Team-BHP - Have people lost it??

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Originally Posted by apachelongbow (Post 701226)
Couldnt help replying to this post. Its not about fighting but about 'thinking' before getting into a fight. For a few thousands Rs of damage, are we prepared to hit some one, involve the police, may be legal hassles, if at the minimum? I dont think so. If we keep our egos in check, we all would see its no big deal

agree:. But when somebody starts hurling bad words on you, how many of us will keep quite and let him tell whatever he wants. We will also get mad at some point of time and as all humans do, we will also tend to shout back at him. Of course, hitting the person depends on the situation. It also depends ont he mood of the person. If he/she had a bad day at home/office/other places, they will tend to get agitated to small things. But as far as possible, this should be avoided. My experience is I'am trying to practice this from a long time but I'am unable to control my anger when somebody hits your car from behind/side/front. We would have looked after these vehicles with so much care and if anything happens to this, w/o your fault then we obviously tend to get angry.


Originally Posted by snaronikar (Post 701362)
agree:. But when somebody starts hurling bad words on you, how many of us will keep quite and let him tell whatever he wants. We will also get mad at some point of time and as all humans do, we will also tend to shout back at him. Of course, hitting the person depends on the situation. It also depends ont he mood of the person. If he/she had a bad day at home/office/other places, they will tend to get agitated to small things. But as far as possible, this should be avoided. My experience is I'am trying to practice this from a long time but I'am unable to control my anger when somebody hits your car from behind/side/front. We would have looked after these vehicles with so much care and if anything happens to this, w/o your fault then we obviously tend to get angry.

Exactly my friend.We have looked after the car more than we have looked after ourselves and then out of some blue someone comes and smashes your car for no reason,it really would not go down well with me.I m no god and i too can get angry sometimes.
There have been instances when i have just smiled and let the opposite person go when they have touched my car.There are times when u know that it was a mistake and there are times when u know that it was rash driving and we end up paying in the bargain.

This is why I need to get ICE asap :(

I too agree with the, "live and move on" motto...
Have been trying very hard myself and i am making progress.
Yes, it does spoil your mood for the entire day that your car is damaged but atleast your fine the next day instead of further complications which might be dangerous.

Here are 3!!! (luckily no1 got hurt) incidents from my side-
The most recent one was when i wanted to get into a building on the main road,
i dutifully gave the left indicator and since its a narrow 2 lane main road, i was inches from the foothpath to take my left.
Just as i turn left to enter the gate, out of nowhere "BANG" and my left rear view mirror is badly scratched, and facing the opposite direction and my sister who is sitting on the left side is scared to death and so am i for her well being. (all this in under 2 seconds, seriously).
Then i realise that a bike has banged into the car (how he managed to get in between my car and the foothpath i have no idea bacause even a cycle wouldnt be able to fit in the space).
Now im expecting this guy to be civil and yes, i am angry, so i just yell at him and say "What the hell are you doing, dint you see my indicator???"
At this the guy has the audacity to reply "Indicator pehle dena chahiye tha, itna late kyu diya?"
I was indicator was on a good 30 feet before the turn as i knew its a narrow & more importantly MAIN road.
I got so pissed off but luckily the traffic behind started honking and my common sense prevailed and i drove into the building. Checked my car and THANK GOD there were no major scrathes on the body but unfortunately, there was this huge scratch on my rear view mirror and am reminded every time i reverse =( Feel so bad everyday
Luckily, i guess as a reward, 2 days back my good friend was messing around and realised the scratch was on top of the mirror so if i polish it, it will come off :)

2nd Incident (Not so lucky for me):
People who stay in Mumbai must be knowing that a whole bunch of cyclists come to Worli sea face in the morning. Yes, you guessed right, not a motorbike, but a brainless cyclist accident.
Now, i was on my way back home from dropping my dad to the airport in the early morning and was at around 80 kmph on sea face (who wont be), when ahead (near the u turn of the milk dairy on sea face) i see a whole bunch of cyclists on the left and the one most ahead coming to the right to take the u-turn. Now common sense tells me to leave the accelerator and keep the horn pressed as its too small a distance to come to a complete stop. The cyclists all aknowledge this and see the situation so the 4 or 5 at the absolute front make the uturn safely as they are way ahead and the others stop. I am at this point relieved, dumb dumb me to feel safe.
Just as i reach the point where i have to keep going straight and the u-turn is present, this cycle guy decides to chance it and starts peddling to make the u-turn before i reach the spot. IDDDIIOOOTTTT I immediately hit the brakes and realise this guy is right in front of me so the brakes are useless and that this guy is gone or i bang, so i decide better to bang myself and swerve to the right....

