Team-BHP - Suggestions for Team-BHP from Team-BHPians

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I am pretty sure I haven't changed my bookmarks in a while. for some reason the https:\\team-bhp link from my bookmark is not displaying correctly. if I just use http: it works alright. Has anything changed? here is a screen shot from mozilla

Suggestions for Team-BHP from Team-BHPians-clipboard02.jpg

and IE

Suggestions for Team-BHP from Team-BHPians-clipboard03.jpg

Have a couple of suggestions

--Kindly enable the you have been quoted PM if the quote has been done from mobile app

--Kindly find a way, so that we can embed pics in smaller size so they dont take up all the space on a screen



Originally Posted by vivekiny2k (Post 3017525)
I am pretty sure I haven't changed my bookmarks in a while. for some reason the https:\\team-bhp link from my bookmark is not displaying correctly. if I just use http: it works alright. Has anything changed? here is a screen shot from mozilla

Sorted, thanks for reporting!


Originally Posted by zenren (Post 2996408)
Is there a way to toggle/change the "Thread Display mode" option just for the thread you are currently viewing?

Unfortunately not, sorry. The setting is universal.


Originally Posted by IndigoXLGrandDi (Post 2996632)
If that is the case, why has not the After-Sales Service of Tata Motors Ltd. for that matter improved yet?

It's one thing to listen & entirely another to implement :)


Originally Posted by KarthikK (Post 2997076)
Why have 2 timers and checks for the same thing?

Sorry about that. Just one of the things the software developers didn't do perfectly well, I guess. Will look into it.


Originally Posted by swiftnfurious (Post 2998154)
Classifieds are still not incorporated to mobile versions? Any plans / restrictions?

Not in the near future, nope.


Every time I open the web version, I get a prompt for installing the app! Would be nice if a background check can be done on the device by the app/service & prompt ONLY if there is no app already installed!
Noted. This request has already been made to ForumRunner earlier too.


Can we move the 'Thanks' button away from the 'Quote' button? I have seen a number of bhpians ending up clicking on it accidentally (I have done it myself too) while trying to quote the post. May be re-arranging the buttons could help?!
Only a matter of getting used to. With over a year since the implementation of the Thanks button, I'm sure most people are used to its position already :)


Originally Posted by nileshch (Post 3003976)
Just like TBHP allows embedding of Youtube videos, there should be a feature to embed Google Maps as well.

Will consider, thanks. We do see a Google Maps hack available for our forum software, though will have to evaluate how reliable it is.


Originally Posted by zenren (Post 3004333)
In Photogallery -> Search Photos -> By Car option, Zen seems to be missing. Can you please add it to the list?

As much as possible, we try to include currently sold cars in the Gallery. You could search for Maruti + Zen using the search box (only Zen shows vague results).


Originally Posted by 9thsphinx (Post 3009971)
The Big Question is how do we prevent the circulation of TBhp stickers to non-members if at all, and assuming only responsible motorheads are part of this TBhp community!

This has been discussed earlier. Please search.


Originally Posted by KarthikK (Post 3010819)
Why does the thread still need to exist in the list if it has been merged with another thread?

This is in place so that the old url still works (say, if someone has shared the url with a friend or a search engine has already indexed it).


But note that it takes me to Page 1 of the thread, not to the new post which had been merged
Unfortunately, that's how merges are handled in our software. Changing that would be a tough call.


Originally Posted by audioholic (Post 3015524)
I think if all BHP-ians jointly compile a database of whatever info they have on spare part details and costs, it will be a great addition to the valuable info already available in the forum.

Thank you! Can't say this hasn't crossed our mind earlier. However, the forum format is not necessarily the best way to accomplish this. Perhaps, someday in the future, we'll design a new (non forum) section where members can contribute with spare part prices & even failure rates, thus offering a deep insight into the cost of ownership for that car.


Originally Posted by agambhandari (Post 3017664)
Kindly enable the you have been quoted PM if the quote has been done from mobile app

Unlikely to happen in the near future because the "you've been quoted" feature & the Team-BHP App are entirely independent softwares, released by independent developers.

