Team-BHP - Suggestions for Team-BHP from Team-BHPians

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Originally Posted by drmohitg (Post 2928731)

Here's a similar thread


Originally Posted by drmohitg (Post 2565356)
Comparisons are not a good idea IMHO. They always lead to prolonged heated discussions and someone will always love to disagree. I feel in love with the forum after reading many of the official reviews which are so great since the mods take great care not to compare and rather lay out all the positives and negatives of the car for everyone to draw there own conclusions. The short section in the end of a review with a short summary of the other cars in that segment is a very good idea too and does fulfill that need for comparisons to some extent.

Maybe comparing the cars in features etc wherein drop-down lists can be provided of cars by manufacturers/make/model etc and then one can compare various parameters of the cars as given by their websites. Of course someone would have to go through the motions of feeding humongous amount of data in the first place (not to mention keeping it updated too- no small task by any means). I found a good example on Zigwheels though it lacked some details.



Originally Posted by drmohitg (Post 2928731)

Hi I got the following mail today in my inbox in connection with the classified add I have put up on the Forum for my Honda city. This looks like some kind of scam to me. So just posting it here to make sure none of the other members fall into this

I also received it.. Posted in on my FB wall and helped few of my friends find soul-mates

Coming back to the main discussion.. Since Lumia (Windows Phone) is gaining popularity and Windows 8 UI (old name Metro) will be out soon, why not have TBHP site in new UI style ?


Originally Posted by Ironhide (Post 2932648)
Maybe comparing the cars in features etc wherein drop-down lists can be provided of cars...

We'll definitely have something like this in the future. Can't put a date on it though...


Originally Posted by 500ContyCruiser (Post 2932707)
Posted in on my FB wall and helped few of my friends find soul-mates



Originally Posted by 500ContyCruiser (Post 2932707)
Coming back to the main discussion.. Since Lumia (Windows Phone) is gaining popularity and Windows 8 UI (old name Metro) will be out soon, why not have TBHP site in new UI style ?

Not sure what you mean here? A website in the 'Metro' theme? Do you have some examples?


Suggestion 1:

When I go to usercp, All my subscribed threads has a quicklink to the pages of that particular threas after its title.
I noticed that all are looking like (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... Last Page)

I thought it would be more helpful if it could give links to the last pages.
The last page is already available, but if we could include the last 3 pages, it gives more information to the user about the total length of the thread

I've tried to explain the same in the picture below with an MSpaint job.

Suggestions for Team-BHP from Team-BHPians-untitled.jpg

Mods, if you find this suggestion useful, please have a look at the feasibility of this option

Suggestion 2:

When I go to usercp, I see the list of new subscribed threads and the cloumns are Thread/Thread Starter, Last Post, Replies and Views. Example shown in the below screenshot

Suggestions for Team-BHP from Team-BHPians-1.jpg

If I want to look at a subscribed thread in the second page, I go and press the View All Subscribed Threads
If I see here, the colums are Thread/Thread Starter, Last Post and Notification. Example shown in the below screenshot

Suggestions for Team-BHP from Team-BHPians-3.jpg

The Replies and Views columns are not presnt in this view.
I find those 2 columns very useful and use it quite often.

I know that I can go to its forum, and find this information (in the picture above, If I go to Indian Car Scene forum, I can get this info).
But searching for this info for an old thread is quite a task when for example if I know that I have it in the second page of my subscribed threads list

Can the Replies and Views columns be added here aswell?

Current page is highlighted in a very subtle way in silver theme. It is better in other themes.
I don't want to change to other theme just for this issue.

It will be great if the highlighting can be more contrasting.

^ Why not just read the page number as seen in the left hand side of the screenshot you posted where it says Page 318 of 319?

On that topic, Next and Previous is the easiest way of navigating multiple pages, especially on busy forums.

Any chance of adding them to the page display/selector?


Originally Posted by Tejas@perioimpl (Post 2936676)
^ Why not just read the page number as seen in the left hand side of the screenshot you posted where it says Page 318 of 319?

It takes that second more to read the page number and trace where the number is. I think more contrast will be better.


Originally Posted by hemanth.anand (Post 2934260)
The last page is already available, but if we could include the last 3 pages, it gives more information to the user about the total length of the thread

Just in case anybody didn't know already...

If you are looking for the total length of the thread, hover your mouse over the "Last Page" and the html link to the last page should appear on the bottom of most browsers (no idea on mobiles, though), which reveals the page number towards the last part.


Originally Posted by SDP (Post 2896476)
Not sure if it has been suggested before. Did a search on 'top image'.
Quite a few new cars have been launched in last 3-4 years. Any plans of updating the picture-pool with the following?


Originally Posted by GTO (Post 2901426)
...Done. Will be updated.

Sorry, but this seems to have fallen through the cracks. Please check if it is missed or planned for any specific release.



Originally Posted by Vid6639 (Post 2578127)

A suggestion. The photographs of the cars reviewed are detailed but distorted due to the wide angle and close ups used in the camera. One does not gt a view of the car as it appears on the road. I have seen this here - for the Rapid and also for the Duster - one does not get a good view. Taking snaps of the Duster in grass does not help either!

Do we have a dedicated thread which gives information about the upcoming official reviews? Right now I'm left guessing if at all there is one for a particular make especially when there are a slew of launches (there is thin line between anticipation and frustration - me thinks :D ).

For the official reviews of cars, mods , could we have some testing done around acceleration figures, brake performance ( stopping distances with/without ABS variants ) also shared in the reviews ?



Originally Posted by frequentflyer (Post 2937197)
A suggestion. The photographs of the cars reviewed are detailed but distorted due to the wide angle and close ups used in the camera. One does not gt a view of the car as it appears on the road. I have seen this here - for the Rapid and also for the Duster - one does not get a good view. Taking snaps of the Duster in grass does not help either!

Hmmm.. I tend to agree with the posted pictures that the originality of the car's shape and size gets messed up by close ups. In the same breath, allow me to appreciate putting long shots of the reviewed cars alongside its closest competitors, as we have done in,, etc.


Originally Posted by narayan (Post 2938925)
For the official reviews of cars, mods , could we have some testing done around acceleration figures, brake performance ( stopping distances with/without ABS variants ) also shared in the reviews ?


And the "kitna deti hai" test too, perhaps. Don't beat me up guys :D

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