Team-BHP - Have people lost it??

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Originally Posted by snaronikar (Post 704384)
This poor helpless thing should have had the common sense not to double park the car. This will teach these "poor little things" to be careful next time.:)

I think he was referring to the car. You don't expect the car to self-park, do you? :)


Originally Posted by snaronikar (Post 704384)
This poor helpless thing should have had the common sense not to double park the car. This will teach these "poor little things" to be careful next time.:)

I think bblost meant the car when he said poor helpless thing.
Would have been more enjoyable and direct had your brother scratched the owner of the poor helpless thing instead!


Originally Posted by snaronikar (Post 704359)
Why should he be? Unable to understand why do you support / sympathise the person who has parked his car on a public road troubling others. :Shockked:

If you parallel park on a public road, there is bound to be less space for you to get out in one go. Your bro did get out of the space, didnt he!! I mean, I have seen people parallel park like this all the time in UK and other countries, with very little space in between cars. Is ur bro gonna scratch someone's car in Dubai just because his parking skills aren't up to scratch (pun intended) ? Dunno how ur bro is going to cope in Dubai if he has to drive around and park there !! :Shockked:


Originally Posted by amitoj (Post 704387)
I think bblost meant the car when he said poor helpless thing.


scratch the owner the next time, that should be good.
or better still pour 3L of paint on the driver.


Originally Posted by snaronikar (Post 704359)
Why should he be? Unable to understand why do you support / sympathise the person who has parked his car on a public road troubling others. :Shockked:

Who ever would do such a thing, and that too to a poor car, for no fault of its? If your brother had even poked the key into the guy who parked it, well, understood, but on a car? What message did he try conveying? Hope he doesn't indulge in such acts back in the land of the Sheikhs, as they would not take this too kindly.

Though i do not support the double parking guy, i also do not support what your brother did snaronikar...I agree he should be taught a lesson but that did not teach him a lesson at all because like pointed out earlier, the guy will have no clue as to WHY someone did that. I agree with the deflating the tyres option & if possible, to leave a note so that the person realises what he did wrong :P

Common sense is what needed to make our and others life easy!

but unfortunatley there are hundreds of morons around who have money to buy vehicles but no common sense, as it cant be bought:)

Comeon guys..Jo hogaya,.So ho gaya. We people dont have to loose our minds on that. But one thing..A person, who never been in such an incident now knows what to do and what not to,(not to double park and not to scratch)after reading these conversations. Chill guys..
Lets move on.. Chill pill please..

There might be some kind of point to that kind of retaliation if the guy was ever to know why it was done. All he finds is a scratch on his car, and might post here about how some idiot vandal did this for no reason. If he didn't think about giving another driver a hard time getting out when the car was there, how is he going to think about it when the car is gone? And your brother did get out, didn't he?

Sorry: this one gets the thumbs down.


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 704479)
There might be some kind of point to that kind of retaliation if the guy was ever to know why it was done. All he finds is a scratch on his car, and might post here about how some idiot vandal did this for no reason. If he didn't think about giving another driver a hard time getting out when the car was there, how is he going to think about it when the car is gone? And your brother did get out, didn't he?

Sorry: this one gets the thumbs down.

We are living in India and not in any other place.

As for others, imagine yourself in the shoes my bro and then post your comment. Even after 20 mins waiting, if the guy does not return to take out his car and at 10.40 pm in night with family, what else you will do? Sit over there and sing "bhajans" till this idiotic guy returns and takes out his car? C'mon man be practical.

Whoa! You think it never happened to me? You think this never happens in London?

Being practical is just what I'm trying to be: that much criminal damage was not merited, and probably completely failed to teach any lesson at all. Failure on all practical counts except venting of anger.

Sure, I'd have been mad too. Might even have sat there with my hand on the horn until the entire neighbourhood cursed me. When it comes to sharing road space I am very far from immune to anger. I'm seriously working on lest it threaten my long term safety, maybe even reduces my life expectancy.

There's a knack. It's far from foolproof, obviously the situation can change in front and behind, but it is to try to leave enough space that you cannot become trapped.

Suitable level of retaliation on this one? Best left behind and moved on from --- but letting the guy's tires down might have given your brother the satisfaction that he had caused major hassle.

Anyway. Lets us move on from this one... :)

5 Years back, while travelling in my dads 800 which was being driven by the driver, was shunted from behind.
I was telling the driver to be careful of one guy who was driving really rash & bingo this is what happened. The moment my driver had applied the brake at a signal, this guys rams from behind with his Zen.

My driver was going all berserk but I just got down & looked at the damage. The zen guy broke both his head lights whilst the damage on our 800 was not as dramatic. I just gave a small lecture to these 2 uncles driving it & they were ready to pay damages. I told them seems like you have more damage than me & told my driver to forget it & avoided a scene which was totally unnecessary considering the minor damage to the 800 (rear bumper fell off).

I think its important to deal with situations in a mature manner instead of going around taking revenge.


Originally Posted by theexister (Post 703723)
I generally back off when these sort of things happen to me but I must admit that on more than one occasion I have done the same having lost cool & cutting off people thinking this would teach them a lesson.

What angers me most & I have seen this is kind of worst in Hyderabad is that no one wants to follow any traffic rules. I follow them atleast 95% of the time & I definitly dont drive through a red signal like so many guys do here.

I have learnt to control the urge to teach others a lesson now but its frustrating that bad drivers get away.

TBHPians must do something about the awareness thing. Nobody can mobilise so many people as this one forum.

But you gotta admit this fact, the people of Hyderabad are one of the sweetest/well behaved ones, even though they drive the worst in the country. Its very difficult to get angry at someone when he/she apologizes profusely for cutting across u for example

Scratching a poor car for no fault of it is criminal. How would you feel if someone else did it to your car? Does it solve the problem? Do you think he would even realize why he got the scratch. Its shameful to have folks who do this and then don't even admit their guilt. FYI vandalizing someone else's property is a criminal offence that can entail jailtime.

Rather than doing such a disgraceful act, it'd make sense to just put a polite note on the windscreen expressing your displeasure. If the chap is educated, he'd probably not do the mistake again. It could very well be possible that the guy has just learnt to drive and isn't even aware of his mistake.

I faced a similar situation last friday. Just below my building, some moron had parked his car just behind mine and I couldnt remove it easily. A kind uncle offered to guide me through the narrow gap and I was able to take out my car unscathed. So what did I do to the other guy's car? Nothing. I just prayed to God to give him more sense and drove out..
Come to think of it, a long scratch on the car would have cost the guy at least 7-8k to repaint. We know how bad we feel when someone does this to us. Dont have the heart to do this to someone else. Really!!

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