T-Bhp on February 10th/14th will be completing 9 Years of its existence. Congratulations in Advance and Happy Birthday and hope to see T-bhp as the only forum that Manufacturers look into, for suggestions, bouquets and brickbats. T-Bhp has always been praised for being unbiased in its reviews and the Bhpians for being beacons in helping other Bhpains on Various Topics without expecting any gratification in return.

Of late The Number of Members has gone up by leaps and Bounds as well as the Number of Threads and topics. T-Bhp has become a minefield of Information and quite a lot of Potential Car Buyers look up T-bhp before they make a choice. at the same time a lot of Bhpians look up to Team-bhp for advice, technical Help etc,

However with the Increased quantities of Information, T-Bhp now seems cluttered and finding a particular topic is like searching for a needle in a Haystack. Recalling the title of a particular thread on a particular vehicle Model has become extremely difficult and the forum search option throws up several pages of search results with the particular keyword Searched for being highlighted.

I therefore place on the thread a few suggestions for a Vote as well as for any additional practical and Implementable Suggestions for the improvement of the forum, so that the utility of the forum increases by Many folds.

Here are a few Suggestions:

I. Indian Car Scene: has about 288 pages and its hard to search for particular threads: request to have sub forums here with the following main topics

1. Car sales and Analysis - Group all MOM Sales Analysis under this
2. Spy Shots - All Spy Shots, scoops and Rumour Threads
3. New Launches, Prices, Expos etc - where all new launches, special editions etc, Expos, are spoken about
4. The Wacky Mods Thread
5. The accidents in India Thread
6. The fuel Discussion and so forth and so on.

Say there can be about 10 sub forums where a user can search and get relevant info.

II. in the Initial Ownership Section, request to have Sub Forums based on car Manufacturers. right now the thread runs into 111 pages and its impossible to search for a particular thread for a particular vehicle by a particular Bhpian. My suggestion is to Sub group the Ownership Thread in the lines of Maruti, VW, Skoda, Premier Auto, Hyundai, Chevy, Mahindra, Renault so that all posts relating to a particular manufacturer / brand are found in a single location. this would help readers as well as potential new buyers. If necessary the Section can be further Broken down into Model wise e.g. XUV500, Scorpio, Alto, Yeti, Laura;

While writing a review, a Drop Down menu May be provided whereby the User can first select Manufacturer, then Model and then write the review. this may ensure that the post goes into a particular Sub-Forum.

(This is like a system followed on most e-com sites where the seller first selects the brand and then the model and then lists the product. e.g.: Type of Article: Mobile - Brand: Nokia - Model: Lumia. A Similar grouping can be found on another popular forum named telecom talk wherein The details related to a particular telecom operator are found in a separate thread)

III. Long Term Ownership Section: Same Suggestion as above

IV. Technical Stuff: Same Suggestion as above, based on Manufacturers.

V. Indian Car Dealerships: Same Suggestion as Above

am sure this small change can provide a better user experience to everyone here.

PS: Admins and Mods: if you feel this thread is unwarranted, please delete it. I have sent a few PM's to a few Mods for your Comments on this suggestion. This Thread is started without any Prejudice and with an intent to Improve the User experience on T-Bhp, based on my Travails and tribulations in searching for a Fw threads which i remember reading but couldn't find the same after a month as they were buried in piles of Data.

I can see some really good suggestions. And I do agree with some of your findings too. At some point or other, even I have gone thru the problems that you listed. On another note, some of the suggestions that you made, will make t-bhp "look" like some other online automotive forums.

I would NOT want t-bhp to lose it's identity for sure. A lot of things are unique about t-bhp, we should think of retaining those while "refining" the pain points. I believe there is constant revisions that happens on the website too.

I would like another option to be added to the polls, 3. Retain uniqueness of t-bhp & refine better.

I for one, don't want a drastically different t-bhp, but would like to see some more sub-categories for sure.


Originally Posted by swiftnfurious (Post 3019850)
I can see some really good suggestions. And I do agree with some of your findings too. At some point or other, even I have gone thru the problems that you listed. On another note, some of the suggestions that you made, will make t-bhp "look" like some other online automotive forums.

I would NOT want t-bhp to lose it's identity for sure. A lot of things are unique about t-bhp, we should think of retaining those while "refining" the pain points. I believe there is constant revisions that happens on the website too.

I would like another option to be added to the polls, 3. Retain uniqueness of t-bhp & refine better.

