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Old 15th March 2017, 10:37   #5416
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Does it make sense to buy 1" sensor compacts these days ? Like the RX100 or the Gx series. These compacts do cost a bit, and camera phones are improving in leaps and bounds . Phones will probably never catch up with compacts due to the sensor size, but they do have the convenience factor. So a DSLR + phone combination probably makes more sense than the DSLR+compact camera+phone combo.

Thoughts ?
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Old 15th March 2017, 11:26   #5417
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Originally Posted by sdp1975 View Post
Does it make sense to buy 1" sensor compacts these days ? Like the RX100 or the Gx series. These compacts do cost a bit, and camera phones are improving in leaps and bounds . Phones will probably never catch up with compacts due to the sensor size, but they do have the convenience factor. So a DSLR + phone combination probably makes more sense than the DSLR+compact camera+phone combo.

Thoughts ?
First of all afaik all mobiles zoom by reducing the no. of pixels, and are thus what we call 'digital' zooms. Most serious photographers switch off digital zoom, since it can always be achieved by cropping at any time.

While mobiles are getting closer, but it is a matter of choice as to whether the mobile is 'good enough'. To me it is not. Of course you have the convenience of it being always available.
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Old 15th March 2017, 11:54   #5418
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Originally Posted by sgiitk View Post
First of all afaik all mobiles zoom by reducing the no. of pixels, and are thus what we call 'digital' zooms. Most serious photographers switch off digital zoom, since it can always be achieved by cropping at any time.

While mobiles are getting closer, but it is a matter of choice as to whether the mobile is 'good enough'. To me it is not. Of course you have the convenience of it being always available.
I don't use zoom lenses - mostly it's fixed prime lenses on my DSLR. I wouldn't use the zoom feature on my compact much if I bought one.

The 28mm equiv fixed focal length on most phones does the job for me. These days even the budget smart phones have vastly improved quality , and while they won't match up to a APS-C , they can probably compete with 1" compacts in decent lighting conditions.

I think I'll put on hold buying a compact for some time. So it will be either my DSLR or my phone , with no compact in between.

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Old 15th March 2017, 13:01   #5419
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Originally Posted by sdp1975 View Post
The 28mm equiv fixed focal length on most phones does the job for me. These days even the budget smart phones have vastly improved quality , and while they won't match up to a APS-C , they can probably compete with 1" compacts in decent lighting conditions.
I was in the same dilemma a year ago and picked up a Rx100 M2 during the holiday season. Macro shots, low lighting conditions, Sunset/Sunrise - generally these are the instances where the Rx100 does a much better job as compared to my Moto X play. In fact, in some cases, the Rx100 performs a lot better than the DSLR that my better half wields. A lot of my recent hoysala/badami temple pics have been taken using the Rx100.

The biggest pro for me is the relative ease of use as well as the convenience but is it worth investing 40K as on date on a 1" compact, I would say no. The new S7 and maybe the pixel as well might do a much better job.

Note: I am more of a point and shoot guy and hence dont ask me too much about metering, DoF etc etc.
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Old 15th March 2017, 15:17   #5420
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

@sdp1975; If you are happy with what your mobile gives you then there are no issues. I was an SLR man in the film days, went compact with the first Digitals, and am now back with Digital SLRs. For everyday photography compacts with a decent zoom (say 6x plus) are as useful as SLRs. The latter are great, but at the cost of higher level of complications, and a larger size.
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Old 15th March 2017, 17:33   #5421
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Originally Posted by procrj View Post
I was in the same dilemma a year ago and picked up a Rx100 M2 ...
I would love something that is not big and that, subject to the hands holding it, takes really good photos. I suppose this would be the [expensive] way to go. I know that the price I have to pay for a good lens making an image on a good sensor is not just money but telephoto reach.

I have the Fujifilm superzoom for baby birds (eek: the rubber coating has gone tacky in storage and the internet tells me this happens to even better cameras than this ) and the problem is it is too big/heavy to take out regularly. And I have a Panasonic Lumix DM TZ10, whose metal case and build I love, but I have never thought much of the photos it takes. but they are better than my phone.

