Team-BHP - 1990 M&M Cj340

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Final design is complete, now final welding and grinding is going on, hopefully ready by tomm evening.

1990 M&M Cj340-img0176a.jpg

Roll cage primer'd and painted black - DIY (210Rs for the whole job :) )
Co-Driver seat in place
Brake drums painted black and alloyz/tyres back on
Snorkel back on

Tomm should see the leaves recambered, minor mech work and alignment...


Originally Posted by svsantosh (Post 2422955)
Roll cage primer'd and painted black - DIY (210Rs for the whole job :) )
Co-Driver seat in place
Brake drums painted black and alloyz/tyres back on
Snorkel back on

Tomm should see the leaves recambered, minor mech work and alignment...

Sir, you could have done a lot with the roll cage design.:eek:

I feel your mechanic has just added weight, which is not good, do consider a little changes.

The front one can just be a "U" not touching the windshield, but a little over the widshield maybe by 2 inches, and the rear could have just sloped down a bit...


Originally Posted by PAVAN KADAM (Post 2423066)
Sir, you could have done a lot with the roll cage design.:eek:

I disagree , there 'could' be N designs to go with , but if you look closely this is the most simple & practical way ( wrt ease of access vs strength ) to do a roll cage , agreed its not looking flashy


I feel your mechanic has just added weight, which is not good, do consider a little changes.
is there any other way ? I mean if you have to use a 2" or 1.75" dia & 4 mm thick pipe totalling to some 36 + feet ?

Am I wrong about the total length Santosh ?


The front one can just be a "U" not touching the windshield, but a little over the widshield maybe by 2 inches, and the rear could have just sloped down a bit...
can you please elaborate with a sketch ? especially the front " U " --I didn't understand



Originally Posted by PAVAN KADAM (Post 2423066)
Sir, you could have done a lot with the roll cage design.:eek:

I feel your mechanic has just added weight, which is not good, do consider a little changes.

The front one can just be a "U" not touching the windshield, but a little over the widshield maybe by 2 inches, and the rear could have just sloped down a bit...

a - like? please post some rough sketches, there is one more 540 in paint shop...

b - mech had nothing to do with it, totally executed by 3 'commerce, IT and a doctor' guyz :), regd the weight - its a swb, not much of pipe length was needed (as to a 5x0 class) and i was bent upon a 3-U roll cage, needed it for soft top to be complete. Rest was just ideas inside the head visualizing a few roll over situations. Thats what led to the diagonal in B-pillar over drivers head. Oh and its only a 2MM pipe, not a 4MM cold rolled seamless pipe!!

c - Front is a U, only extra is that left-right connection (Over dash) needed bcoz this is a CJ without A-pillar. EDIT - And I made sure the pipe doesnt touch the A-Pillar and give the irritating rattling noise!!


Originally Posted by Sudarshan (Post 2423108)
...but if you look closely this is the most simple & practical way ( wrt ease of access vs strength ) to do a roll cage

Thank you sirji...


agreed its not looking flashy
Few said the other way around, but no bother, I wanted safety.


Am I wrong about the total length Santosh ?
Measuring it today... will let you know by evening. I am guessing total length to be approx 45 feet, around 40-45 Kilos max.

Excellent positioning of the A Pillar Santosh. Unfortunately i will not be able to follow it as i want the doors and the soft top on my MM. Will have to think of something fast as it goes for the RC on Monday!!


Originally Posted by Sudarshan (Post 2423108)
....some 36 + feet?

610~ Inches or about 50 feet. A 20ft pipe (2" 2MM) is 17Kilos, so approx 43 Kilos of piping. Give or take about 2 kilos for base plates, 2Kilos of welding and 7kilos for rear angle-base plates - around 55kilos for roll cage. Now it does sound heavy... hmm. Whats is the industry standard for a roll cage weight? 30 max??


Originally Posted by V-16 (Post 2423495)
Excellent positioning of the A Pillar Santosh. Unfortunately i will not be able to follow it as i want the doors and the soft top on my MM. Will have to think of something fast as it goes for the RC on Monday!!

Np, I just wanted to give you some ideas. PS - You cant do much on a outside-in design, meaning - you want to retain the soft top, so your imagination is already limited to those corners - the same head ache I had while roll caging the black 540, in a CJ, you have all the room you want, but dont go over-weight like mine!!


Originally Posted by svsantosh (Post 2423766)
610~ == - around 55kilos for roll cage. Now it does sound heavy.

Round it off for 60 kg so?

Effects ( IMHO, AFAIK )

1) WRT payload capacity (carrying capacity ) of the Jeep - nothing --you are just carrying an extra person all the time ,

2) WRT Center of gravity --- firstly where is it in a 340 ? 1/2" above the floor ? Or at the seat base ? or at the seat level ? I don't think its above the seat base in a 80" diesel Jeep --- So it may have gone up for 2 " --- So ? --Nothing compared to the safety

3) you need a road test , especially the cornering at speeds but you have re-cambered the road springs -- keep that in mind

4) Seriously thinking its nothing compared to the safety it will give >> NOW FIT SEAT BELTS you will be having good overall protection

P.S. If you are having those longer shackles -- remove them , the ride will be under control



Originally Posted by Sudarshan (Post 2423970)
1) WRT payload capacity (carrying capacity ) of the Jeep - nothing --you are just carrying an extra person all the time ,

Yep, that was my thought.


