Team-BHP - Karnataka Road Tax, Crack down announced.EDIT: High Court Judgement on Pg 36 attached

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^^ the toll receipts and maybe the fuel receipts that you took just before the travel will come in handy.

One more "proof" a friend employs, is to show his business card, which has an out of state address.


Originally Posted by quadra (Post 1786650)
So if a TN registered Car is on vacation / business purpose in bangalore, how and in what ways karantaka road tax can be avoided..


Originally Posted by Gansan (Post 1786671)
I am planning a drive to B'lore during April / June. Will there be any difficulties for me? Will the toll receipts be proof enough?

Yep. Also, fill fuel @ Hosur border and get a bill with Vehicle#. There is also a PDF a few pages before in this thread named 'judgement'. Keep a print out handy and read it to understand. Very useful...


Originally Posted by HappyWheels (Post 1786721) to show his business card, which has an out of state address.

Hmm, nice Idea.


Originally Posted by svsantosh (Post 1786996)
Yep. Also, fill fuel @ Hosur border and get a bill with Vehicle#. There is also a PDF a few pages before in this thread named 'judgement'. Keep a print out handy and read it to understand. Very useful...

I think fuel bills from Hosur will not cut much ice, as lot of Bangaloreans I know go there to tank up! I would rather fill up in Chennai and show that bill!


Originally Posted by Gansan (Post 1787009)
I think fuel bills from Hosur will not cut much ice, as lot of Bangaloreans I know go there to tank up! I would rather fill up in Chennai and show that bill!

+N to that!

Hosur is virtually in Bangalore now! :)

I Would agree to that. Assume someone is in Bangalore for a long time. Every month or even once in 2 weeks he could drive down to hosur, worst case Krishnagiri and show toll receipts and Fuel bills. I am not sure if cops will buy that. If we show them toll receipts from Chennai to Bangalore they may buy it.

What if a TN Registration from Vellore decides to come to Bangy via Chittoor, Kolar, KR-Puram. There is no Toll on this road. What proof could he show to prove that he is on a visit. Would petrol bills suffice ? If yes, I could get a petrol bill book printed from some printer, Purchase a date Rubber stamp for 100/- and fill in the date weekly or even daily.

What will be a fool proof or binding proof to show to RTO / Police Squads in B'Lore

^^ You can do that, but you will be had if you are caught by the same official twice. :)


Originally Posted by HappyWheels (Post 1787148)
^^ You can do that, but you will be had if you are caught by the same official twice. :)

Why would that be an issue?

How do they prove the car is in the state for more then 1 year? Like we have seen in the judgement earlier.

I might be drving down and back every hour for all the police/RTO care.


Originally Posted by quadra (Post 1786650)
So if a TN registered Car is on vacation / business purpose in bangalore, how and in what ways karantaka road tax can be avoided ??

What to tell the cops ??

To my best knowledge just showing them toll receipts should be sufficient.


Originally Posted by Spitfire (Post 1787157)
Why would that be an issue?

How do they prove the car is in the state for more then 1 year? Like we have seen in the judgement earlier.

I might be drving down and back every hour for all the police/RTO care.

Tell me how many out-of-state cars, that were forced to pay the KA road tax were forced to do so after the police / RTO proved that it was running in the state for more than a year.

The onus on proving and being within the frames of the law is flexible if it involves getting some revenue, either to the state or to the person.

Adding to this - If a biker is caught in Bangalore say for example a Royal Enfield. Bikers dont have to pay toll. Bikers can and will tank up at Hosur as fuel is cheaper. It is common for RE Owners to ride long distances. What to show to cops if they catch a bike. The may agree to this and may not also. If they agree many would go for a breakfast ride to Hosur, Tank up and maybe fills some Bottles also, produce receipts and then ride back. This can be done once a month. if the police dont agree to receipts, a genuine biker from chennai on a visit may get caught.

While changing my bike registration from KA to TN, they asked me to show receipts (Bus / Truck / Train) about when i brought my bike and how? I plainly told them i rode it all the way from B'Lore to chennai. I tanked up at some pump in Bangalore and next tanked up near my house in Chennai. They had no option but to buy it.

Any comments on this deadlock guys ?

- Bharath


Originally Posted by HappyWheels (Post 1787372)
Tell me how many out-of-state cars, that were forced to pay the KA road tax were forced to do so after the police / RTO proved that it was running in the state for more than a year.

Maybe its panic and no one bothered to question the same.


The onus on proving and being within the frames of the law is flexible if it involves getting some revenue, either to the state or to the person.
Point noted.


Traffic cops at specific points were told to note down the numbers of out of state vehicles by the RTO. This went on for a month or two before they swooped down on vehicles that they knew were being used regularly at Bangalore. I paid the Karnataka road tax (life) for my bike after I came to know of this in 2002. I did not re-register though as I knew I would be transferred back to Chennai later on. The rule was the vehicle must be re-registered at B'lore within a year of payment of the tax, but that part was never enforced. I took a photocopy of the tax receipt, pasted it on my fairing and rode around royally! They would take one glance at it and wave me on!


Originally Posted by scopriobharath (Post 1787709)
Adding to this - If a biker is caught in Bangalore say for example a Royal Enfield. Bikers dont have to pay toll. Bikers can and will tank up at Hosur as fuel is cheaper.

Any comments on this deadlock guys ?

I guess all you can hope if for the official to see some sense and understand that it is not a cheap trick to get off. One can never predict how it might end up.


Originally Posted by Spitfire (Post 1787732)
Maybe its panic and no one bothered to question the same...

Absolutely. I am sure 95% of people stopped on road by officials never check for what and why something is asked for. Either we do not have time nor the patience or just happy to part with couple of 100's to get it done with, even though, as per law, we don't. :(

depends again on your luck.
I was driving a KL reg innova in Bangalore for more than 6 months and had no problem ever.
Even been flagged down for Breath analyzer test and after the test drove away simple.
The thing is KL,TN,AP reg vehicles are targeted less compared to other places such as DL,HR etc.

But of lately i have been noticing a sudden increase in outer state reg vehicles(a lot from HR).


Originally Posted by vinaydas (Post 1787938)
depends again on your luck.
I was driving a KL reg innova in Bangalore for more than 6 months and had no problem ever.
Even been flagged down for Breath analyzer test and after the test drove away simple.
The thing is KL,TN,AP reg vehicles are targeted less compared to other places such as DL,HR etc.

But of lately i have been noticing a sudden increase in outer state reg vehicles(a lot from HR).

Hey! I have to disagree to this statement. The Bangalore cops are dying to catch TN and KL vehicles. On the other hand, AP, MH and the rest of India, they do not seem to care much. General rule in Bangalore is that the bigger the car you drive, the less likely you are going to get pulled over. But yes, even I have noticed an increase of HR cars/bikes in Bangalore, especially near the IT hubs within the city limit.

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