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Old 31st August 2017, 00:35   #661
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Originally Posted by swissknife View Post
Did you wash your car today by any chance? Chennai seems to have a pretty decent shower today!
Sorry I couldn't reply earlier, I was being chased by the villagers with pitch forks.

On Sunday, something even worse happened. It rained while I was still washing my car. Come on, that has to be the limit! A few years back, it started to rain just as I completed shampooing the car. That was helpful.
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Old 1st September 2017, 09:17   #662
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by esoticoreventon View Post
Sorry I couldn't reply earlier, I was being chased by the villagers with pitch forks.

On Sunday, something even worse happened. It rained while I was still washing my car. Come on, that has to be the limit!
Next time it will rain at the very thought of washing your car!
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Old 4th September 2017, 09:33   #663
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Longish post - Recent Ola experience, an interesting and unusual one for us and the cabbie

A friend and I needed to travel to Koramangala on a rainy day, so we booked an Ola ride from my home and saw that the car was about 6 minutes away. As the cab headed nearer to my home, we decided to walk to the street corner so that we could save some time by avoiding a U-turn in our narrow street. After a couple of minutes, we could see that the cab was heading in the opposite direction away from our home, so called the driver and he says very confidently that if our pickup location has been selected and is showing up correctly on the app, he will be there in a couple of minutes.

Another 5 minutes, the cab has still not arrived, so we call him again and he tells us the same thing and meantime the app is showing him going into nearby narrow cross roads, etc, just couldn't understand what he was up to, so we almost decide to cancel and book another ride.

Suddenly, we see the cab, a Toyota Etios heading fast towards us so we gesture to him to stop after making a left turn. We get in, and to the cabbie's shock he sees both of us belting up and asks if we really want to use the seat belts which we reaffirm. Just then, I noticed that the driver seat belt was locked in place but the cabbie was sitting in front of it

He starts the ride after we give him the OTP and tries to drive fast on narrow roads, but local traffic like the odd bike or car obstructing free flow of traffic, etc gets the better of him. At the first major junction, he decides not to follow the navigation and tells us he knows a faster route, we agree since we're familiar with the place and can avoid couple of traffic lights. Few minutes later, I ask him to take a specific cross road to avoid a bad road and some heavy traffic, saving us some time and the cabbie was happy. Somewhere along the way, he made a sharp right turn and narrowly missed crashing into a two wheeler and the rider quirked "why can't you slow down and use the indicators when turning ?". The cabbie says nothing and continues. He suddenly starts talking to us, saying “Look at that guy, what he told me applies to him as well. He could have slowed down, used the horn and indicator too”. My friend now asked the cabbie why he is trying to drive fast and if he has a target in mind to which he says he is trying to complete his weekly target of 100 rides. Then, he starts ranting saying he wants to be courteous to other motorists but if he slowed down to let one vehicle pass, others will take undue advantage and he will lose “precious” time. Soon, at a 4 cross road junction in Indiranagar, there is a 1 way road ahead that is used both ways by 99.9% of two wheelers and some 4 wheelers as well. To preempt the possibility of the cabbie taking that road, I told him it’s a one way and asked him to turn right and take the longer route to which he says he is aware and also that sometimes cops hang around there to challan such motorists. He goes on to say that the intent of the cops is only to bring revenue to the government and themselves, not to really make motorists understand why they should follow rules for their own safety including wearing seat belts.

This was probably the Segway that my mind was subconsciously waiting for and before I realized it, I asked him why he wasn’t using the seat belt and also telling him the importance of them!

I told him that the car was equipped with seat belts but not using them meant the airbags will probably not deploy in case of impact in an accident to which he retorted saying that’s why he keeps it locked! I told him that could be even more dangerous since he could be gravely hurt by the airbag itself if it deployed. He still did not stop arguing and went on to say he is in the “transportation” industry for more than 15 years, started his driving career in a Contessa (highlighted this), has been instrumental in imparting driving lessons to at least 15 people who are all good drivers and have their own taxi businesses now, he also worked as a chauffeur for corporate bigwigs, etc and … air bags deploy only at speeds of 80kmph or more and are useless on our Indian roads. He quickly changed the topic to the kind of passengers he gets, people who dirty the seats, kids who make the car messy and even if he spoke to them politely about that they would give negative feedback so has stopped telling them anything. By now, we are near Domlur on the Inner Ring Road and he says, we will reach our destination in about 10 minutes, another attempt to wriggle out of the conversation. He then switches on the car stereo and plays some music at the same time asking us if it’s ok, I tell him to keep the volume to lower levels which he does and we’re continue our journey.

