The ‘Silver Box’ failure is quite common post the Apple CarPlay update and the same is not recommended anymore
BHPian A.G. recently shared this with other enthusiasts.
The ‘Silver Box’ replacement:
Despite the dealer procuring the part from a near-by dealer which should have been an overnight delivery, somehow it took them 2 days to arrange the same.
The actual process of removing the glovebox, removing the old unit and reversing the sequence with the new unit hardly took any time – probably 45-60 minutes for the entire mechanical swap. What took most of the time though was availability of the right person both at the dealership for sharing the relevant details back to Mahindra and then at Mahindra to finally approve the release of vehicle – the whole process dragged the timeline from an hour to 4 hours. Thankfully it was less than the requested entire day for replacement.
Couple of learnings from this:
- An year into sales and Mahindra has still not perfected the software end. Glad the ECU is not integrated in the ‘Silver Box’ and the vehicle was still driveable with something as basic as instrument cluster failing and with features less than even my humble Genio.
- The ‘Silver Box’ failure is quite common post the Apple CarPlay update and the same is not recommended anymore – that’s the story I got and I was happy to live without the CarPlay update. Surprising that the part is not readily stocked if that is the case.
- The information sharing process between dealer and Mahindra which consumed a good chunk of time could have been saved in my opinion.
- Cut one head and two more shall Rise. While the ‘Silver Box’ replacement solves an issue, it opens up a Pandora box with firstly the exterior having bird poop at multiple places & the interior panels (luckily plastic only) getting finger prints and smudge marks and secondly the front passenger area getting a faint squeak.
- Washing & Cleaning mentioned on the RO is only a gimmick and the job won’t be performed. When questioned the response was that’s it mentioned by default on the RO. Not sure why it was part of approval as well at the time of RO opening which showed zero amount.
- It was surprising to see a pending payment for the disposable covers on a warranty part replacement visit which not there on the same RO when the diagnosis was done 3 days prior. While it was waived off as a goodwill gesture, it should not have been there in the first place.
While setting-up the new system, found some interesting notifications.
Software showing System up to date despite not having the latest version of software:

A sub-menu of Over the Air surprises having Happy Birthday notification under history…

...along with a greeting:

While it’s a nice touch, not sure from where Mahindra picked up this date as it’s incorrect.
A word about the not so latest 8.01.41 version:
- Happy to report that Android Auto connection so far has been seamless with the connection happening automatically everytime.
- The instrument cluster now display the maps without setting a destination – that’s the way it should work ideally.
- Camera seems to have higher frame rate now.
- Not sure if it was present earlier or not but yesterday I accidentally clicked on the XUV700 icon displayed on the top view which enabled some transparent mode. While this works only at low speeds, it looks cool to see what you have just passed over under the translucent XUV700 icon. Only in this mode and the 3D mode the frame rate drop is observed.
Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.