Having launched the next-generation Verna in India last month, Hyundai is now planning to begin exporting the car to global markets. According to a media report, exports of the made-in-India Verna are likely to commence from June 2023.
India will serve as the global hub of manufacturing and exports for the Verna. It has been reported that the car will be shipped to countries in the Middle East, Latin America and Africa.
The Verna is being manufactured at Hyundai India’s plant in Chennai. The carmaker plans to build 1.2 lakh units of the car this year, of which 80,000 units have been earmarked for export markets.
Hyundai expects its export volumes to reach 1.7-1.9 lakh units in FY2024. To cater to rising domestic and international demand, the carmaker has expanded its production capacity at the Chennai plant to 8.5 lakh units.
Source: Autocar Pro