When I really think about it, what do I need that zoom range for on the baggable camera anyway. If the photos are sharp enough, they can probably be cropped as far as I need. Mostly, life does not present me with baby birds to photograph from a non-disturbing distance, and, when it does, I'm usually at home with the superzoom and a tripod!

So I have started the dreaming/browsing process, for either a top-of-the-range compact or an entry-level mirrorless. It does not have to be pocket-able, but it must slip in a shoulder bag, easily, safely, and without adding too much weight. The dreaming phase might last a year or two: hopefully stuff will get lighter and better, at least for the money, if not cheaper overall.
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Old 6th May 2017, 17:56   #5422
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Maybe more of a shopping question, but what would the confidence levels be in buying use/refurbished from Overcart:

Sony Cybershot DSC-RX100 20.2MP Digital Camera Used @15 k
Sony Cybershot DSC-RX100M2 20.2MP Digital Camera Refurbished @ 25 K

I'm not necessarily itching to jump right now (although temptation lurks, but the former, especially (don't really the stuff that was added to the mark II) would put a camera in my bag with an image quality such that I could only blame myself for bad or blurred pics!

Lots of lovely, more advanced stuff, but my bottom-line need is for a compact camera whose weight/size is barely noticed in my every-day bag.
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Old 6th May 2017, 18:24   #5423
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
either a top-of-the-range compact or an entry-level mirrorless.
I have a five year old Fuji x100, and the Sony RX100 M2, as alternates to my DSLR. Don't ask my why I need two alternates...
The Sony covers more situations, but is no pleasure to use. Which the Fuji most certainly is. It is a little quirky, but a joy to use with all controls available via old style dials, no negotiating painful menus. Highly recommended if you can find a good used piece.
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Old 6th May 2017, 19:49   #5424
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

More on the Fuji x100: It has dedicated on body dials like the cameras of an earlier age. Shutter speed and exposure compensation get a dial each on top while the aperture selection is via a dial around the fixed lens mount. Viewfinder has the option of optical range finder as well as LCD, toggled back and forth via what looks like a timer lever.

The camera forces one to take pictures. not snaps. But image quality from jpegs processed in camera is brilliant if the photographic effort has been taken by the picture taker; RAW isn't needed, but available as an option.
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Old 6th May 2017, 20:38   #5425
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Digital cameras are, in some ways, a huge pain. There used to be so few things to learn, know and adjust on film cameras, even in a fully manual mode. Now there are menus and menus and menus.

The Fuji looks wonderful, but is way beyond my budget.

Essentially, at this time, I am looking for a good-image-quality point and shoot. I will be taking snaps with it! Want a throw-in-the-bag, but a good one.

Ideally, I would not buy a camera without a viewfinder, for two reasons:

1. I need glasses on to look at an screen.
2. Holding the camera against the head is a big part of being able to keep the thing still.
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Old 7th May 2017, 15:27   #5426
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
Maybe more of a shopping question, but what would the confidence levels be in buying use/refurbished from Overcart ...
After a quick browse of Quora, no, I will not risk 15K with overcart. At least not as a first purchase.
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Old 7th May 2017, 17:16   #5427
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Try the JJ Mehta forum, most users there are genuine/hobbyists.
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Old 7th May 2017, 23:34   #5428
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Gosh. I never bought from JJ Mehta, but they must have been one of the first Indian photographic businesses on the internet. I should indeed revisit. Don't think I even knew about the forum, buying/selling. Will take a look


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Old 9th May 2017, 02:38   #5429
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Two Days Later...

I realise a little better how much things have moved on since I last thought about buying a camera. Immersing myself in what might result in buying myself a birthday present this year, or, as that is only a couple of months away, possibly even next!
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Old 9th May 2017, 07:01   #5430
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Have they? I haven't found any progress that is real, in the last 4-5 years. What has changed is on the phone camera side of things, where picture quality has made some noticeable progress, while the ability to share images, including the dreaded selfie, has made for giant steps in imaging/camera use - including video recording and real time use of video. Never mind that they aren't to my tastes, but for sure the steps have been very significant.

Traditional cameras are like home audio: lots of churn for little forward motion, although not as stagnant as the latter where the quality of the end result is concerned.
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