Team-BHP - Sam Kapasi is NO MORE :(

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It is indeed sad...may he RIP. Nothing can console his dear ones, I sincerely hope that almighty gives his family strength and support to come out of this.

Rest in Peace SAM. Wish Jenny a speedy recovery.

22nd's WhatsApp chat -

Sam - I'll meet you on Monday evening.

Me - Perfect. You'll come straight from your office?

Sam - Yes, We'll have some good music session. You have Moby's album?

Me - Yes, only one here with me but you love that album.. 'Wait for me'.

Sam - Wow!! I love that. I'll bring some music too.

Half an hour later it was Jenny.

She - I'm going to Bangalore and then to Kolkata. Do you want me to get anything from there?

Me - Nothing. Come back and we'll meet.

Sam again, on 22nd, via WhatsApp.

Sam - I miss you man!

Me - I miss you too. Let's spend some long time on Monday.

Sam - I feel like meeting you tomorrow...

And we met on 23rd. Crushed up Land Rover in Khandala police station.. Sam lying down inside municipality hospital morgue. Traveled back to Mumbai together. He was lying flat inside an ambulance. We were just behind. Following.

And we met on 24th too! In Dadar, crematorium. YES!!! We met!!

Guys, sorry for this long post. I'm just back from the crematorium.
Not getting sleep...


Very sad news! Few things in this world, really difficult to digest! Rest in peace, Sam!

This is truly tragic and comes as a massive shock to me. Sam's tales were some of most entertaining posts/threads on this site. I find this very difficult to digest. May God bless his soul. Just like with RTech's passing, my signature has never been more meaningful than it is right now.

Godspeed The Yeti, may you rest in peace.

Really shocking and sad news. A great loss.

Rest in peace Sam and my condolences with his family.

shocked and speechless. I don't know what to write. When I joined team-bhp, I had made a point to make my first post on Sam's thread. I thought that was the best way i can thank him for what he did for all of us. He was larger than life. May his soul rest in peace.
Jenny, my heartfelt condolences. I know it is really hard, but you have to get yourself together. That is what sam would have liked. I know, you know him better than me. Be brave, be THEONE the Sam always wanted you to be.

I am really sad today. Great loss for all of us. God you are really cruel.

This is a terrible news! I guess he was (is) loved in the forum the most! Made everyone laugh & made us think in simple language! And I am sure we will remember him in our prayers too!

RIP Sam - I loved you style!

Rest in peace Sam...... Pray that GOD would help your family to be strong..... You would be really missed man.....though I haven't met you or even spoken with, your posts always made me feel you closer in my heart through your witty and wonderful postings in team bhp....... I want to write more, but, am not able to do so with tears blurring my vision now........ Sorry

Terrible news! Have never met him, but always loved him. A true music lover, a true petrol-head and a fantastic master of the language. You will be missed. R.I.P. brother.

I did not know him and I'm seeing his photo for the first time in this thread, but his tbhp handle always rings a bell to me because of its uniqueness. I always think of "Sam Kapasi" as one of the pillars of t-bhp.
It is really shocking to see the first thread of today's post is this.
I'll pray for him.

Deepest condolences to the family, wishing the injured a very speedy recovery.
Never knew Sam personally but his Yeti series is like folklore here, a real superstar of the forum, can never be forgotten - Rest In Peace Sam!

Absolutely devastated guys, just love this guy's threads - one of the main reasons I got hooked to this forum. Never knew someone whom I know only through a forum could have this much effect on me. Just recently saw his update that he fixed all his problems with the LR and felt genuinely happy for him.

My heart goes for his wife, family and his driver Akbar. More than his humor, I loved the way he treated Akbar, it defined the man he is.

RIP Sam - You are a TOP MAN.

RIP Sam, We will miss you.
I heard the news while on driving to Mumbai. I was in shock it I reached back home
My heartiest condolences to the family

RIP Sam. You will be missed and never forgotten! Condolences to the family.

Absolutely adored your blogs. Too bad they will come no more.

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