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Old 7th April 2011, 16:13   #1636
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

I am getting Panasonic CS-YC18MKY (1.5 ton, 3 Star) with installation for 20,110/-. Stabilizer extra if needed. Is the price worth it?
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Old 7th April 2011, 17:42   #1637
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by patron View Post
I am getting Panasonic CS-YC18MKY (1.5 ton, 3 Star) with installation for 20,110/-. Stabilizer extra if needed. Is the price worth it?
I was quoted 26750 for the same model in Hyd - so its a steal.
make sure that you check on the date of mfg to ensure that you are not being palmed off an older piece !!
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Old 7th April 2011, 21:49   #1638
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

I have uploaded a snap the remote which belongs to my 2 yr old Samsung split A/C. Notice the remote display closely. All the fields are lit up (when it should either be blank or it should display the temperature). This happens when I switch on the A/C using the remote. The A/C doesn't power on, but the remote remains in this condition.
It doesn't happen always but 8 out of 10 times. When this happens I have to tap the remote against the palm of my hand and then again try to switch on the a/c. Generally I succeed in the third or fourth attempt. If I leave the remote untouched for 3/4 minutes it goes blank and I can attempt to switch on the A/C again.

Does anyone know the solution (other than approaching Samsung Service).

Thanks in advance.
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Old 7th April 2011, 22:09   #1639
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

^ Replace batteries in the remote. I had a similar issue.
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Old 7th April 2011, 22:33   #1640
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by @Chaand View Post
I have uploaded a snap the remote which belongs to my 2 yr old Samsung split A/C. Notice the remote display closely. All the fields are lit up.
I guess that is an indication of dead batteries. Try putting in new ones and check.
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Old 8th April 2011, 12:28   #1641
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by @Chaand View Post
I have uploaded a snap the remote which belongs to my 2 yr old Samsung split A/C. Notice the remote display closely. All the fields are lit up (when it should either be blank or it should display the temperature). This happens when I switch on the A/C using the remote. The A/C doesn't power on, but the remote remains in this condition.
Battery or contacts on the brink. Happens regularly with all my remotes - AC, TV, Tata Sky. What I do is to take the batteries out and re insert them, works for at least one more year. Sometimes in high humidity the battery contacts "loose contact".

At least you AC does not lock up. In my Hitachi, the remote locks up and I have to unlock it after fiddling with the battery.
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Old 8th April 2011, 12:48   #1642
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

If it was a battery issue, shouldnt the remote simply refuse to turn on. On the contrary, its blazing with full glory

In any case, I will do as you guys have suggested over the weekend and update this forum.
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Old 8th April 2011, 14:38   #1643
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

If it was a battery issue, shouldnt the remote simply refuse to turn on.
Not until the battery gets too low to power it on at all.

I notice with my Nokia N82: when the battery is really low, a warning notice is displayed and the screen lights up, and stays lit --- thus ensuring that the remaining battery runs out as fast as possible. Stupid design, eh?
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Old 8th April 2011, 16:11   #1644
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
Not until the battery gets too low to power it on at all.

I notice with my Nokia N82: when the battery is really low, a warning notice is displayed and the screen lights up, and stays lit --- thus ensuring that the remaining battery runs out as fast as possible. Stupid design, eh?
May be for refreshing the battery for the next recharge. Heard that there's no memory effect on Lion batteries. But once in a while you deplete the battery fully and recharge, the difference will be noticeable.

Stupid for sure as no body can make sure about recharge each time you get a low battery warning.
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Old 8th April 2011, 19:38   #1645
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by @Chaand View Post
If it was a battery issue, shouldnt the remote simply refuse to turn on. On the contrary, its blazing with full glory

In any case, I will do as you guys have suggested over the weekend and update this forum.
There is enough power to run the display, but not the controller or the IR transmitter. Low power does all sorts of things to electronics, what runs and what does not depends on the design!
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Old 9th April 2011, 12:17   #1646
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by @Chaand View Post
I have uploaded a snap the remote which belongs to my 2 yr old Samsung split A/C. Notice the remote display closely. All the fields are lit up (when it should either be blank or it should display the temperature). This happens when I switch on the A/C using the remote. The A/C doesn't power on, but the remote remains in this condition.
It doesn't happen always but 8 out of 10 times. When this happens I have to tap the remote against the palm of my hand and then again try to switch on the a/c. Generally I succeed in the third or fourth attempt. If I leave the remote untouched for 3/4 minutes it goes blank and I can attempt to switch on the A/C again.

