Team-BHP - TVS Apache RR 310 launched at Rs. 2.05 lakh

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Originally Posted by su1978 (Post 4335953)
More-so after watching the TV commercials of Apache, those buying it will have have this mindset that they are driving a racing bike and will drive like crazy all over the road. Have we ever analysed how many accidents happen due to over-speeding?

I partly agree with you saying that the commercial or the branding of the bike does influence people but however, people should be sane enough to know what to do and what not to do. If they are buying a bike because it is portrayed as a racing bike, then they need to grow up. Lets leave this thread clean and discuss about the product and its updates. Even a 100cc bike can be ridden hard as to kill both the rider as well as others. Thinking that because of this reason, big bikes are unsuitable for our conditions is absurd. Speaking of the same, the way a splendor or CT100 will brake to stop from 60kmph is far worse than how a big bike or even the Apache 310 will brake. In such a scenario where a random person darts across the road when I am riding at the legal speed limit, I will still prefer to be in a big bike than a small one. Hence, its not always about speeds of the higher capacity bikes. One should also consider the other aspects about handling, braking, etc.

I wonder if folks who buy the bike really go by the ads and ride the same way? There are always exceptions who ride the 2 wheelers like maniacs. A couple of examples that immediately come to my mind are.

Pulsar - No 1 sports bike ad. I see a few maniacs and a lot of too many pottering on the roads.
RTR - Same as above.

As Crazydriver mentioned, I would be far better off with a powerful bike than a sitting duck on the highway. One may raise the question, why ride? Answer is simple, everyone's need is different.

Blame the rider than the Bike itself. No bike tells the rider to ride like a maniac :)


Originally Posted by su1978 (Post 4335953)
This is exactly what i am pointing towards. My concern is not only on racing. But how responsibly we use the available power at disposal. If i have a Lamborghini, it does not mean i will try to outrun a Hayabusa. My basic concern is that in a country where there is absolutely no road sense, how safe are we on so called fast bikes, for that matter even if they are 300cc ones.

If you're question is merely how safe are we on fast bikes, then I have a theory for that; safest! On a sportbike, high speed evasive maneuvers are easy, powering out of a situation that you feel may result in a crash is easy, braking is more superior. Safety does not mean the inherently low speed that one travels at on a 'slow' bike, does not necessarily equate to safety. I believe this both for cars and bikes, confidence in the machine and impressive dynamic ability allowing for evasive maneuvers to be made easily, relates to better safety IMO. Splendors and the rest of the commuter bikes out there simply don't have the dynamic ability to be as safe as a sportbike. Neither do avengers, bullets, and other cruisers which people tend to believe are ridden by more responsible folks. :D

Another simple way to think of it is, if we take our road conditions and the idiots on the road that may spring up on us at any moment without warning or indication as attacks made by enemy air forces, what good is it sitting in a bomber or some slow prop plane? You need to be in a SU-35 or a raptor to stand a chance :D


Originally Posted by IshaanIan (Post 4336363)
If you're question is merely how safe are we on fast bikes, then I have a theory for that; safest! On a sportbike, high speed evasive maneuvers are easy, powering out of a situation that you feel may result in a crash is easy, braking is more superior. Safety does not mean the inherently low speed that one travels at on a 'slow' bike, does not necessarily equate to safety. I believe this both for cars and bikes, confidence in the machine and impressive dynamic ability allowing for evasive maneuvers to be made easily, relates to better safety IMO. Splendors and the rest of the commuter bikes out there simply don't have the dynamic ability to be as safe as a sportbike. Neither do avengers, bullets, and other cruisers which people tend to believe are ridden by more responsible folks. :D

Another simple way to think of it is, if we take our road conditions and the idiots on the road that may spring up on us at any moment without warning or indication as attacks made by enemy air forces, what good is it sitting in a bomber or some slow prop plane? You need to be in a SU-35 or a raptor to stand a chance :D

Let me put it in this way which would be a middle path. Drivers(two/four wheeler) and pedestrians need to be aware. If i put it in a more spiritual way, they should not be there with merely eyes open but also brain open and put a thought process every time they step out on the road. Under no circumstances should one try to trespass onto other territory. But the situation is such that we tend to cross our limits. A vehicle owner thinks himself to be the king while behind the wheels and pedestrian thinks himself to be king while crossing the road.

Let me put out a live example to you. While coming back from Agra this year through Yamuna expressway, i was driving very sedately in my Honda Mobilio with maximum speed not exceeding 100 at any given point of time. Wheras i saw Maruti Alto and Ecco zooming by at speed of 120+ in very ill maintained cars. The condition of cars were such that a normal Bhpian would hesitate to even step inside the car for a glance. And to my surprise these were filled with passengers. These cars came very fast and honking repeatedly for side. Let me ask you a question. Do you think these guys are not able to differentiate between right and wrong. I bet they are. But just that the sensible thought process is missing. It is this thought process that i am talking about.