As chance would have it, by the time i swerved, the divider had ended which made way for the u-turn and i went into the opposite lane (which luckily had no car coming head on) instead of getting totalled...Do you know how close this guy was??? When i swerved, he actually hit my rear view mirror, broke it and fell down from the impact...
That was how close he was to being able to fly.
As soon as i stopped i got out of the car and saw that the guy is alright, i started shouting as expected "What the hell is wrong with you, are you freaking insane" Now seeing me alone the other cyclists come along and start shouting at me saying its my bloody fault....
The reason???? They say its his fault too (they acknowledge this) but i should have followed the speed limit of 50!!!!!!
(Even during peak time cars go at 60 because its a stupid speedlimit as it is)
Now my anger gets the hold me and start screaming away, luckily a few uncles taking a morning walk notice all this, come to me and say "we know its not your fault but just walk away"
So i do exactly as they say and realise the reason they said so after i came home.

Wise men these uncles, hehe. They had realsied i was alone and the cyclists were like 15.
Thats when i realised that it's better to walk away "live and move on"
Better be thankful that the guy dint get serious harm rather than stand there and fight for being right.

3rd (The LUCKIEST of the lot):
This one is pretty short actually. I am on peddar road doing 80 in an Innova at 2 in the morning when i notice an old uncle in a old e class (the one which was a BOX) stopped on the left hand side with the right indicator on. I honk (he sees me) and presume that since this uncle's car is stopped and that too on the extreme left, that he wont take a u-turn. Just as i am reaching towards him, he suddenly starts his car and takes the u-turn...(WHAT THE F****) I brake (screeching and all) and think, thats it,im going to get totalled but ill be fine with the airbags and since im in a innova but that uncle is dead and im in deep ****, mostly going to jail.
THANK GOD the innova stops (I still wonder how it stopped so fast but im definately thankful) within inches from the other car....

This thread is right, i mean have people lost it...This guy knows that an innova is coming at a good speed and that if he turns, HE (the driver side and not the empty passenger seat) is right in front of my car. I mean, dint he care for his life????? He would definately have died on the spot.

The icing is that after my car comes to a stop, he coolly takes the turn, looks at me and abuses me and drives off while i stay there for another 5 mins traumatized at what just happened....

Man i feel so much better after letting all that out.
Moderators, i would like to suggest to make a thread where BHPians can vent their anger and hence it will lower road rage among us :)
These above 3 incidents have changed my thinking from "Why should i be scared, its his fault, fight for it" to "Walk away, even if it's not your fault"
Thank you for reading this and feeling my frustation.

Oh, and one more thing, all this while im only 20. I shudder to think how many more experiences i will face and perhaps the consequences if Lady Luck is not on my side even in one of them :(


Originally Posted by s0uljah (Post 701538)
This is why I need to get ICE asap :(

Sorry Pal. I did not get the meaning of your post. Do you mean that put the ICe on and you will not listen to anything happening outside once you close this windows of the car.:confused:

Nope snaronikar, he is referring to the previous suggestion on this thread suggesting a way to control anger by listning to music to stay calm :P

Now, at last, I realise why they call it ICE --- because it helps to keep cool.

I'd better get some!

Today, I alomst hit a guy (or rather an idiotic guy). He was driving with only one head lamp and that too with high beam. :Frustrati I almost lost my cool and yelled at him.

An incident that did not involve me but shows why people loose their cool.

I was going towards LBS road from Ghatkopar depot. There was a Swift behind which there was an auto and me following the auto. The Swift and me in the right lane while the auto in the centre of the lane so that I could not overtake.

