Team-BHP - Sam Kapasi is NO MORE :(

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RIP Sam ,we will miss you alot..

Still not being able to digest the fact that Sam is with us no more. Never knew a person who was more vibrant with life, a great personality, a funny writer, a true-blue BHPian ...indeed you'll be sorely missed on Team-BHP! A couples of lines in your late memories:

"Your smile, your laughter
-Only a memory.
Your voice, your personality
-Only a memory.

But no matter what is or isn’t
You’ll always be on our minds !!

We can only think of who you’d be,
To us, you only remain a memory.
It still doesn’t seem real.
Who holds the blame?

If love could have saved you,
You’d still be here.
The love we hold for you,
Will never change !!

As you lie in a still rest,
God broke our hearts to prove he took the best !!
Everything you did, everything you were.
It is only a memory now !! "

This made me realize the fact that anything can happen to anyone at any time. Can't forget his blogs and beautiful pics. His narration and simplicity was a class apart. This has unsettled me real bad. Deep Condolences for his family. RIP Sam. We will miss you!

RIP Sam.
Don't want to believe this.
Yeti.. You will be sorely missed.

Really shocked. Don't have words to say.
RIP Sam.

Like most of us, I only knew Sam through his threads on the forum. All I can say is, this is extremely sad news !

Rest in Peace Sam Kapasi...there was/is none wittier than him on any automotive portal ...Period !

Shocking! Never had an opportunity to meet him, but I just loved his travelogues, his car reviews or anything that he wrote here. Very sad to hear this news, RIP Sam. God give strength to his family.

Request to admin:

We all bhpians are shocked and in deep sorrow due to Yeti's demise.
In the memory of Sam, please lock all activities on team-bhp except on this thread for next day.
Many here need info about what exactly happened,
please post the details as soon as you get it.

Rest in peace, Sam.

May god give strength to Jenny and their family.

Very very shocking to say the least. May his soul rest in peace and The Almighty grant the courage to Jenny and Sam's near and dear ones to face and overcome the loss!!
I am shocked. We have lost our dear audio guru. Someone up there has played a very cruel joke on us.. Sad, very sad!!


Originally Posted by ASHISHPALLOD (Post 2912877)
Request to admin:

We all bhpians are shocked and in deep sorrow due to Yeti's demise.
In the memory of Sam, please lock all activities on team-bhp except on this thread for next day.
Many here need info about what exactly happened,
please post the details as soon as you get it.

I agree with Ashish Bhai.

Request to admin:

In the memory of Sam, please lock all activities on team-bhp except on this thread for next day.
Many here need info about what exactly happened,
please post the details as soon as you get it.

The void left behind by the man, is difficult or perhaps impossible to fill in. Will thoroughly miss the Yeti-Blog, I am sure the whole Team-BHP family does, my deepest condolences to his near and dear ones. Rest Easy Sam !

RIP Sam.
Did not knew you, but in a way i did.
Your Blogs said a million things about you.

My Condolences to Sam's near and dear ones.
Wish i could be of some help.


Rest in peace Sam.

Just heard the news and it is quite shocking! I am lost for words. RIP Sam.

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