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Old 8th December 2017, 15:11   #496
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
The car now looks like it can go on for another 1.2L kms easily.
I am sure it will. Last Sunday while returning back from Mumbai, I took an OLA from KIAL and checked the Odometer.

Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-20171203_113246.jpg

With this, the only problem he had faced was the infamous Gear Synchronizer and he had got that job done twice. Apart from that he had recently replaced the first bearing on front RHS wheel. Rest of all were stock with Engine and Gearbox.

I am also surprised by how good the seats are holding up without any signs of wear. It does not look like the car has run so many kms at all.
Usually careful that I am, that has immensely helped. In fact, these seats saw a lot of transportation of household electronics when we moved homes 7 months ago. Somehow, they have ensured to remain as good as the day they got installed.

I forgot to mention the point on steering grip in my previous post. I had got this done from Devaraj long ago and as I can recall, the Odometer then must be less than 50K then. So the wear that you notice in the pictures is after using this for almost 80,000 Kms and the material is nothing special but the same PU material used for seat covers. Quite good I would say, or would that totally depend on the way one drives?

Consider going for a wrap around the mirror to reduce chances of damage, if not completely avoid. I have some excess PPF lying with me which I will be happy to give away
Oh yes, you had told me about this and I am sure now that its fixed, the wrap is what will make it safer from damage.

And the side moulding actually looks better now. Not sure Maruti recommended installing it right in the middle of the door.
Still trying to get used to the looks. Should take me couple of more days. In fact, the doors look bigger now with the replacement of the molding.
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Old 8th December 2017, 15:23   #497
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
I forgot to mention the point on steering grip in my previous post. I had got this done from Devaraj long ago and as I can recall, the Odometer then must be less than 50K then. So the wear that you notice in the pictures is after using this for almost 80,000 Kms and the material is nothing special but the same PU material used for seat covers. Quite good I would say, or would that totally depend on the way one drives?
Yeah the material seems to be good. I need to get it redone for my SX4 sometime, and planning to get it done in Ceralli. We can do it together if you are interested. But I will be going for black this time, since its got beige like yours.

Looking at the wear and tear(or the lack of it) in your car, I think its more to do with the handling also
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Old 8th December 2017, 15:30   #498
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
planning to get it done in Ceralli. We can do it together if you are interested.
Definitely. Money saved to repaint the panels is money spent on new steering grip now .

But I will be going for black this time, since its got beige like yours.
I have been keen on black too because even when I am in the middle of some DIY and turn the steering wheel, it captures all the dark colors off my hand and I have to do a round of wiping it with cleaners. But I am not sure how a Black steering will look on beige dash. Still, I think it won't look that bad at all.

This one is from Alok's Ertiga:

Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-img_20171104_124555.jpg

The final finish could have been better, especially the spoke areas. I guess in mine it will be covered neatly as there are no Airbags and steering wheel components can be removed and the cover given a proper final finish.

Looking at the wear and tear(or the lack of it) in your car, I think its more to do with the handling also
Oh Yes, Partly it could be that as well. I am yet to see the lettering from AC Control buttons wear or fade even in my WagonR but I have seen bad spots on ICE and Power Window switches and Gear Knob in many cars that have run less than 35K also.

Last edited by paragsachania : 8th December 2017 at 15:36.
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Old 8th December 2017, 16:02   #499
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Glad to see an update after a very long time. How's the Delvac performing?
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Old 8th December 2017, 16:11   #500
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by rakesh_r View Post
Glad to see an update after a very long time. How's the Delvac performing?
Delvac has been good, especially after the left caliper was diagnosed and we replaced the caliper pins, I could instantly notice a difference with brake bite.

This also meant that last few thousand kms, the pads on left may have mostly been rubbing lightly against the rotors on left?

Now with the free caliper due to new pins, the experience has been fantastic and I can actually realise that the Oil is doing its job behind. The last drive for Team-BHP meet near Kurnool had some good speeds throughout except where I had low fuel at one point and the power on tap feeling made me realise one thing - This one is still young and can fly

Last edited by paragsachania : 8th December 2017 at 16:12.
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Old 8th December 2017, 16:19   #501
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
Delvac has been good, especially after the left caliper was diagnosed and we replaced the caliper pins, I could instantly notice a difference with brake bite.
The last drive for Team-BHP meet near Kurnool had some good speeds throughout except where I had low fuel at one point and the power on tap feeling made me realise one thing - This one is still young and can fly
Glad to note. The Delvac 1 is the best oil I have ever come across for the MJD. Some say it's for the heavy commercial vehicles, I found the oil good to last for 15K though I maintained the drain interval of 10k in my old Swift. I miss using it for my Scross since the recommended grade is 0W30 for the 1.6, which for some reason I find very absurd for Indian driving conditions. Might switch over once the warranty expires.
PS- Just keep an eye on the oil levels, I have observed a minute drop in oil levels especially if the car runs very less.

Last edited by rakesh_r : 8th December 2017 at 16:22.
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Old 8th December 2017, 16:39   #502
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by rakesh_r View Post
PS- Just keep an eye on the oil levels, I have observed a minute drop in oil levels especially if the car runs very less.
Oh no! The "very less" running will never happen with my cars .

For a fact it is mostly the office commute that has reduced but my impromptu drives are still same. Easily do 150 for a breakfast or a dinner drive.

In fact on Sept 25th, the Odo was 131,000 and today it's almost 137,000 which is 6,000 in say 2.5 Months and that's good running. But I do realise that mainly due to less office runs, the Odo hasn't been climbing the way it was last year. Nevertheless, the locomotive keeps chugging!

