Team-BHP - Suggestions for Team-BHP from Team-BHPians

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Originally Posted by Rehaan (Post 2963415)

Yes, we do have a fairly solid set-up (that we've further improved over the years) -- however, no site is ever 100% secure - so keeping that in mind i put in that warning.

Thats all the assurance i needed. Added Team-BHP to the trusted sites, now its working like a charm. Can finally go back to viewing The Official non - auto Image thread and the Scale model thread daily. clap:

Hold on!! I won't dare start the polls yet, I know that's for the mods to do. But I guess that thread may start any time soon, and I wanted to express some of my views on the way the poll is conducted, and on the poll itself. I think this is important because, unlike a few years back, the visibility of TB among manufacturers, especially, has increased manifold. Its common to see them bradishing good things the official reviews saw, and especially the badge of TB-COTY. 'Guess there may be others who also have strong views on the subject, so thought a thread (even if short lived) may be worth it. But just wonder if this is indeed the correct subforum to put it up! In any case,

1. On the way it is done:

I think a running count must not be displayed. It has a strong influence on voters. Just go through last years thread, so many votes were cast for a certain car (the winner, of course) just because others did. The count must be held confidential till the final results are out.

For the same reason I think there should not be any discussion on the thread - just the voting panel. Every model has been discussed enough in their respective threads. Also, we tend to reveal our choice in the course of discussion, which again influences

2. On the categories:

It makes no sense to have all cars in just a single category. Absurd, I reckon, to compare the new Alto with, say, the new Q3. We should classify them in atleast three or four categories, perhaps across different segments - My choices:

Best VFM car - Figo was one, so was Superb. May not be confined to a segment. VFM is a winning strategy for sure, but that doesn't make it easy to achieve. This years contenders could Ertiga, Quanto, Duster, ...

Best Engineered car - Not necessarily the best received in the market. The Teutons must have some category left for them afterall!

Best Industry churner - The ones that told the other manufacturers that it is possible! Think Nano, Xylo 5OO - both past winners.

Over to you!


Originally Posted by 2cents (Post 2963546)
'Guess there may be others who also have strong views on the subject,

Seems nice. I second the suggestions except the 1) b) part of not discussing on the car of the year. How many readers would be going through all the posts to get influenced? If at all he is genuinely influenced by the content of the posts, rather than the post count, ain't it better?


Originally Posted by Rehaan (Post 2963415)
Try clearing your cache and restarting your browser. This should fix it.

The issue is cosmetic. So I think this should be last in your list. But the suggested solution didn't work. Guess it's a script error.

Message: Object expected
Line: 6
Char: 1
Code: 0

Message: Object expected
Line: 15
Char: 3
Code: 0

On the team BHP page (Any page) i see a small window popping out on the bottom right corner, and it says "COUPONS :", and as soon as i move my mouse cursor on top of it it pops something up and immediately disappears.

Anyone has any idea what is going on. I am attaching picture of the same.

Suggestions for Team-BHP from Team-BHPians-untitled.jpg

I wanted to check, How is the number of "posts" calculated for a user? Is it the number of posts he has made or is it the number of "distinct" threads he has posted in? The reason i ask is, my "Posts" say 69 and when i search for "Find all posts by Me" i see 123 Posts. Just wondering if this is how its supposed to work.


Originally Posted by bond_bhai (Post 2963795)
I wanted to check, How is the number of "posts" calculated for a user? Is it the number of posts he has made or is it the number of "distinct" threads he has posted in? The reason i ask is, my "Posts" say 69 and when i search for "Find all posts by Me" i see 123 Posts. Just wondering if this is how its supposed to work.

it depends on which section and which thread you've posted in. if you've posted in Shifting Gears section, the post will not count. there is a complete explanation provided on this very thread.

Im facing a problem, pictures are not appearing on any of the threads. Even when I click for hi-res. images to open in new tab, nothing appears. What could be the issue & how to solve..?

This problem is only restricted to T-BHP & all other Sites are opening up ok.

I have observed that in daily digest messages, the individual messages appear multiple times (apparently equal to the number of attachments it has!). Anyone else observed this issue?


Dear bejoy,

You are subscribed to the thread "3M Car Care (HSR Layout, Bangalore)" by Furman, there have been 5 post(s) to this thread, the last poster was motomaverick.

These following posts were made to the thread:
Re: 3M Car Care (HSR Layout, Bangalore)
Posted by: motomaverick
On: 16th November 2012 22:19

A CF wrap treatment for the Manza's ears, looks hot. Plus a neat work done.

Attachment 1015547 (

Attachment 1015548 (

Attachment 1015549 (
Re: 3M Car Care (HSR Layout, Bangalore)
Posted by: motomaverick
On: 16th November 2012 22:19

A CF wrap treatment for the Manza's ears, looks hot. Plus a neat work done.

Attachment 1015547 (

Attachment 1015548 (

Attachment 1015549 (
Re: 3M Car Care (HSR Layout, Bangalore)
Posted by: motomaverick
On: 16th November 2012 22:19

A CF wrap treatment for the Manza's ears, looks hot. Plus a neat work done.