Second live example happened in front of me where two teenaged boys raced passed me on a avenger and a pulsar. Few meters ahead there was a speed breaker and one on avenger lost control. The way i saw him falling, i thought that he is over. But god actually was on his side. Please someone tell me whether he should have exercised some though process or not.

Someone i know is a renowned Neuro-Surgeon and he attends to almost 15-20 accidental cases on a daily basis and most of these are in the age group of 18-30 who do driving without helmets or any protective gear. Most of the bikes that they ride are Yamahaz, Pulsars, KTMs & Apaches.

Lastly and more importantly, due to the real estate boom that has happened in our country, people with minimal brains have ended up with huge amount of money. These people have done it all. From buying big /homes/cars/bikes to celebrating the birthday of their dogs. What responsibility and thought process do we expect from them other than drinking/driving/hooliganism/causing accidents/picking up fights at the drop of a hat. The youngsters residing in these areas will be first ones to buy them and create rucus everywhere trying to showoff. I have seen very young boys on R15 and Apache bikes zooming past like all hell has broken loose.


Originally Posted by su1978 (Post 4336522)
Let me put out a live example to you. While coming back from Agra this year through Yamuna expressway, i was driving very sedately in my Honda Mobilio with maximum speed not exceeding 100 at any given point of time. Wheras i saw Maruti Alto and Ecco zooming by at speed of 120+ in very ill maintained cars.

I feel that your example hits the nail on the head, regarding your initial question.


Originally Posted by su1978 (Post 4335837)
Not sure about the idea of TVS of bringing in a bike that is inspired by racing genes. Are they not aware about the fact that India neither does have the infrastructure(maximum speed is 100 on most of highways- be it Taj expressway or Agra-Lucknow Expressway) nor road sensible citizens(majority)?

This is similar to saying - Not sure about the idea of Honda of bringing in Amaze when an Alto itself is being driven dangerously and over the speed and infrastructure limits in India.

Anyways, since the discussion is more to do with big motorcycles and not limited to TVS or the Apache 310RR (which is not even the most powerful machine in its class) - suggest it should be left back to the original topic. There are other threads open for the topic whether such bikes are suitable for our market.

:thumbs up.


Originally Posted by su1978 (Post 4336522)
Let me put out a live example to you. While coming back from Agra this year through Yamuna expressway, i was driving very sedately in my Honda Mobilio with maximum speed not exceeding 100 at any given point of time. Wheras i saw Maruti Alto and Ecco zooming by at speed of 120+ in very ill maintained cars. The condition of cars were such that a normal Bhpian would hesitate to even step inside the car for a glance. And to my surprise these were filled with passengers. These cars came very fast and honking repeatedly for side. Let me ask you a question. Do you think these guys are not able to differentiate between right and wrong. I bet they are. But just that the sensible thought process is missing. It is this thought process that i am talking about.

Second live example happened in front of me where two teenaged boys raced passed me on a avenger and a pulsar. Few meters ahead there was a speed breaker and one on avenger lost control. The way i saw him falling, i thought that he is over. But god actually was on his side. Please someone tell me whether he should have exercised some though process or not.

Someone i know is a renowned Neuro-Surgeon and he attends to almost 15-20 accidental cases on a daily basis and most of these are in the age group of 18-30 who do driving without helmets or any protective gear. Most of the bikes that they ride are Yamahaz, Pulsars, KTMs & Apaches.

Now I'm sorry but what exactly does all of this have to do with the TVS Apache RR 310? I thought your binding question behind all of this was, as you posed earlier, "how safe are we on so called fast bikes?". To which I replied with what I most believe in. I have had a narrow escape on the highway with a heard of cows/buffalos that ran across the road for which I had to brake to a halt and had it not been for the brakes in my Kizashi, I would not have been able to avoid it in anything slower as such since I was within the speed limit. Once had to dodge two village bumpkins on a splendor coming on the wrong side of the highway, in the fast lane, on a sweeping right curve. This was done while I was driving my friend's Fiesta. I can name atleast 10 narrow escapes that I have had in India and tell you how lucky I have been that I put such a focus on good quality products that enhance your driving experience even down to the tyres on my Wagon R. For some the mention of speed or the focus on the machine's capabilities of going fast, raises questions and brings out fear, but for me and I'm sure a lot of other people out there, fast cars/bikes are more than just about speed and thus we have no choice but to value and defend their existence no matter how many youngsters you say die on KTMs, the fact is they could very easily have gotten excited on a splendor and crashed that had KTMs not been available. Hell, I'm sure all of us have witnessed atleast one scarily ridden scooty each and every single day on our daily commute. As many accidents as you think occur due to speed, there are several more accidents that are avoided partly thanks to the car/bike's rider/driver's capabilities, and of the accidents that do occur, in fact the majority of them happen out of sheer stupidity even at slow speeds. Obviously I put the blame on the government, its poor use of tax payer money in terms of road infrastructure, and the terribly relaxed attitude of the licensing authorities when it comes to testing an individual on their ability to drive/ride. There is no point in fixating on products that have vast capabilities and the ability to achieve high speeds and as a result, blame them, if one cannot fully grasp the matter.