Ahead I see a bus halt at the bus stop - meanwhile a call center Indica comes speeding from my left and overtakes the auto from the left side and suddenly realises that the bus is not moving !!

So what does he do ? He swerves 45 degree into the right lane bang in the path of the Swift who was doing about 30 kmph. The Swift brakes and halts just in time - meanwhile the Indica shows his dis-approval at the Swift driver and takes off wheels spinning.

The Swift driver is non-plussed for a few moments but then he takes off in hot pursuit of the Indica (all the while I had a good view of the tamasha). He catches the Indica and blasts the driver and takes off , now with the Indica guy in pursuit :D

So I then speed up and put my car between those 2 and put some distance between them. Also heavy traffic on LBS road helped me out.


Originally Posted by normally_crazy (Post 702407)
So I then speed up and put my car between those 2 and put some distance between them. Also heavy traffic on LBS road helped me out.

Why?? :confused: Have Skoda spares gone cheaper?

This is the perfect place for this, so here it goes.

2 days back, I was coming to Noida from the patparganj side. 100m from prime honda showroom the road has some big potholes. Most of the traffic slows down here. Anyways, as I was crossing it ( @5km/hr) a scorpio comes in at around 50+, overtakes me from the left and almost bangs into me in the process. I had to swerve right into the divider to save myself. I just move on. After around 3 mins, near the Noida entrance, the bloody idiot in the scorpio comes again, honks madly, and while I am giving way to him overtakes me without any regard. Again, he passed me within a few mm.
I again take a deep breath and move on. At the red light near Swani, again the bloody m***** f***** somehow appears from behind and actually touches my car this time. Since it was minor I stayed silent trying not to create any ruckus. As soon as the light turns green, he again almost runs into me. This time I completely lost it, overtook him, stopped my car in front of his at the next light and got out. Took a look and saw 2 guys in the front, one in the rear and empty bottles lying all around. Just waved my fist, spat some profanities and went inside my car. The idiot stayed away from my car for the rest of the way, and as luck would have it both of us were heading for Sector-18 market. The registration number of the scorpio is UP16R 1686
In case he is a friend/relative of some member here pls ask him to avoid drinking and driving. He seemed educated and was well dressed. But he has absolutely NO RESPECT for human life and his own.

Moral of the story :
1) Avoid such idiots and give them way ( which I did so many times )
2) Carry a taser all the time, just in case :)


Originally Posted by moralfibre (Post 702472)
Why?? :confused: Have Skoda spares gone cheaper?

lol: no Kiran. But since the traffic was single lane mostly on LBS road - I thought it was better if I kept those 2 cars apart , else I don't know how rashly they would have driven endangering the lives of many.

Disclaimer - If the above sounded like a social message, I inform you that it never was intended to sound that way.

Here goes my story..

Few months back i was driving back home after a dinner with my wife and my kid. It was a saturday and around 10:30 pm. i was approching a signal (blinking yellow)in a main road and was checking in both the direction for vehicle and was crusing in a normal speed. since everything was clear i just pumped in some gas to go straight to my shock from no where a scorpio from behind overtook me in my left and took a "u" turn almost slamming my car to the divider. so i also had to follow him for the "U"turn. That's it i just lost my temper chris-crossed him stopped my vehicle got out of my car just to find out that 4 drunken morons were inside the scorpio. My Brain just said not to fight or argue with these fellows at this part of the time since my wife & my kid were still in the car. But things got worse they started absuing me in a bad slang and one of them caught my shirt collor.after 15 min of argument i eased it a bit by saying" I am so sorry" although it was not my mistake and finally they moved.

but my instinct told me to teach them a lesson so i followed them for few kms. They parked the scorpio in a small street and went inside a appartment. So what do i do?
i dropped my wife & kid in my home, go pick up few friends of mine explain what happned , picked up 3 liters of paint(various colors) go back to the place where they had parked their vehicle ...and poured all the 3 liters of paint all over the scorpio.

I am not sure what i did was correct or not...but please do not go for a argument in late night with family by your side.

This thread seems to be as much 'the confessional' as the 'vent your anger' thread!

Its kind-of scary hearing what lengths our own members will go to.

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