Does anyone know the solution (other than approaching Samsung Service).

Thanks in advance.
I received so many replies to my above post and decided to try out some of the advices over the weekend. Opened the battery compartment of the remote and cleaned the contacts well. Also cleaned the battery terminals and replaced them in their slots. As expected, the remote is working like a charm now. Have decided not to change the Energizer batteries for now.

I love this forum

Thanks a lot for the advice guys.
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Old 9th April 2011, 22:52   #1647
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Bought Daikin e50 for 24000/- INR in Delhi with home delivery.
Installation Extra (INR 1500) + 600 INR/ Meter piping + 600 INR Stand

Last edited by Trust_In_Thrust : 9th April 2011 at 22:54.
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Old 10th April 2011, 04:30   #1648
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by Trust_In_Thrust View Post
Bought Daikin e50 for 24000/- INR in Delhi with home delivery.
Installation Extra (INR 1500) + 600 INR/ Meter piping + 600 INR Stand
Wow can anyone beat that. I got the quote of 27200/- excluding fitting, stand and piping.

Is it E50"L" or "K". Dont know the difference but the dealer say now "L" would be coming in a couple of days. Some even have it. The website doesnt mention anything otherwise.

Originally Posted by Aroy View Post
I have posted this before, but here goes. For North Indian summer, the rule of thumb calculations handed over to me by an experienced engineer (and thoroughly validated over many installations) is

1. 1 ton for every 1000 cubic feet, or in case of modern flats 1000/9 = 111 square feet
2. 1 ton for every 5 persons in the room
3. 1 ton for every 3kw of appliances in the room.

Hence if you have a 12x15=180 square foot room, with two persons and 500w of appliances (fan, TV, stereo etc) the tonnage required is

180/111 + 1*2/4 + 1*500/3000 = 1.62 + 0.4 + 0.16 = 2.28

This tonnage would cool the room in a temparature differential of 20 degrees (42 - 22 degrees) if you can bear minimum of 25 then the tonnage comes to around 2. If day temperatures hit 45, then the tonnage may go upto 2.5. This is of course the peak cooling requirement mainly during day time. At night the temperatures hover around 36 and smaller unit would suffice.

1. Most of the calculations on the net, ignore the fact that we in India have AC in one room, and the passages are not cooled, hence a lot of cold air leaks out. Every time you open the door (even to the attached toilet), you loose cold air. So you should have at least 15% over capacity.

2. One method of reducing the cooling requirement is to set the AC at 25 and run the fan on at slow/medium speed.

3. If the summer is exceedingly hot and dry, you can increase cooling by regularly spraying water on the rear heat exchanger. This increase the thermal efficiency by cooling the hot-end. I remember AC 20 years ago used to have a water tank with a pipe dripping water for this reason.

Thanks Aroy and Khoj. I really appreciate the inputs coming in. Its so much more difficult to decide on an AC if getting the right tonnage is important consideration other then the star rating, but you guys are pointing me in the right direction to assure that the decision taken would be an appropriate one.

@Aroy, North Indian Summers would be really hot then what we have here in Pune. As I type this my beetle landline phone temp guage shows me the room temperature at 30 degrees on its little LCD screen. Not sure how accurate it is but this is the only device i have at present with me to check the temp.

I went through the entire forum. The time that its taking me to decide the right tonnage is really causing frustration and I am also irritating you guys with my stupid questions.

Aroy as per the calculations you provided I again took the measurements of the carpet area that is exposed and would require cooling.

My previous calculations were incorrect and my apologies for the same. The sq ft area comes to 157 for my room including the exit passage(17 sq ft) which has an entry door for the bathroom too. This measurement does not includes the carpet area taken away by the furniture. Hence taking your calculation into account this is what i derived.

