot of other 'hotter' discussions going on.. jus wanted to remind the mod team about this... it happened again.

Another good suggestion, but once again johnda, making this a reality is only being limited by our software. We will look into it.

In the meanwhile, some browsers (eg. opera) show upload progress too in the status bar. So, if you're uploading a 600kb image, you will see the progress count up from 0kb to 600kb.


Originally Posted by benbsb29 (Post 1302902)
Rehaan, lately in some of the gallery pics, you notice that the pic resolution gets skewed owing to stretching. This is not on the old pics in the galleries, but certain pics which were recently uploaded.


Was it you who raised this same issue in this thread, sometime in the last 2 months?

If you have experienced this when uploading - could you please email me the pictures - and we'll try and pinpoint the issue.

Thanks guys - keep the suggestions coming.


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