Team-BHP - Sam Kapasi is NO MORE :(

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Got an sms this afternoon about dear Sam's untimely demise and it took a couple of mins to sink in.

Losing someone we know is painful and more so when someone is close to the heart, a part of the brotherhood and the team bhp family. I still can't believe that our Sam is no more. :(

A thorough gentleman, humble and down to earth, fun loving and very full of life, you will be sorely missed Sam. Rest in peace and my prayers to the almighty to give the family strength to bear this loss.

You will always be in our hearts Sam and your blogs, our interactions, etc. will all be cherished for ever.

Those whom the gods love die young


May god give strength to your family and much loved Akbar.

R.I.P. Sam Kapasi.
The community and the world has lost a true gem today. No amount of me trying to put in words is going to truly express how big a tragedy this is.
May God his family the strength in these tragic times.

RIP Sam.
It just seems too surreal to accept.
An unfortunate reminder that we are all visitors and should appreciate the time we get to spend with others.

The man who made me join the forum :( Still not able to digest that a tyre burst took him away :( :(

Shocking! While I have never interacted with him, I know of so many people who used to often talk of him. A big loss to teambhp and the automotive world. You will be missed. RIP.

At first I thought it must be a prank of some sorts. Really shocked to hear the news. He shall always be remembered for popularising travelogues, teaching us commoners the nitty gritties of the English language and the importance of humor in our day to day lives.

I recall the amount of time he and Akbar spent doing up the Land Rover and his extensive blogging about it.

My condolences to his wife and family. Sam Kapasi thou shall sorely be missed. may your soul rest in peace.

Shocking! Terrible news and most unexpected. My heartfelt condolences to his family.

He will be always remembered as the ICE Guru, Yetiblogger and a fine Gentleman. RIP. You will be missed a lot.

Shocking and numbing. A void would remain palpable in the lives of so many people.

May God grant Peace to the departed Soul.

RIP Sam Kapasi, No words can describe how we will miss you, cannot believe the news prayers to his family.

I don\'t want to believe that that yeti blogger is not amongst us. I am going to miss you Sam.

My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

May your soul rest in peace.


R.I.P Sam Kapasi. One of the most popular man on T-BHP. He gave a non-automotive and entertaining flavor to every topic he posted. He will be missed!

I was hoping this was not true... :(

We will miss you Sam. RIP

If only we had few more people like him.

I am a huge fan of his writing and I need not say that Sam was super talented. I feel like having lost a very close friend.

You would be an inspiration. Nobody does it like Yeti. RIP.

When I heard this news, the first thought that crossed my mind was about Jenny. I could feel a very deep and strong love between the both of them, even though I have never seen them in person. Some good things are not meant to last. RIP Sam.

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