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Old 11th March 2011, 13:43   #1501
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by devarshi84 View Post
I won't divulge more details but there is not much difference between 1tonne R22 inverter and non-inverter in the Daikin range. I really mean not much difference.

But depending on your usage, you might be right in saying Inverter does not cover the cost for you.
If you have some info pls pls post it. I had been running pillar to post trying to find information. This will help everyone.

The reason I didnt go for inverter is, my bedroom is in 7th floor with 2 more floors above. No direct sunlight, we use the a.c only during the night from 9 to 5 for around 7-8 months. Peak summer we might use it for 2-3 hrs on weekends during the day time. Given this usage pattern the a/c technician was saying you wont really recover the cost of 10k more for a inverter model.

But for the same usage, cost saving between a 3 star and 5 star was around 5-6k in a period of 5 yrs. Which was good because the difference between daikin 3 star and 5 star was around 3k.
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Old 11th March 2011, 13:54   #1502
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Daikin R22 1 tonne non-inverter costs 29K roughly in the market.
Daikin R22 1 tonne inverter costs 32K roughly in the market.

The non-inverter 5 star is the G -series and the inverter is E series. The R410 inverter costs another 3-4 grand.

Daiking R410 is the second cheapest inverter ac
Toshiba RAS goes for around 37K
Mitsubishi Heavy ( the best around) goes for 40-42K
Ogeneral around 44K

PS: I have heard that Carrier has also launched inverter ac's. They should be cheaper. Do check out the details.
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Old 11th March 2011, 14:30   #1503
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Whats the savings when G is compared with E?
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Old 11th March 2011, 14:32   #1504
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Considering that the average life of a white good is 10 years, and R22 will not be outlawed till 2022 you can make your decision. I will be quite happy with R22.
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Old 11th March 2011, 15:16   #1505
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by madbullram View Post
Whats the savings when G is compared with E?
To quote a fixed benifit is tough, but here is what an inverter can get you and take away from you.

1. You pay more initially.

2. If the room size to inverter size is not correct, you end up paying more in bills. For e.g. if the inverter keeps running at full speed, it will take longer to cut off and the compressor will be running at full capacity (1.25 against 1).

3. Wear and tear on components is less with inverter.

4. The power needed for frequent compressor start ups is reduced.

5. The a.c. doesnt always run at full capacity hence saving power.

6. The cut off is faster since most a.c.'s come with PAM which cools the room faster initially.

7. You get sound sleep as the sound levels are reduced and the ambient temperature within the room is fixed.

8. Gives better results when the room has frequent change in human populace such as shops. When it is used for longer periods (say 8 or more) at a constant temperature setting that is not the lowest point.

Frankly, the monetary benefits may not be much as compared to a high eer 5 star a-c such as the ones from Voltas, Onida or MHI. I had almost finalized a Voltas Vertis GOLD 1 tonne for 23K plus installation before the price hike. Onida Mirror star 1 tonne is 25.6K plus install. MHI SRK13 .75 tonne was 24K before hike. These are the prices I was able to get.


Last edited by devarshi84 : 11th March 2011 at 15:18.
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Old 11th March 2011, 19:02   #1506
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by sgiitk View Post
Considering that the average life of a white good is 10 years, and R22 will not be outlawed till 2022 you can make your decision. I will be quite happy with R22.
I will not be so sure. When the R12 gas was stopped in car AC, the Government ensured that the manufacture of the gas itself was stopped. Hence last year when I wanted to repair my car AC, I was told point blank to change the compressor as the gas was no longer available. Those who still had old stock were charging astronomical price for it. R22 users may face similar plight, so it is wiser to go for R410 base refrigerants, especially for split AC, where evry shift requires some gas charging.
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Old 11th March 2011, 22:00   #1507
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Like I said it before, Window ac is the best bet. Window ac's also have various 5 star models.

Split ac is only for those who do not want to break the wall and need better cooling in a flat.

I wouldn't worry much about R22 to R410 yet. 2020 is still a decade away. But yes, if you are an environmentalist?

Just my opinion.

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Old 11th March 2011, 23:03   #1508
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Got a quote of Rs.21,000/- for a Bluestar 1.5 ton Window AC. This includes installation and a stabilizer. Its a 2 star product. I have not seen the machine, just a quote from the shop owner who was doing the Inauguration puja of the Shop when i marched in.

Should I or should I not? Anything else in this price range in Hyderabad?

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Old 12th March 2011, 00:25   #1509
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by devarshi84 View Post
Split ac is only for those who do not want to break the wall and need better cooling in a flat.
Isn't better cooling the number one thing on everyone's list? That's what AC is about, surely?

Add less noise to your list.

Better cooling with less noise is as far as some of us get with our AC specifications.

My version would be

Window AC is only for those who do not want to, or can't, pay for split!

But... variety makes the world go round
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Old 12th March 2011, 12:50   #1510
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by mashmash View Post
Got a quote of Rs.21,000/- for a Bluestar 1.5 ton Window AC. This includes installation and a stabilizer. Its a 2 star product. I have not seen the machine, just a quote from the shop owner
Do shop around for better price before finalizing.

Hitachi, Voltas and LG also have equivalent units including upto 5 star units.

If budget is a constraint, you can also look at Onida and Videocon. People have been satisfied with them too.

PS: I had purchased a 1.5 TONNE Fujitsu-General for 25K way back. It turned out to be a 2.1 tonne machine. This is common with all FG machines. Try to see if you can get a 1 tonne General AC for a good price. Should be 2-3 star rated.

Also for most rooms a 1-tonne ac does the job. Check if you really need a 1.5 tonner.

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
Isn't better cooling the number one thing on everyone's list? That's what AC is about, surely?

Add less noise to your list.

Better cooling with less noise is as far as some of us get with our AC specifications.

My version would be

Window AC is only for those who do not want to, or can't, pay for split!

But... variety makes the world go round
Better cooling is not necessarily a split ac forte. Is a different case we do not have efficient window units.

I agree to your point that split ac's are silent but window ac's are cheaper to buy and maintain. Also, Split ac's take more space considering the indoor and outdoor units.

So, your version stays partly true.

Last edited by devarshi84 : 12th March 2011 at 12:51.
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Old 12th March 2011, 18:44   #1511
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by Aroy View Post
I will not be so sure. When the R12 gas was stopped in car AC, the Government ensured that the manufacture of the gas itself was stopped.
Car ACs do require to be topped up every couple of years or so. I have had a split for 10 years - except after a compressor failure about five years ago, have never had to charge it. All three of my Window units are over 9 years old. Never had to recharge. So I will not bother,

As the cockney will say,"You pays your money and takes your choice".
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Old 13th March 2011, 15:14   #1512
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Is the star-rating of AC's based ONLY on electrical power consumption? or cooling capacity also?
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Old 13th March 2011, 19:01   #1513
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It's a measurement of efficiency, isn't it? how much cooling one gets per unit of energy used. There would be no meaning in measuring just the energy or the just work done: it is the ratio that matters.
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Old 13th March 2011, 23:32   #1514
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

It is a measure of efficiency. There are actually two measures used by different companies.

One is Power input by cooling capacity. This is the EER rating we use for star rating. But this is actually the COP.

EER is actually calculated on Btu/hr. This is the second measure used by companies like Fujitsu General.
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Old 14th March 2011, 09:20   #1515
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by ch.nathan View Post
Is the star-rating of AC's based ONLY on electrical power consumption? or cooling capacity also?
It is the metric equivalent of the old US EER. EEr was BTU/hr/Watts. We are kW/watts! So include both cooling and power.
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