157/111 + 1*2/4 + 1*500/3000 = 1.41 + 0.4 + 0.16 = 1.97

And I also checked post# 868

As per this post it looks like as follows

157 x 8.74(height) x 10 /12000 = 1.14 tonnage
157 x 8.74(height) x 12 /12000 = 1.47 tonnage

Went to Daikinindia - :: Welcome to Daikin Air Conditioners India Pvt. Ltd. ::

This is what I enter for the following parameters

Area (Sq. ft.) = 157
Height (Ft) = 8.74
Usage of the room = Residence
No of Persons = 2
City = Pune
Desired Inside Temperature = 24
Exposed to Sunlight Glass Area (sq. ft) ->
North = 3.06 (These are the round big designer holes as part of construction given by the builder. However I have covered them with the glass sliding window)
South = 3.06 (Same as North)
East = 28 ( 7.5 x 3.82 Sliding Window)

Exposed to Sunlight - Wall Length including glass (ft.) ->
North = 11.33

If there is any wall which is not exposed to sunlight but is exposed to internal non air conditioned area, then please provide the length of all those walls (r.ft) ->
North = 16.70 (This is the wall that separates my room with the living room and has exit door to my room)

South = 8.42 (My room separated by the neighbours)

Construction over the roof = Yes
Ground Floor = No
Computer = 1
Printer = 1 (Its an all in one HP 4355)

Tonnage as per the calculation : 1.18


If I change the desired temp it changes the tonnage according to it.

Now the requirement is only during the sleeping hours that too from early morning to noon(I work in shifts). And the Computer and Printer(have considered just to be future proof) would not be running during these hours hence the daikin calculations further drops and the tonnage drops to 1.01.

Now this is what is botherring me. My friends one storey bungalow and has his bedroom on the first floor, and the roof exposed as no construction above, is of the sq ft area of around 350. He is using 1.5 tonne Kenstar, bought it for 16k two years back. He prefers temp at 25-26. He says his entire room gets cooled in 5 minutes time and he keeps the ceiling fan speed at one. This is during the night time. I have yet to go and check what he says.

Considering this wouldnt 1 tonnage be sufficient for my requirements where in my room is half of his?

I have the budget of 1.5 tonnage but I just want to make sure I dont end up getting oversized AC. Also it would increase the utility bill if its more then the requirement.

Also read an interesting post by Guite. Post # 486.

Guys I am a noob at these things and the decision is getting complicated for me hence seeking your help.

Thanks again people for the help.

Last edited by tush : 10th April 2011 at 04:35.
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Old 10th April 2011, 10:45   #1649
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by tush View Post
Now the requirement is only during the sleeping hours that too from early morning to noon(I work in shifts). And the Computer and Printer(have considered just to be future proof) would not be running during these hours hence the daikin calculations further drops and the tonnage drops to 1.01.

Now this is what is botherring me. My friends one storey bungalow and has his bedroom on the first floor, and the roof exposed as no construction above, is of the sq ft area of around 350. He is using 1.5 tonne Kenstar, bought it for 16k two years back. He prefers temp at 25-26. He says his entire room gets cooled in 5 minutes time and he keeps the ceiling fan speed at one. This is during the night time. I have yet to go and check what he says.
1.5 tons for 350 sqf room is a bit too little. May be when the night temperature is 30, and he keeps it at 26 it is passable. Double the temperature difference and you get 3 tons. I was talking of 20 degree difference and not 4-5. Also remember that the heat loss is generally fourth power of the temperature difference, hence larger the differential more disproportionate the cooling requirement.

Excess tonnage in a normal AC will waste power. On an Inverter it will just cool faster initially, and then stabilise at a lower power consumption level.

If you can afford Inverter Technology go for it as it will give you lowest power consumption, and you can have a slightly bigger unit (as it will not affect running costs, but improve cooling).

I personally find a marked difference in comfort between the AC compressor running and switched off. When it is off, the air may be cold but smells different, that is why I prefer an AC which is always on, at least the temparature is constant.
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Old 10th April 2011, 12:44   #1650
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by Trust_In_Thrust View Post
Bought Daikin e50 for 24000/- INR in Delhi with home delivery.
Installation Extra (INR 1500) + 600 INR/ Meter piping + 600 INR Stand
Hey me too looking for a daikin 1.5 tonner. Was quoted 29k for the 3 star model.Bracket and piping extra. The highest I was quoted was 35k for the same model.Having read your post shot a mail to sales incharge western region about the price disparity.Would try to push for the price you got.Can you plz share the exact model no. and the dealer name.
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