
Chandigarh: 50% road tax on cars above Rs. 10L, second cars

Authorities in Chandigarh have proposed a draft parking policy to discourage citizens from purchasing more cars and to reduce the demand for parking spaces within city limits. 

The proposed policy states that 50% road tax will be charged on cars worth Rs. 10 lakh and above. Residents who already own a car and are looking to buy a second vehicle will have to shell out 50% of the car’s price as road tax.

Chandigarh is also looking into putting a cap on the number of cars sold in a single quarter. Also, those looking to purchase a car will have to obtain a certificate of entitlement (COE) from the administration by paying a fee. The price of the certificate will fluctuate based on the demand. The number of COEs awarded during every quarter will be based on the total number of vehicles in the city. Further, a certificate of parking availability will have to be submitted at the time of registration of the vehicle.

In addition to these measures, the administration is also planning to introduce congestion charges in specific areas of the city. Also, vehicles registered outside of Chandigarh, Punjab or Haryana will have to pay a 50% higher parking fee. Companies with more than 50 employees will have to provide bus service.

Finally, to address the parking issue, it has been proposed that residents will be allowed to park in the parking lots of commercial and institutional establishments at night on a rental basis. Residents will also be able to rent out parking spots on their property. 

Source: Times of India

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