I gave him 2 examples of how my friends lives were saved when they were in accidents only because they were using seat belts. I also told him, instead of complaining so much about his passengers, cops and the system, focus on your safety first by belting up and he says it is difficult to use the belt over his daily 250-300Km of driving. Then he tells us his car is just 3 months old and Odometer is already at 17k Km. I stick to my line of thought telling him accidents do not happen with prior warning and he quickly says, yes there is the luck factor. This got my goat and I told him, why depend on or blame luck when you can take simple measures to mitigate risks by wearing the belt ? I think he finally realized it is no use arguing with us, so all of us kept quiet for the next few minutes.

Soon, we reach our destination, pay him and he says, “Please don’t hesitate to give me a 5 star rating in your feedback just because I wasn’t wearing the seat belt”.

When getting out of the cab, I encouragingly told him that I’m confident he will always wear the seat belt henceforth and because of that I will give him a good rating.

I just hope I could really make him believe in the importance of seat belts and that will make him use it always..just H-O-P-E.

Last edited by GTO : 5th September 2017 at 09:07. Reason: As requested
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Old 6th September 2017, 12:44   #664
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

This guy won't be riding his bike on footpaths anytime soon

Kind of funny, took him several minutes to get his bike out of there.

Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road-psx_20170906_123515.jpg
Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road-psx_20170906_124035.jpg

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Old 6th September 2017, 14:08   #665
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

This incident happened last year when I was in Chennai for a family get together. Myself, my wife and sister went on for Shopping. Reached the shop and ladies went in and i was staying in the parked car. After some good 30 minutes, when i was restless, hear the door open and closed. I pulled down the handbrake and start to reverse looking at the IRVM and, to my shock could see a old lady sitting in the rear seat. Wondering who she is, i turn back and then the lady realized that this was not her car. With a big grin, she alighted and i was like phew!!
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Old 8th September 2017, 16:14   #666
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by Divya Sharan View Post
He just smiled and said thank you. Those words brought me back my Chikmagalur memories. Thank you sir (the old man)!
I hope I repaid you for your kind help that day, I could bring relief to a boy and his dad, both of whom might have gotten late for their duties otherwise.
I absolutely agree with you, such acts of kindness can be repaid only by being kind to someone else in need; that's how the cycle of humanity continues!
I salute your attitude to help, despite the pain you were suffering from! Such acts are very much needed to keep the faith in humanity alive.
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Old 10th September 2017, 15:51   #667
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Year : 1998
Location : Dubai

Dubai and the times were not as it is today.

My Car was due for annual passing for which Insurance was necessary. I went to the Insurance Company office. Parked my Car parallel to a low traffic road and proceeded to the office.

Came out of the office soon and got in my Car. Normal procedure as set by reflexes .. Check in the Rear View Mirror .. Side mirrors .. start the Car ... Check all once again and drive off.
I had just started rolling and moved over to the road when out of nowhere (as I would now say) came a Cop on Bike .. trying to avoid hitting me from side .. made contact with my Car near drivers door .. wobbled a bit but managed to control his bike. He stopped and parked his Bike. Got down and inspected his Bike for any damage (fortunately for me - none).
All this time, I had stopped my Car and waited outside when he came to me. I remember apologising / saying that I had not noticed him in my mirror. He remained mum. He inspected my Car for any damage. He missed to spot the minor scratch / dimple caused as he looked little ahead for the kiss.

At long last he broke silence and spoke ... "Drive carefully, Go !"

Oh Boy !!! could I be dreaming

That is what Dubai Police is ... Simply, the Best

Year : 1999
Location : Dubai

There used to be no fine / penalty for causing accident. Cost of repairs to be borne by Insurance companies as per norms.
It was Friday (Holiday) and I was driving in the fast lane approaching a small Roundabout. As I had to go straight, I should have been in the middle lane, but I was in Left (Fast) Lane which would be used for turning Left.
An old battered Nissan Sunny Car (Ajman Plate) was driving slowly in the middle lane as we entered the R/A. While I intended to go straight and leave the R/A, the Indian Lady driver of the other Car decided to turn further to Left. It hit me on my Passenger side and as I was moving faster on a sturdy Ford, it pulled away the Bumper, Grille etc. of the other Car with hardly any visible damage to my Car.
The Police was called in and he did not waste any time to put blame on me for using wrong Lane if I intended to go straight.
But she was in wrong Lane too, I debated. She should have been in the Left Lane if she wanted to go straight. It was she who hit my Car.

The Policeman asked me if I had any damage .. and to look at her damage? He asked me to consider this.
It took me no time to understand his clue. I smiled and accepted the blame. It made him smile and a happy Cop.
Since I was to be blamed, it caused me no loss, but allowed the other Car to get repairs done by my Insurance Company.

Happy Times !!!

Last edited by ampere : 10th September 2017 at 19:20. Reason: back to back posts merged
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Old 10th September 2017, 20:10   #668
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

This happened around a decade ago but the funny memories associated with the experience are still afresh. During those days I used to drive Maruti 800. The colour of the car was milky white and there were many similar looking white coloured Maruti 800's in the city. On one fine late evening I had gone to for some work in the city's CBD and parked car next to another white coloured Maruti 800. After some time while I was returning back to the vehicle, saw from a distance that a lady is trying to open the car door without success. On nearing I realized that she was trying to open my car. I was immediately taken aback as I had not heard about women auto thieves and there was a lady in front of me trying to break into my car. Perplexed I approached the lady and before I could say anything, she said "Sir could you please help me open my car. It was with these very keys that I had locked it and now strangely the same very keys are not working".

