
Jan, May: Most fatal months for traffic accidents in India

According to a media report, the months of January and May 2018 reported the highest number of road traffic accidents in India. While fog was the contributing cause in the first month of the year, summer holidays combined with higher number of leisure travellers and possible exhaustion at the wheel could have been the reason for the higher fatality rate in the month of May.

The highest number of road accidents were reported in the peak times of 6 pm to 9 pm, while the least number of accidents were reported between 6 am to 9 am. The accident numbers progressively increased as the day passed.

The highest fatalities were reported in the state of Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Some of the reasons attributed include higher vehicle ownership in states like Punjab, poor infrastructure and lack of prompt medical aid in rural areas.

Overall, road accidents resulted in deaths of 1,52,780 people while another 4,46,518 were injured


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