2) WRT Center of gravity --- firstly where is it in a 340 ? 1/2" above the floor ? Or at the seat base ? or at the seat level ? I don't think its above the seat base in a 80" diesel Jeep --- So it may have gone up for 2 " --- So ? --Nothing compared to the safety
Yes, need to check it.


3) you need a road test , especially the cornering at speeds but you have re-cambered the road springs -- keep that in mind
Leafs not yet, taking it slow, not in a hurry, need to open up alternator and starter motor for a checkup. so jeep still in mechs place, leaf specialist is across the road.


Seriously thinking its nothing compared to the safety it will give >> NOW FIT SEAT BELTS you will be having good overall protection
yep - 6 point - rally style ;) over both shoulders and across the waist - howz that?


P.S. If you are having those longer shackles -- remove them , the ride will be under control
GONE!!! Sold them - best part, nearly at purchase price.


Originally Posted by svsantosh (Post 2424292)

yep - 6 point - rally style ;) over both shoulders and across the waist - howz that?

Frankly I havent fitted/tried these

but my thinking is they must open quickly, in emergencies ( wrt locking mechanism ) yet hold you in place under harsh shock .

I will suggest to go for the normal 3 point ones for now ( time being ) & then do some good research on the rally ones , I fear that there will be many a copy cat 'bling bling ' cheap varieties in the market , so you will need to find for some genuine ones ( the real 6 point ones )

also I think you will need a special seat assembly to go with these 6 point ones -- they wont easily fit with a normal seat ( IMHO )

So it looks like its going to take time till you find some genuine thing



Originally Posted by svsantosh (Post 2424292)
GONE!!! Sold them - best part, nearly at purchase price.

SVS, why did you get rid of them? Any specific reasons?


Sudhi - regd 6 point i had a idea of a combo seat belt (driver and co-driver side) on 1 side itself. One from the right B Pillar and the 2nd from the cross beam I have on B pillar - over the left shoulder. What say?

Spikey - ride was harsh, excessive rolling in corners and unstable at turns. Of course high C.O.G and fear of tipping over in sideways obstacles.


Originally Posted by svsantosh (Post 2424705)
Sudhi - regd 6 point i had a idea of a combo seat belt (driver and co-driver side) on 1 side itself. One from the right B Pillar and the 2nd from the cross beam I have on B pillar - over the left shoulder. What say?

Man you need to study a lot on this -- if you fit some kind of a wrong contraption ( read unscientific ) you may land in to trouble at the time of an accident , some of your body parts will be tied & others free -- the result ? think over

Let me tell you my example , Me & my Jeep met an accident in 1997 . a fully loaded acid Tanker truck banged ( actually landed straight ) on the Jeep from behind .

It happened like this -- as I just took of after crossing a speed breaker -- I was in second gear at around 15 km/h - the truck took off from the speed breaker, lost control & landed straight on us & hit the back of the Jeep

This incident completely shattered every myth I had about accidents , It was a jolt of a life time , the seat's recline mechanism broke & the backs went flat -- that actually saved us from breaking our necks ( otherwise the neck could have got a severe shock as the back would have kept steady & in place- & the weight of the head acting fully on the neck -it had no head rests ) . My Jeep is a five door steel body , so had a lot more space to crumple -till anything could have touched us .

Moral of the story is , It happens all of a sudden , no time for reactions . It takes you by surprise & you are in hands of elements chosen by you ( the type of body- top , seats & belts etc )

So think deep its not easy as it looks :)


^ Thx sir - will surely re-think about it. right now, even the regular seat belt on hold - homemin' wants the old (truck) MIL seats (no, not for the MIL :)) but she finds it much comfortable (the 8-way adjustable is un-paralleled) for short drives than a sedans seat, back to drawing board!! I am lost now!!

PS - Leaf recambering over, looks good. Tomm the alternator and startermotor get their long due full disection and check-up. The bendix sounds' acting up and needs a look, also time to change the diodes in the alternator to acheive the max-60Ah rating ;) yep, learnt the TATA 407 OE alternator pumps out 60Ah.


Originally Posted by svsantosh (Post 2424292)

yep - 6 point - rally style ;) over both shoulders and across the waist - howz that?

:Shockked:6 pointer!!! Where will you get those and what price do you plan to spend on them?

Reason I am asking is in the rallies we have 4 pointers of 5 pointer belts fitted on to the non recliners bucket seats, which holds you in the seats no matter how bad the crash is.

Unless you have a bucket seat these pointer belts are not advisable. could you share the pic of the same? I understand 4 points, 2 are from each shoulder and two from the waist, one in b/w the legs (for the 5 pointer), other?

Example = _\./_

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