Attachment 1015547 (

Attachment 1015548 (

Attachment 1015549 (
Re: 3M Car Care (HSR Layout, Bangalore)
Posted by: rishie
On: 16th November 2012 22:29

---Quote (Originally by motomaverick)---
A CF wrap treatment for the Manza's ears, looks hot. Plus a neat work done.
---End Quote---
Can you share the cost details please?
Posted by: motomaverick
On: 16th November 2012 22:47

---Quote (Originally by rishie)---

Can you share the cost details please?
---End Quote---
Its 1000 bucks for the Manza ovrm but may differ for others based on the amount of CF required.

All the best,

Offlate noticed a few misaligned video links (example below). Any problem with the template/layout?


Originally Posted by vb-san (Post 2965394)
Offlate noticed a few misaligned video links (example below). Any problem with the template/layout?

Copying the PM here for people who are yet to check their PMs :)


Originally Posted by GTO

There has been an update to our YouTube Video posting guidelines.

Please note that YouTube urls should start with "http" only (and not https) for successful video embedding into your post. Request to remove the "s" from https YouTube links before sharing a video on Team-BHP, else there will be a formatting error with your post.


*NOTE : This is a Mass PM sent out to the entire community.*


Originally Posted by AWD (Post 2965277)
Im facing a problem, pictures are not appearing on any of the threads. Even when I click for hi-res. images to open in new tab, nothing appears. What could be the issue & how to solve..?

This problem is only restricted to T-BHP & all other Sites are opening up ok.


I faced same problem, so i advice you to follow post #4849 and #4851 on page 324 of the same thread.

Hope you will get your answer.



Originally Posted by 2cents (Post 2963546)
...I wanted to express some of my views on the way the [COTY] poll is conducted

Thanks. I've shared a link to your post in the Support forum.

My personal views in short:
1) Votes being displayed: Forum polls don't display the votes until you vote - for precisely this reason. Guests get shown the results as they can't vote anyway.
2) Discussion on the thread: Discussion is what Team-BHP is all about! I find it interesting to see why someone voted for X when someone else voted for Y, etc.
3) Categories: I see what you're saying. Though mixed feelings here. I'm not keen to see us diversify into too many categories (where everyone ends up as a winner :p)


Originally Posted by thoma (Post 2963603)
The issue is cosmetic. So I think this should be last in your list. But the suggested solution didn't work. Guess it's a script error.

I think this is probably a problem on your computer - as no one else has reported it.

Have you tried on another browser?


Originally Posted by mayankjha1806 (Post 2963731)
Anyone has any idea what is going on. I am attaching picture of the same.

Its a pop-up AD shown to guests (ie no user logged in).

I've never seen the "COUPONS" part of it, but i think you probably have a browser add-on (if you know what i mean) thats making it look different than its supposed to!


Originally Posted by bond_bhai (Post 2963795)
I wanted to check, How is the number of "posts" calculated for a user?


Originally Posted by AWD (Post 2965277)
Im facing a problem, pictures are not appearing on any of the threads. ...all other Sites are opening up ok.

Unfortunately its your Kaspersky that is acting up. For the solution, see airwolf's reply below:


Originally Posted by airwolf9211 (Post 2965528)
..i advice you to follow post #4849 and #4851 on page 324 of the same thread.

^ Thanks!


Originally Posted by bejoy (Post 2965292)
I have observed that in daily digest messages, the individual messages appear multiple times (apparently equal to the number of attachments it has!).

I'm not a daily digest subscriber -- so will let others reply / confirm this.

When did this begin? Is the (mis)behaviour consistent?


Originally Posted by Warwithwheels (Post 2965483)
Copying the PM here for people who are yet to check their PMs




Originally Posted by Rehaan (Post 2967513)
I'm not a daily digest subscriber -- so will let others reply / confirm this.

When did this begin? Is the (mis)behaviour consistent?

Well, now that I have checked all the previous emails (I skip most of the digests, but for a few), it has been like this all the while. And yes, it is pretty consistent. I can forward some digest emails if you need.


Well I have a suggestion, I know a lot of us read team-bhp on a hourly basis myself included and this is to you know generally know what's happening in the world and things like that. There are times however when you are for example getting on a train or going for a long drive or boarding a flight and net reception is dodgy to non existent.
It is times like these when I really feel that there should be a subsection with articles either wholly written by moderators or distinguished BHPians or just really good 5 star rated stuff, it could be anything reviews, travelogues, advise stuff, any subject really all neatly placed in a subsection, so you can quickly download this stuff on your device and then read at your own leisure.

More often than not it is searching for such articles which takes so much time when you are on a mobile plan that you just give up. And most of these articles are so heavy on images and stuff that it is easy to download and go than loading them on the air.

How about segregating the "Test-Drives & Initial Ownership Reports" forum based on manufactures. I see there are 110 pages of review. That's almost 2750 review. It gets a little difficult if you are looking for review or ownership experience of a particular car, unless you use advanced search

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