I would hate not to drive and see it idle and that for sure won't happen. Even last weekend's drive to Mumbai was in a friend's car to drop his Ecosport and prior to that was few months back to Pune to drop a Stome! Transporter eh

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Old 16th January 2018, 10:25   #503
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

3rd Row for 2400Kms journey:

Insignificant update while the workhorse keeps clocking miles. The Odometer is 141,500 now and usual runs to Belur in kitty and a 2400 kms drive from Bangalore to Aurangabad and back during last month.

The 2400 kms drive was perhaps a significant one, not because of the kilometers clocked but because this was the first trip where all 3 rows were in use every single kilometer of the drive.

With 2 kids aged 7 and 8, their mothers and me, knowing the fact that we give the kids enough space and independence to sleep, the 2nd and 3rd row was always occupied even though we were only 5 occupants in total.

I was apprehensive about the suspension at 140,000 kms that it may toss around the 3rd row passengers but with Air pressure set to 33 PSI all around and adequate luggage in the boot, the taller profile (Michelin P3ST 195s) tires did a perfect job. Almost all the undulations felt just about normal giving me hints that the suspension hasn't weakened to great extent.

In fact, before this trip, I had made a dash to Hassan for a wedding and on return we were 7 Adults and the passengers in last row didn't complain of bounciness, especially passing over many uneven culverts.

Needless to say, the 3rd row immensely aided on both these occasions.

Parting shot, one with its companion that keeps setting example:

Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-20180105_182433.jpg

The last oil change was around 132,00 and hence the next Oil and other fluid changes are due soon. Also planning to get the injectors removed, tested and calibrated during the upcoming service.

Shall post details on that one soon.
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Old 22nd January 2018, 15:39   #504
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Hello Paragbhai,

My car has now touched 54000 Kms and during my last drive to mangalore there was a sound from the front right side. On check-up by the MASS, I have been asked to replace the right side Shock-absorber Strut & Lonk Rod. Few questions on this:
1. Do you know if the Strut is covered in Extended Warranty? (My warranty is applicable until May-18)
2. If above is no, then is it better to go to an FNG for the replacement? Would it make a difference in cost?
3. Does it make sense to replace both front shocks together?

Kindly revert.

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Old 22nd January 2018, 18:27   #505
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by rahulb22 View Post
My car has now touched 54000 Kms and during my last drive to mangalore there was a sound from the front right side.
How and what exactly did the ASC check and confirmed that the below needs replacement?
replace the right side Shock-absorber Strut & Lonk Rod.
Is the noise because the strut has given up or only because it has become weak?

Link Rod is something that I have replaced for both sides by paying out of pocket because they cost ~450 INR and I was really not worried paying that. I replaced the link rods only after 50K Kms for RHS once and then sometime later for LHS.

1. Do you know if the Strut is covered in Extended Warranty? (My warranty is applicable until May-18)
In general, the strut is covered under warranty but then the basis to replace them under EW will be dependent on what is the state of the strut - If it has only become weak or showing signs of leaking, I am more than sure they won't cover under warranty.

Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-ew_maruti.jpg

If there are unusual signs of premature wear (which is difficult to prove since you have crossed 50K already and its a suspension part), they will replace it under warranty - But have less hopes there!

2. If above is no, then is it better to go to an FNG for the replacement? Would it make a difference in cost?
The difference in cost would only be with the labor and that's about it. And FNG with no pneumatic tools will take longer time to fit them!

3. Does it make sense to replace both front shocks together?
If I were you, I would do that. I would always replace them in pair.
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Old 23rd January 2018, 10:21   #506
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
How and what exactly did the ASC check and confirmed that the below needs replacement?

Is the noise because the strut has given up or only because it has become weak?
As I was not present at the workshop while they were checking, I am not exactly sure about how they checked. They mentioned that the Shock Absorber was leaking and the Strut and Link Rod needs replacement. Anyway, I will most likely go for a replacement of both front struts and link rods which I guess should cost me around 10K.

Thanks a lot for your inputs.

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Old 23rd January 2018, 10:41   #507
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by rahulb22 View Post
As I was not present at the workshop while they were checking, I am not exactly sure about how they checked. They mentioned that the Shock Absorber was leaking and the Strut and Link Rod needs replacement. Anyway, I will most likely go for a replacement of both front struts and link rods which I guess should cost me around 10K.

Thanks a lot for your inputs.

The link road making a noise is expected in 55K driven car if you drive a fair amount of time in poor roads. I changed one at 40K and other at 62K.

But the strut leaking case may need bit more investigation. Have you seen the leak by yourself? How good/bad are your roads? Do you drive fast over potholes/humps ? Any high speed encounter with a pothole/hump since the last checkup?
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Old 26th January 2018, 11:27   #508
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Hello Parag bhai,

I need your help.

Request you to share the contact details of the now famous Devaraj (who did your Ertiga's seat covers). I need this for a new car of mine.

Thanks in advance for the help.

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Old 27th January 2018, 15:19   #509
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by LionHeart124 View Post
Request you to share the contact details of the now famous Devaraj (who did your Ertiga's seat covers). I need this for a new car of mine.
My seats were done by my usual chap Nadeem who I have referred to many folks here on the forum. It was only the steering cover that I got it done through Devaraj.

Let me know if you still need his details.

For Devaraj, you can refer to this post/thread.
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Old 29th January 2018, 08:38   #510
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by arjithin View Post
Have you seen the leak by yourself? How good/bad are your roads? Do you drive fast over potholes/humps ? Any high speed encounter with a pothole/hump since the last checkup?
Hello Arjithin,

Apologies for the delayed response. I did not see the leak myself. This was told to me by the service advisor whom I know quite well by the way. As I mostly drive inside Bangalore city, I guess most of my rides are on decent roads. The only reason I can think of is one of my last few drives over Shiradi.

Anyways, will give an update once I get the repair done.

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