I for one, don't want a drastically different t-bhp, but would like to see some more sub-categories for sure.

We definitely do not want t-Bhp to look like the other forums nor lose its identity, but wuldd surely want to Increase its utility, but the addition of Sub-forums on the lines I have suggested can do a lot of wonders. imagine having all Renault Duster reviews Grouped under Renault - Duster, All Volkswagen Vento reviews under the Sub Forum - Volkswagen - Vento. T-Bhp will be like the wikipedia of Automobiles!! if this happens, all a reader needs to do is go to the particular sub-forum and read all vent / Duster reviews and make his decision.

i went through the December Sales and Analysis Thread and wanted to see the May Analysis Thread. spent more time searching than actually reading the opening posts. it was buried somewhere around the 12-13th page of the forum.

Also This is from the Statistics page of t-Bhp: Threads: 104,222, Posts: 2,880,008, Members: 75,320 - Imagine Searching through the Sheer Number of Threads and posts. To search 104222 Threads would definitely take a lifetime! Hence the case for a More structured T-Bhp.

as regards The Addition of an option to the poll, am helpless! Probably a Mod will need to Intervene. It would also be great to know what the Senior, Distinguished Members feel about these suggestions and definitely Comments from Our dear Mods and Admins

Also members who vote may please list out their reasons for voting for or against the Proposal so that the visitors to this thread know why you voted for or against

Agree to swiftnfurious's point. There is some level of enhancement required at this point - but for sure, without losing the unique identity of t-bhp.

I agree with some of the points, especially sub-forums for reviews, or information about particular models / manufacturers

Interesting. I too agree for some of your points. But most of the active discussions will be on page one of the respective section. Issue might for someone who is trying to dig an old article which is few pages behind

Off late i have been using team-bhp android app more for browsing content.One feature of the android app i found most useful is subscription. I subscribe to the threads that i frequent and any activity on these topics get notified to me. But it might be just me.


Originally Posted by rajshenoy (Post 3019888)
....One feature of the android app i found most useful is subscription. I subscribe to the threads that i frequent and any activity on these topics get notified to me. But it might be just me.

Even the web version gets that feature I believe. I keep getting notification emails whenever there is a *new* discussion on the threads I have subscribed.

I like some of the ideas listed out, we do need to change from time to time however I feel that nothing drastic needs to be done.

No matter how much one re-organizes the forum, the number of posts and threads will still keep on increasing ..

Hence sub-categories are beneficial but that also has a limit. At the end of the day i would still have to search for something specific with specific key words. Instead of going through pages of search results, try playing around with words in the search box and you might just find what you are looking for.

I am pretty comfortable with the way things are currently. Your idea of creating subforums in the ownership thread based on particular car maker is surely a great one and I hope the mods can look into it and do something on those lines. Other than that I don't think there needs to be any changes made.


Originally Posted by Sunilrj (Post 3019860)

Also members who vote may please list out their reasons for voting for or against the Proposal so that the visitors to this thread know why you voted for or against


Good ideas. Things need to improve. However it may not be possible to change the look since this is the standard forum software which is available. Maybe what you meant was that the forum needs to get better organized.

I think the subject of the thread should be modified to reflect the focus on better organization.




Originally Posted by Sunilrj (Post 3019838)

...based on my Travails and tribulations in searching for a Fw threads which i remember reading but couldn't find the same after a month as they were buried in piles of Data.

That is because threads keep getting merged. Like this one got merged and your poll went for a toss too.

It is as if there are some limitations on the number of threads that can be started or posts that can be made. Maybe the software license fee goes up with the increase in number of threads.

There should be a sub-forum dedicated to various types suggestions and not just this one thread.

- Why does the "Search this Thread" not return any matches on the fuel-efficiency-thread?

Suggestions for Team-BHP from Team-BHPians-search.jpg

- I guess the top-right corner of the header has been silently updated with more cars clap:

Uh-oh. I registered in Team BHP store (though I did multiple sticker purchase before, I guess concept of account was different then?) and received a confirmation email, with my password included in clear text. Not a good security practice. This makes me thinking if team-bhp stores passwords in plain text somewhere, and if some cracker can steal the db. I hope we store only a salted-hash of the password; and send users a reset link if needed instead of sending it verbatim in email.

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