I immediately understood the situation and while suppressing my laughter I replied "Ma'am may I try with my keys?" and to her utter surprise the door opened. She was absolutely speechless and before she could say something I cleared the air. Actually upon arrival I had parked my white coloured Maruti 800 next to the lady's white Maruti 800. As it was dark the lady in a hurry got confused and was trying to open my car. Upon realizing her folly she was thoroughly embarrassed and apologized as I tried to make the situation lighter. She told me that in a tearing hurry to pick up her kids from some classes she got confused. I smiled off to diffuse her tension and replied "No worries ma'am, bade bade shehron mein chhoti chhoti baatein hoti rehti hain!!!"(Small issues keep cropping up in big cities). And then we parted off laughing.
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Old 28th September 2017, 18:08   #669
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

I was driving back one evening from work using the NH4 bypass highway, a few weeks back. It had rained a while ago and visibility was low(ish). Suddenly out of nowhere, I heard a loud thud and also felt something hitting the windscreen. Assumed it was a large stone or pebble which must have bounced off the car. Or an unusually large raindrop, or maybe hail.
Or perhaps a fruit falling off a branch ? Only that there are no trees around along the highway at all.
I was keenly observing the windscreen to see if the impact was causing any cracks. I could also vaguely sense that whatever it was , it has fallen and rolled over to a point just below the windscreen.
I continued my drive home and after parking , got out to check what it was and couldnt believe my eyes.. this little dude had fallen from the sky and was holding onto my wiper for dear life as I drove along :

Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road-wiper.jpg

I am still not sure how on earth can a rat simply fall on my car in the middle of the highway. I was driving alongside a few vehicles, yes, but the possibility of an occupant jumping ship (or car) seems very remote. I even examined dashcam footage , wherein only the muted thud was heard, but can see nothing, no car in front of me when it happened. No buildings or trees either.
I guess its just one of those things which "happen".
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Old 28th September 2017, 18:42   #670
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Most likely it fell off the clutches of its predator (crow/kite/hawk/eagle) while it was flying which got distracted because of some reason reducing its grip on the little fellow. It seems to be his lucky days else he would have surely been someone's sumptuous meal

P.S. - I am not sure which one of Kite/Eagle/Hawk you find in India. So mentioned all three of them
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Old 28th September 2017, 18:47   #671
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by centaur View Post
Most likely it fell off the clutches of its predator (crow/kite/hawk/eagle) while it was flying which got distracted because of some reason reducing its grip on the little fellow. It seems to be his lucky days else he would have surely been someone's sumptuous meal

P.S. - I am not sure which one of Kite/Eagle/Hawk you find in India. So mentioned all three of them
I should add, it was after sunset , so possibility of that happening should be low, unless Bats eat Rats too. But then, I am no bird expert, so it could be anything.
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Old 28th September 2017, 19:50   #672
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by sajo View Post
...its just one of those things which "happen".
Probably one of the several thousand commuters from Hinjewadi in a previous birth, who took the "rat" race a bit too seriously!

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Old 28th September 2017, 20:52   #673
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Originally Posted by sajo View Post
But then, I am no bird expert, so it could be anything.
Well, clearly you are not an expert, because the bat is a mammal. Sorry, couldn't resist.
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Old 29th September 2017, 09:48   #674
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by sajo View Post
I should add, it was after sunset...I am no bird expert, so it could be anything.
I have seen rare cases where black kites hunt at twilight and carry the prey at nightfall. Common kestrels also hunt at night.

But, I'm no Pune expert and I do not know if Common kestrels are around Pune. Had been there for only 3 days and I never saw any other birds apart from pigeons

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Old 29th September 2017, 10:16   #675
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Not once, but twice in a day.

In the morning, heading to work, there was a massive traffic jam at Dadar TT circle. No space for even a biker to get in between the vehicles. All heading towards Tilak Bridge. Suddenly, I heard an ambulance with its siren blaring. I wondered how could it possibly get out of this. But showing the spirit of Mumbai, all vehicles inched towards the edges of the road and somehow made space for the ambulance. The usual 30-40 minute route was covered by the ambulance in just a minute or two.

On the way back, around 7:30 pm at the Chembur freeway exit, an ambulance was spotted coming from behind. I must be about 10 cars ahead of it. This is a 2 lane road that becomes a 4 lane when traffic queues up. The way people gave way was totally surprising to me! I'm sure even Moses couldn't have parted the sea faster.

I think this is one of the reasons why we love Mumbai despite the traffic, congestion and bad roads.
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