I'm sorry but if this is nothing more than a rant on how poorly people drive/ride in cities, then I don't think it is very relevant here on this thread.


Originally Posted by IshaanIan (Post 4336843)
I'm sorry but if this is nothing more than a rant on how poorly people drive/ride in cities, then I don't think it is very relevant here on this thread.

There have been multiple posts and responses that are not related at all about the RR310. Since there has been quite the commotion on other threads, there bleeding into other posts/threads. Posters have responded towards them, which they should move into there own thread.

Guys, I think this debate is never going to end. While debating and discussions are obvious in the forum, I think this is off topic for this thread. If at all there is so much to be debated on the need of high speed bikes for our country, please do open a new thread for the same. I guess it will be a hot discussion there. Lets leave this thread for the product and related discussions.

Mod Note: No off-topic discussions please. Thank you!

Autocarindia declares Apache 310 as the bike of the year, ahead of duke 390.clap:

Good job TVS, but the paramount questions still remains, where is the bike for mango man.:Frustrati


Originally Posted by AtheK (Post 4337664)
Autocarindia declares Apache 310 as the bike of the year, ahead of duke 390.clap:

How can the bike be declared a winner when it is still not available for the public to test and certify :Shockked:


Originally Posted by dre@ms (Post 4337725)
How can the bike be declared a winner when it is still not available for the public to test and certify :Shockked:

Good question, but i guess the award was bestowed by the jury, who spent some quality time with the bike, video of the same is on YT. The viewer award also went to TVS, which was through open voting on the website.

Apache has hit all the right chords, but they are again slipping on the most important aspect, getting the bike out to customers.


Originally Posted by AtheK (Post 4337735)
Autocarindia declares Apache 310 as the bike of the year, ahead of duke 390.

Good job TVS, but the paramount questions still remains, where is the bike for mango man..

What's the point of awards and all the talk when the most important part of selling the bikes to the customer is not as what it seems to be a priority? TVS sales team is belittling all the good work done by the RnD engineers :Frustrati

Even now as we speak I don't think any dealer or customers yet knows the clear delivery date(please correct me if I'm wrong). Frustration is forcing me to look for other options.

Again as a customer, I just want clarity and not keep me in the dark about everything, and there's no point in calling the dealer again and again.


Originally Posted by dre@ms (Post 4337725)
How can the bike be declared a winner when it is still not available for the public to test and certify :Shockked:

Thats the reason most manufacturers prefer a December launch instead of January or February. We have previously also seen instances like this, where the product is made available to the media houses before year end so it can compete for such awards - and the bike hits the market on a positive note. Not very fair, but a common practice in the industry.

By the way - If ever there was a "Team Bhp Bike of the year awards" - my vote would have gone for the Apache RR 310. Just the stunning looks would have made me hit the vote button.

My friend walked into Century TVS, Pune. They've no bikes available for test ride :Frustrati

Sharing few pictures he sent over WhatsApp :

TVS Apache RR 310 launched at Rs. 2.05 lakh-img20180113wa0096.jpg

TVS Apache RR 310 launched at Rs. 2.05 lakh-img20180113wa0099.jpg

TVS Apache RR 310 launched at Rs. 2.05 lakh-img20180113wa0106.jpg

TVS Apache RR 310 launched at Rs. 2.05 lakh-img20180113wa0102.jpg

TVS Apache RR 310 launched at Rs. 2.05 lakh-img20180113wa0103.jpg

TVS Apache RR 310 launched at Rs. 2.05 lakh-img20180113wa0112.jpg

TVS Apache RR 310 launched at Rs. 2.05 lakh-img20180113wa0095.jpg

TVS Apache RR 310 launched at Rs. 2.05 lakh-img20180113wa0108.jpg

TVS Apache RR 310 launched at Rs. 2.05 lakh-img20180113wa0101.jpg

TVS Apache RR 310 launched at Rs. 2.05 lakh-img20180113wa0110.jpg

TVS Apache RR 310 launched at Rs. 2.05 lakh-img20180113wa0109.jpg

TVS Apache RR 310 launched at Rs. 2.05 lakh-img20180113wa0094.jpg

TVS Apache RR 310 launched at Rs. 2.05 lakh-img20180113wa0107.jpg

TVS Apache RR 310 launched at Rs. 2.05 lakh-img20180113wa0111.jpg

TVS Apache RR 310 launched at Rs. 2.05 lakh-img20180113wa0097.jpg

TVS Apache RR 310 launched at Rs. 2.05 lakh-img20180113wa0104.jpg

All times are GMT +5.5. The time now is 04:44.