Team-BHP - Suggestions for Team-BHP from Team-BHPians

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One doubt regarding the 'Assembly Line' section.
Can we create one thread and use it for formatting purpose alone?
What i meant was; Suppose we have a thread running and wish to add some detailed content to the same. So can we have one thread in assembly line to compose and edit and finalize that big reply, and then copy paste the contents to the other already live thread?
This thread in assembly line can then be used for subsequent such post building as well?
Will this cause an unnecessary burden on the server resources?


Originally Posted by sarathlal
One doubt regarding the 'Assembly Line' section.
Can we create one thread and use it for formatting purpose alone?
What i meant was; Suppose we have a thread running and wish to add some detailed content to the same. So can we have one thread in assembly line to compose and edit and finalize that big reply, and then copy paste the contents to the other already live thread?
This thread in assembly line can then be used for subsequent such post building as well?
Will this cause an unnecessary burden on the server resources?

Isn't this is already available with the preview post button during advanced reply, unless you mean typing out part of a post and then completing it at a later point in time.

We need a new category of Forum Topics as "Official Test Drives" / "Official Car Unveiling", as we are getting quite a few of them recently on Tbhp. Also this review certainly cannot be categorised in the Tbhp's "Official New Car Reviews", where we tear the car inside out and also stress on the flaws along with the strengths.

This comes across more as a company's 'press release' kind of a report where a ugly duckling is somewhat gloried just because it comes with a 'company first' diesel engine.

Is it too late a entry for Honda into the diesel space?


Originally Posted by dkaile (Post 2972570)
We need a new category of Forum Topics as "Official Test Drives" / "Official Car Unveiling", as we are getting quite a few of them recently on Tbhp. Also this review certainly cannot be categorised in the Tbhp's "Official New Car Reviews", where we tear the car inside out and also stress on the flaws along with the strengths.

This comes across more as a company's 'press release' kind of a report where a ugly duckling is somewhat gloried just because it comes with a 'company first' diesel engine.

Not to pick up an argument, but please allow me to disagree with your view of 'press release' kind of report? Vid6639 has driven the car in person and his comments are based on actually experiencing the car and not just what Honda told about it. How come it is not a review/preview then? He has definitely put in negatives too. Ok, I agree that it is not tested to our standards and extends, and that we expect tons of snaps. And maybe ugly too, but that depends on perspectives.

It is widely agreed that Honda engines are synonymous to reliability. So it is just that we expect their initiative with the cheaper fuel to go right from the word go. The real glory of Amaze has to be read from the sales statistics thread and not even the official review thread.


Originally Posted by thoma (Post 2973020)
Vid6639 has driven the car in person and his comments are based on actually experiencing the car and not just what Honda told about it. How come it is not a review/preview then?

The only reason I wouldn't think of this review as a 'new car' review is because of the car that was driven - it was not a production car but a prototype. When we generally refer to new car in the context of review, we mean the production model.

When Honda actually launches Amaze in India and we get the actual official review, this thread might seem out of place. Merging the two threads then would mean first post in the thread would be the review of the prototype and not the production car. Having 2 official reviews for the same car on the same section would also not make sense. Just my 2 cents :)

Can we have a separate section for car pooling? I drive almost 200kms one way without a company on mondays and fridays. If i have a car pooling section i can offer upto 2 seats in my car. This should be promoted in the interest for fellow bhpians who would be going to the same location or a place en-route. saves on petrol and a good company for the ride.

Reason i say this is because i know that bhpinas from Bangalore drive down to cochin for major holidays as a group and offer seats to fellow bhpians.

I am looking for a section where i can offer seats to fellow bhpians and if i can give company to a bhpian driving to an enroute location. I would also look for seats on a car to an enroute location from a fellow bhpians rather than a volvo or a train.

this can also be promoted as a public event as this reduces per head cost on transportation.

I strongly suggest a car pooling section be opened.



Originally Posted by dkaile (Post 2972570)
We need a new category of Forum Topics as "Official Test Drives" / "Official Car Unveiling", as we are getting quite a few of them recently on Tbhp. Also this review certainly cannot be categorised in the Tbhp's "Official New Car Reviews", where we tear the car inside out and also stress on the flaws along with the strengths.

Dkaile, no two test drive/reviews are the same. Obviously we prefer the kind where we have enough time to spend testing, inspecting and photographing the car since it gives our readers the most comprehensive experience and helps them make an informed choice.


This comes across more as a company's 'press release' kind of a report where a ugly duckling is somewhat gloried just because it comes with a 'company first' diesel engine.
That statement is completely unfair to Viddy, in my opinion. FYI, only the pictures in that thread have been provided by Honda, the rest is all an unbiased account of his experience driving the car. If you're insinuating that Honda put words in our official TD report, you are sorely mistaken.


Is it too late a entry for Honda into the diesel space?
Wrong thread. Here we only tackle suggestions for T-BHP, not the automakers themselves! :)


Originally Posted by dkaile (Post 2972570)
We need a new category of Forum Topics as "Official Test Drives" / "Official Car Unveiling", as we are getting quite a few of them recently on Tbhp. Also this review certainly cannot be categorised in the Tbhp's "Official New Car Reviews", where we tear the car inside out and also stress on the flaws along with the strengths.

Thanks for the suggestion. However, it still is an official review, even if the time spent with the car was limited. The Honda Amaze review is meant to be an "initial impressions" report. Notice the difference in titles as well.

You will appreciate how Vid6639 was able to make brilliant observations, despite the limited time with the car.


This comes across more as a company's 'press release' kind of a report where a ugly duckling is somewhat gloried just because it comes with a 'company first' diesel engine.
You are of course entitled to your opinion. I can tell you what we firmly believe is what we write. If the engine was good, it will be stated so. We believe in providing a clear picture to our readers, whether good or bad.

Of course, once the Honda Amaze is launched in India, you'll see a full blown official report.

Can we have a 'Read Random Thread' / 'Surprise Me' link which would open up Random thread for reading?

If possible, can we have a TeamBHP app for the Symbian OS please?

I know its the world of Android and Apples, but there would be a minority who still uses the faithful Nokia.

If feasible, can we have one please.


Originally Posted by govigov (Post 2973586)
Can we have a separate section for car pooling?

+1 to this. I was glancing the and i thought an online community like team-bhp hoisting car pooling thread/section can be a huge success because the credentials of the members are already known.


Originally Posted by sarathlal (Post 2970971)
Can we create one thread and use it for formatting purpose alone? What i meant was; Suppose we have a thread running and wish to add some detailed content to the same. So can we have one thread in assembly line to compose and edit and finalize that big reply, and then copy paste the contents to the other already live thread?
This thread in assembly line can then be used for subsequent such post building as well?

:thumbs up You can use Assembly Line anyway you want. Please feel free to keep a thread to yourself out there only for typing, saving & formatting long posts.


Will this cause an unnecessary burden on the server resources?
Not really. Just ensure that you remove any duplicate attachments as these use up a lot of hard-drive space.


Originally Posted by eq24 (Post 2968662)
I know a lot of us read team-bhp on a hourly basis myself included and this is to you know generally know what's happening in the world and things like that. There are times however when you are for example getting on a train or going for a long drive or boarding a flight and net reception is dodgy to non existent...

...or just really good 5 star rated stuff, it could be anything reviews, travelogues, advise stuff, any subject really all neatly placed in a subsection,

You got it, sir :)! We'll create a section with only the best, 5 star threads created by BHPians. You can also filter them by category (reviews, travelogues, technical stuff etc.). Sounds good? Thanks for the suggestion.


Originally Posted by carzone (Post 2974262)
If possible, can we have a TeamBHP app for the Symbian OS please?

Hi Carzone. Honestly, if it were an option, we would have released it already. The only issue is neither our developer nor vbulletin have apps for the Nokia Symbian / Blackberry.

I highly recommend the Team-BHP Mobike Skin to you. Even though I have a smartphone, I use a couple of times each month.


Originally Posted by kmadhok (Post 2974033)
Can we have a 'Read Random Thread' / 'Surprise Me' link which would open up Random thread for reading?

I suppose the section committed to eq24 (above) should suffice.


Originally Posted by govigov (Post 2973586)
Can we have a separate section for car pooling?

Generally, we let the content come first before creating a new section for it. If you guys can make the car-pooling scene active on Team-BHP, we'll definitely create a sub-section for it.

Do note that there are some threads on carpooling already.


Originally Posted by kmadhok (Post 2968971)
How about segregating the "Test-Drives & Initial Ownership Reports" forum based on manufactures. I see there are 110 pages of review. That's almost 2750 review. It gets a little difficult if you are looking for review or ownership experience of a particular car, unless you use advanced search

Searching via the embedded Google tool or our own internal search engine is best. With our current forum structure, it isn't possible to give each manufacturer a dedicated forum section.


Originally Posted by GTO (Post 2975911)

Hi Carzone. Honestly, if it were an option, we would have released it already. The only issue is neither our developer nor vbulletin have apps for the Nokia Symbian / Blackberry.

I highly recommend the Team-BHP Mobike Skin to you. Even though I have a smartphone, I use a couple of times each month.

Thanks GTO for considering it.
Yes, I regularly use the quite regularly, but would have loved to have notifications on the home-screen directly.
But, only if it was possible... BTW, works really well! :thumbs up

IIRC, there was a post which I read some time back, which had this Team-BHP symbian app. I am talking about this one. I tried it, but it didn't work for some reason. I was not able to download it. Is something possible here?

Thank You.

I don't know whether this is the right place for this suggestion.

This is regarding the new 2013 Team-BHP logo. I love it. I felt the old one was a bit cluttered. The new one is simple and very attractive.

But I have a small problem with it. Isn't that tacho needle too much into the red, where the power and torque are both down and the engine is not as efficient as well. Won't a needle real close to 7000 make more sense? Or maybe we can move the red line.

I have been thinking about this from the day Rehaan showed the FB cover pages. Have been have been holding back but I just can't help it anymore.

Please excuse if my blabber is not making sense. :p


Originally Posted by GTO (Post 2975911)
Searching via the embedded Google tool or our own internal search engine is best.

Not really, or I may be missing something here. If I wanted to search for ownership reports of Vento and searched for 'Vento' in the Google search it would return all posts with Vento in it. Unless I went into 'Advanced Search', selected only the 'Initial Test Drives and Ownership' forum for searching and set the search to search only in Thread Titles and not posts. That is what would give me the best search result for Ownership reports of Vento. Do let me know if there is an easier way.

With our current forum structure, it isn't possible to give each manufacturer a dedicated forum section.
Not sure what the limitation is, but would take your word on it. Not that I have a choice lol:

Though with the number of Ownership reports coming in each day, my guess would be that sub-forums would be best. Another option, which I am not sure will be liked, will be to standardize the thread titles, that way sorting the threads by titles would ease the searching or relevant threads.

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